Naturals - Has Henna Straightened Areas of Your Hair

ok cool! Thank you!!
how often do you use it and what kind?
I henna once a month, when I take my braids down. (actually, I wear my braids for a month, so I probably henna every 5-6 weeks).

I use Lush Caca Rouge, which I buy in Lush stores. I'm thinking of trying Jamila, but the Lush has worked so well that I'm reluctant to try a new brand.
It's true if you like a brand and got it working well for you, you may not want to switch.

People tend to change their recipe up a bit when they get grey hairs coming in as the pure henna like Jamila (as Lush henna products are diluted, you can see by the cocoa butter they add), is a stronger dose of henna, being at full strength, so overall color results would be better when you use the herbs at full strength
My hair is temporarily loosened after henna treatments,the curls returning in a few washes. I only henna every 3-4 months.

I've been using henna pretty consistently for a couple of years now, and I haven't noticed any excessive straightening of my hair. My hair 'hangs' a bit more right after I henna, but after a wash or two, it's right back to it's 'usual' self.

For example - I henna'd my hair on Saturday, and put twists in on Sunday, and the tips of my twists aren't curling up as much as they usually do - but I know all I need is a touch of water, and they will be curly, again.

Fair enough, I almost NEVER wear my hair out, so any gradual loosening of curl wouldn't be on my radar until my hair got 'straight' enough to not hold a twist properly - and I seriously, seriously, seriously, doubt that will happen at this point in time.

I also only henna once every couple of months or so - when I first started, I was henna'ing every couple of weeks, and after a couple of months of that, I did start to notice that my hair was drier and rougher - I called that 'henna overload' and once I backed off of the henna schedule a bit, my hair returned to it's happy state.

For me, henna strengthens my very fine, very moisture-hungry hair and reduces my breakage. My hair is too dark to see any color change, regretfully. :(
I have multiple textures on my head...everything from 3C to 4A/B. Henna has loosened my hair, but it makes my thick hair easier to manage. I was pulling out most of my hair in the back because I would have 50-70% shrinkage back there [right below the crown]. You will notice that area in my pics on my Fotki. I will say that I love the color my gray turns when using the henna. My hair is not dry. It feels strong and moisturized. I always deep condition after the henna.
I've been using henna now for exactly 1 year now. I took a break over the summer but would use it at least once a month. I can't honestly say I have noticed a loosening effect because my hair has changed curl patterns (by its own volition) within the last 4 years. I've been using it weekly for the past 5 weeks and plan to continue this until April. My hair has retained strength, gotten softer and minimized the fairy knots and split ends. I've been wearing my hair in protective styles and plan to do so until April, so I will not really know until then.

I have noticed that those with looser textures, i.e. fine/ silky generally experience curl loosening. I am a coarse,very dry hodgepodge of curls. I have however looked at my shed hair and see that some of them are now looking 3a/**** but who knows where that came from? My curls are looser in the front. I can't really trust the hair on my head unless I pick it myself. As long as I maintain my moisture, my hair loves me.
It's true if you like a brand and got it working well for you, you may not want to switch.

People tend to change their recipe up a bit when they get grey hairs coming in as the pure henna like Jamila (as Lush henna products are diluted, you can see by the cocoa butter they add), is a stronger dose of henna, being at full strength, so overall color results would be better when you use the herbs at full strength
The Lush henna has actually covered my greys beautifully. I didn't even know I had any grey until my hairdresser was like, "What are these red pieces? Have you been coloring your hair at home?" :lol:
Henna definitely robbed me of my curls. When I was using Henna I was mixing it with oil and Amla. But my hair was STILL straight. I did not a few Amla treatments and it did help...but my curls are still not what they used to me. I was already a 3c/4a and now in places my hair looks relaxed.

I have not hennaed in several months now. I am currently in a weave to give my hair a break. When I take it down I notice it curling back up little by little...but I am definitely terrified of henna. I love the benefits of it (thickness and how nice my twists look after) but it just takes away too much of my curls!
A lot of amla powder straight into the henna recipe needs to be added to help maintain the curl for the best overall results. like 3-4 tbsp per 100 grams of henna used.
I know a lot of ladies here try their best to stick to natural, home-mixed products, but, honestly, there were too many daggone recipes for me to pick one. So, I got frustrated and picked up some Surya cream (in mahogany), and I love it. I'm transitioning, so I really haven't seen enough of my new growth to notice if it's loosened the texture, but, considering the fact that store-bought stuff seems weaker than home-made, some of you might want to try it. It could possibly give the benefits, in terms of color, without the negatives.

Just a thought, and good luck everybody on getting your curl back! :)
I know a lot of ladies here try their best to stick to natural, home-mixed products, but, honestly, there were too many daggone recipes for me to pick one. So, I got frustrated and picked up some Surya cream (in mahogany), and I love it. I'm transitioning, so I really haven't seen enough of my new growth to notice if it's loosened the texture, but, considering the fact that store-bought stuff seems weaker than home-made, some of you might want to try it. It could possibly give the benefits, in terms of color, without the negatives.

Just a thought, and good luck everybody on getting your curl back! :)

My hair laughed-->:lachen: at the Surya color. I wanted to deepen the color. The effect only lasted two washes for me.

With henna, you don't have to follow anyone else's recipe. Just keep it simple and use warm water.
what about cassia? Is that a good alternative that won't relax the curl? Is it permanent?
I got some Jamila henna today, I have a question, if you put henna in a dish or tupperware, will it permanently stain it??
Yes it will permanently stain any plastic containers most likely. and plastic also porous so I don't tend to use them personally. I like using stainless steel bowls. They are like a buck at the dollar store.
I accept it... henna is NOT my friend! I've done a couple of Amla paste treatments and dare I say I see curls forming again in my "henna straightened spots"? :look: The paste doesn't require tea/ anything acidic, no gloves because it doesn't stain, rinses MUCH easier than henna, conditioned as well as henna but required far less time. We'll see if it continues to "wow" me because right now, I plan to use it instead of henna. :yep:
me neither; anybody like the loosening effect?
Everyone seems to hate it?
why? Is it not uniform?

Heck naw :nono: I don't like the loosening effect. Even if it were uniform, I still wouldn't like it. I went natural because I wanted my natural curls. The conditioning/strengthening effects of henna, although good, are not worth me sacrificing my curls. I'll pass.
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me neither; anybody like the loosening effect?
Everyone seems to hate it?
why? Is it not uniform?

Heck naw :nono: I don't like the loosening effect. Even if it were uniform, I still wouldn't like it. I went natural because I wanted my natural curls. The conditioning/strengthening effects of henna, although good, are not worth me sacrificing my curls. I'll pass.

Totaly understandable :) But you are still on the natural path and that's what counts most!! :)
anybody like the loosening effect?
Everyone seems to hate it? why? Is it not uniform?

I don't like the loosening effect at all, mainly because I have thin, fine hair and my curls give me the illusion of thickness. The henna loosens my curls, thus jackin' up my illusion. :grin: On top of that, it really jacked up one part of my head ... in the front ... on the left side. It wouldn't be as bad if it were more uniform.

I really love henna and my last batch came out great ... my hair was really moisturized and well conditioned. But this curl loosening is for the birds.

I still have yet to try the Amla paste though. I have to remember to try that.
What is wrong with me? I was just saying :nono: to henna... Now, I'm actually considering doctoring it up with Amla so I can get rid of these "orangies" with Indigo! What's a girl to do?
So you got orangies from the henna? You want to remove them with amla and/or indigo? Which one? I thinkit'll be a good step to remove them if you don't want them, with those herbs. But if you use indigo it'll go straight black and it may still stick since you have done henna already. But how long has it been? Amla powder as a pure paste might, but it's still a bit new for a lot of people. Haven't heard if it's toned down henna by putting it on AFTER as a pure amla paste.