how often do u poo your natural hair

  • weekly

    Votes: 70 60.3%
  • bi-weekly

    Votes: 26 22.4%
  • 2x a wk

    Votes: 17 14.7%
  • more than 2x a wk

    Votes: 9 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I wash with shampoo no more than once a week, co-wash at least 3 times a week. And I've notice since I've been more conscious about cones in the shampoo, that I don't have to shampoo nearly as often. I probably could go to every 2-3 weeks for shampooing.
how often do you shampoo your hair? pooonce a week, cond wash one a week
does natural hair require as much moisture as relaxed hair? i think probably more, not sure. I've read the more bends your strands have the more moisture your hair type will need.
what type of brush do you use? I use a Denman to detangle from the ends up, in small sections. I use a boar/regular brush if my hair is in a ponytail and i am smoothing the edges.
I cowash daily and throw in a shampoo was once a week. I feel like my natural hair requires waaay more care (moisture and otherwise) than my relaxed hair did. :confused:
hey, when I have my cornrows in I co-wash 2 times a week. shampoo my hair maybe once a month. I don't brush my hair and comb my hair very litter.
I also shampoo once a week....and the Denman sucked for me. I still try and use it every once in a while but it just takes out too much of my hair.
how often do you shampoo your hair? I don't use shampoo anymore. I cowash my hair almost every day. I may skip one day a week.
does natural hair require as much moisture as relaxed hair? I think relaxed hair may require more moisture, but I'm not sure. It seems like if I cowash regularly and stay away from products that dry out the hair, then my hair always looks moisturized. Baggying my entire head at night has helped also.
what type of brush do you use? I use a boar bristle brush to smooth down my edges.
My natural hair is thick. So I avoid dealing with it as much as possible- especiialy because I am in school. I usually wash my hair every 2 weeks to 1 month+. But when I do wash I pamper my hair the whooooole day. :grin:
prettyinpurple said:
Silly note: I first thought this thread said "NATURALS...HOW OFTEN DO YOU POOP?" I was thinking -- just as much as everyone else I guess :perplexed


In the UK, the question "how often do you poo?" would actually be referring to someone's toilet habits.

Which is why I can't bring myself to use the abbreviation 'poo meaning shampoo. It's just so wrong...

I SHAMPOO ;) from twice a week to once a fortnight. But usually once a week :)
I wash once a week, I never co-wash but I moisturize my hair with leave-in conditioner daily and also add a little water on the ends with my hands.

It's enough for me to use a leave-in conditioner and olive oil after my regular conditioner to keep my curls/waves for a week. I braid my hair in a single braid at night to keep it from getting frizzy.
i think i'm going to start doing my hair every 2 weeks just to avoid the manipulation. i was washing twice a week, then once a week and now comtemplating bi-weekly. i'll see, it will be hard. i just love doing my hair!!!
angellazette said:
I poo weekly but I think I'm about to go back to doing CWs and poo as needed since I rinse my hair almost everyday. I use my denman brush in the shower and I use a boar brush whenever I need to smooth my hair.

No longer pooing weekly, I just do cowashes every week and a half or so, only use poo when I henna now...I looooove the D3, feels so good on my scalp! I only use it when I cowash.
I voted for weekly. If I'm working out alot though, I wash once a week and add a co-wash in there once a week.
I co-wash about five days a week because I work out during the week. I couldn't stand the manipulation with me messing in my hair that much so I got braids.
I wash my hair once/week. It gets really itchy if I don't.

I use a boar bristle brush for smoothing if I wear my hair up, and a denman brush for detangling.
I co-wash several times a week with diluted AO White Camelia Conditioner and wash once or twice a fortnight with AO White Camelia shampoo. I clarify once a fortnight with a mixture of Bicarbonate of Soda, ACV and essential oils.
I cowash daily. I poo once weekly usually. I like the Denman brush for wet, curly hair and I use my paddle brush when I am straightened and wrapping.
Guess I am a certified natural now since I've cut off most of my relaxed ends and do not plan on relaxing again :)

I've been wearing cornrows under a wig and for a few months I used to wash with shampoo every two weeks. However, I've started washing with Ayurvedic powders every 2 weeks and I think I'm gonna stick with the powders because my hair moisturizes better when I use them.

I mostly finger-comb and sometimes use a wide-tooth comb

From my experience, my relaxed hair needed way more moisture. It was always quite brittle.
I don't shampoo my hair, at all. I cowash with ayurvedic herbs about every other week, sometimes every week. I use a Denman brush on my hair. :yep:
very often. i have a great diet high in fiber.
:giggle: sorry, couldn't resist-i have a silly sense of humor.

i shampoo about once a week, and i use one with sulfates.:look:
I use raw black soap in a bottle with water and a little olive oil or coconut oil (for some reason my hair loves this the most :ohwell:). Sometimes I pre-poo with a shea butter, olive oil and honey mixture. As far as conditioners, I've just been trying to use up the stock of conditioners I have at my house and mix it with other stuff (like oils, glyercin, etc.) However for the last few weeks I've been using replenishing packs.

I also clarify once a month and I've been trying to get under my steamer but it's been in the 90's around here :nono:, so I've just been steaming in the shower.

Other than that I use Giovanni Direct Leave in, seal with oil or mango butter and either twist up (I wear half wigs most of the time) or do a wash and go.

I detangle with either a shower or wide tooth comd or the denman brush. I only use a boar brush to smooth my edges for wigs.

I've try to cowash at least once a week but usually I'm too lazy to keep up with a set schedule lol.