Naturals - Has Henna Straightened Areas of Your Hair


Active Member
I'm SO not liking that the parts of my hair that were "less curly" before I began using Henna are now just "wavy" with NO curl. :wallbash: I was looking at old pics of my hair and I loved how my hair curled before. Now, it doesn't matter what products I use, my finer areas are NOT at all curly. :nono: My twists were formerly plump, now they are stringy. I know it's not heat damage because I've only had my hair flat-ironed professionally ONCE since I started using henna a little over a year ago and the curl loss has been progressive, rather than right after I washed my straightened hair.

Have any of you suffered from the straightening effects of henna? If so, how did you deal with it? I'm about a milli-second from saying "no more henna" because my whole reason for using it was to cover a few pesky grays along my hair line and I still can't get them from turning an orange-y color, which has gotten on my nerves. Other than discontinuing henna, is there a way to re-cover my curls or have I done damage that cannot be repaired?
:nono: Henna changed my hair. It made it dry, brittle, and tangled. I used to be dominately 3c henna changed my hair to dominante 4a.

Not that, that is a problem, I just had to learn how to take care of my new hair. My roots are growing back 3c, and my curls are looseing up, but my hair is still very tangled and dry, and brittle.

But henna further damaged my already fried hair. :sad: it is not something I would ever do again, or recomend to anyone.
Did you apply oil to your hair before you hennaed? Did you condition afterward? Curious. Cause it can make the world of difference for some.
I'm not natural but transitioning. It's been 6 months since my last relaxer and I have been using henna every three weeks. You can't even tell I have new growth because it is as straight as my relaxed hair. Right now I'm loving henna!!
You could try Amla powder for re-defining your curls. I've heard that it helps. I use both henna and Amla together so I think my curls are sleeker but not really any loser. I'm a 3c with probably some 3b as well :)
This sounds like the same thing that happened to me. My twists look stringy, but I haven't henna'd since Sept. So, my hair has grown out some. Guess this is a good thing if you want straight hair.

I used Karishma henna. Can't say that I've noticed a big problem with dryness, but there are some dry areas. I'm laying off henna for the next 8 months. I don't plan on doing too much to my hair at all within the next 8 months.
i heard that henna loosened curls but not to that extreme. then again i am 4b so idk if a looser texture would necessarily bother me
Henna completely straightened the top portion of my hair. I thought I'd like it, but not so much. I am cutting back to one henna treatment per month, mixing in amla.
:nono: Henna changed my hair. It made it dry, brittle, and tangled. I used to be dominately 3c henna changed my hair to dominante 4a.

Not that, that is a problem, I just had to learn how to take care of my new hair. My roots are growing back 3c, and my curls are looseing up, but my hair is still very tangled and dry, and brittle.

But henna further damaged my already fried hair. :sad: it is not something I would ever do again, or recomend to anyone.

This has been my fear with henna, sometimes everythang ain't for everbody. That's I believe in keeping it pretty simple and so far its been working well. Most of the people whose hair I admire keep it simple too. I hope everything ends up working out. Try gradually trimming and focus on moisturizing deep condtioners and/or pre-pooing with heat.
I don't henna enough to get the loosening effect

I did experience a temporary loosening of my hair when I did an Amla+Maka mix and I never did it again. It only lasted till my next wash a few days later, but it was loose enough to scare the crap out of me LOL
I'm a 4a/b natural.

Henna is helping me retain length. Honestly, my hair has never been so strong, and I"ve noticed that the ends of my hair don't snag anymore either.

I have noticed that my curls seem a little looser. I kinda like the look. My tiwsts were never plump to begin with so there was nothing to miss there. I wouldn't ever want to have completely straight hair though. If I noticed that happening, I'd stop hennaing completely.

As it is, when I first began hennaing a month or so ago, I hennaed every week just so that the henna would "take" to my hair. I'll probably taper off to once a month since I plan upping my DCing and hot oil treatments (love that coconut oil) over the winter now that my hair seems to be growing so well.

So far, the pros of henna outway the cons.
Wow ... I can't even believe you started this thread because I promise you I was about to do so.

My hair in the front is 3c / 4a in the back. Henna has completely changed my curly 3c hair to wavy 3a lazy half arse curls. I have to do some major scrunching just to get my front to curl now. Meanwhile, my 4a curlies are kickin' it nice and strong in the back, so the contrast looks a little crazy to say the least. The back has loosened only a tiny bit, but not to the degree that my 3c hair has loosened.

I am not a happy camper right now; however, it's good to know that Amla powder might help bring my coilies back. I will give that a go this weeknd.
Mahalialee – I’ve never applied oil before. I usually add EVOO when I deep condition following my henna.
Rben – amla powder alone? Or are you suggesting giving henna another try and adding amla? If so, what proportions?
Taradyan – you sound just like me! I can scrunch all I want, no curls. I have to put rollers or something if I want it to actually curl now! Then my nape, if I twist it, they just come loose. There’s not even enough curl anymore to hold the twists together. How are you going to try the Amla? Mixed with henna? Or alone?

I usually henna every 4-6 weeks. If I don’t get some curl recovery quick, guess I’ll have to discontinue henna. I want my daggum curls back!
My 3b,c curls.It did become loose in some areas but,strong..

Useing kalpi Tone,Amla or Brahmi powders have helped to make it curly again..

Note" you have to use it weekly then you cae taper off to once a month...

I'am Still Working On IT!
I only do henna gloss...

Happy Hair Growing!
Mahalialee – I’ve never applied oil before. I usually add EVOO when I deep condition following my henna.
Rben – amla powder alone? Or are you suggesting giving henna another try and adding amla? If so, what proportions?
Taradyan – you sound just like me! I can scrunch all I want, no curls. I have to put rollers or something if I want it to actually curl now! Then my nape, if I twist it, they just come loose. There’s not even enough curl anymore to hold the twists together. How are you going to try the Amla? Mixed with henna? Or alone?

I usually henna every 4-6 weeks. If I don’t get some curl recovery quick, guess I’ll have to discontinue henna. I want my daggum curls back!

When I prepoo with oils in my hair, generally overnight, I do not get any dryness. I do not even use conditioners anymore. I just oil my hair after lightly, scalp to ends. I rinse often during the week. amla? I use an amla oil and only add amla if I get a notion to when I henna. Hope this helps.
wow this is so interesting...I haven't used henna since like high school when my mom used to tell me to do it, but i was relaxed when I was using it, I didn't notice any of this, but I wasn't looking for it either...
Mahalialee – I’ve never applied oil before. I usually add EVOO when I deep condition following my henna.
Rben – amla powder alone? Or are you suggesting giving henna another try and adding amla? If so, what proportions?
Taradyan – you sound just like me! I can scrunch all I want, no curls. I have to put rollers or something if I want it to actually curl now! Then my nape, if I twist it, they just come loose. There’s not even enough curl anymore to hold the twists together. How are you going to try the Amla? Mixed with henna? Or alone?

I usually henna every 4-6 weeks. If I don’t get some curl recovery quick, guess I’ll have to discontinue henna. I want my daggum curls back!

I think I'm going to mix some Amla and Brahmi powders into a paste and then apply them to my pathetic curls in the front only. I'll have to do a little more research to see what ratio I should use.

I need my curlies back!!!
I think I'm going to mix some Amla and Brahmi powders into a paste and then apply them to my pathetic curls in the front only. I'll have to do a little more research to see what ratio I should use.

I need my curlies back!!!

Keep us posted!

Happy Hair Growing!
That's interesting. I never related the change in my new growth curl pattern to possibly being due to henna use. I started using it to cover my grays as well, but my hair started getting really dry and even more hay like. I have very fine hair as well. Everything is definitely not for everybody.
This has been my fear with henna, sometimes everythang ain't for everbody. That's I believe in keeping it pretty simple and so far its been working well. Most of the people whose hair I admire keep it simple too. I hope everything ends up working out. Try gradually trimming and focus on moisturizing deep condtioners and/or pre-pooing with heat.

YEah I've been babying my hair. Trying to get it healthy again. I really don't need to cut it, it has mostly all broken off anyways lol. I recently bough pantene's detangler and it works wonders.
:nono: Henna changed my hair. It made it dry, brittle, and tangled. I used to be dominately 3c henna changed my hair to dominante 4a.

Not that, that is a problem, I just had to learn how to take care of my new hair. My roots are growing back 3c, and my curls are looseing up, but my hair is still very tangled and dry, and brittle.

But henna further damaged my already fried hair. :sad: it is not something I would ever do again, or recomend to anyone.

I have never heard of henna tightening curls; only loosening them. I didn't know it could do that. Henna seems to be so tricky for a lot of people.
I am 2+ years post henna. I was not deep conditioning with heat as much as I needed with henna. :wallbash: Henna on already low-porous hair bites! It is more frizzy(looser), and dryer than my non-henna new growth. I know I am up for one more big cut in the near future.
Just a thought - OP my hair looks a lot like yours. When it started getting longer, the curls became more waves. Not discounting the henna factor but it could be a combo of the henna and normal growth.
see im glad i havent used henna yet. i know you can have great results with it but im not willing to take that chance because my hair is 3c and the top bang area grows in really silky and more wavy than curly and i dont want that area straight, or any other area for that matter.
Newbie here, and my first post Yay!!!

Yes, yes, yes, henna has straightened my hair ALOT. I used to be 4a with 's' strands (especially when my hair is wet). but since my last henna 3 weeks ago, my hair has become frizzy-straight and only curls at the ends (about 1 inch of my ends, if that makes sense).
I am wearing braids right now, and every so often get the itch to take out a braid to check-out my hair's length lol. Since my last henna , every braid I've taken down looks straight + curly (only at the ends); no matter what i put in it. I've tried Mizani moisturefuse, ORS hair mayo, even shea butter, and nothing has reverted it.

Urggh. I hope it curls back with time cause I want to be able to enjoy 'big' hair at some point without having to do some major cutting.
This is such a useful thread but I’m honestly a little nervous about using henna now as I thought the effects were only temporary (colour and loosening of texture) and washed out over time. I was planning on using henna once a month for colour and I definitely don’t want any permanent alternation to my curl pattern. :scratchch Think I’m going to do a patch test to see how my hair reacts before committing -if I do- to a full head application. Thank you ladies for the great tips and the heads-up, hope those who have had problems with henna find a solution.
Henna loosened my curl immediately and dramatically. I started using it to thicken and color my hair. I had heard that it could loosen curl in some people, but I honestly thought I was the last person in the world who would have to worry about hair is VERY kinky.

I went from 4b/c to 4a. And I'm happy with it--my hair is much more versatile now. I can wear it straight, kinky, or curly...before henna, there was no curly. LOL.