Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS....

Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

okay so my updates were nothing to write home about :(

to be fair, I was rushed and I don't think I was able to dry my hair like I wanted to (with tension - the key to me not having to worry about my ends).

Also, I'm thinking that my hair may be too thick (or too whatever it is) for flat irons. My hair is straight but it doesn't have the swang I like. I might have to upgrade to pressing....

btw the issue is not splits - just tangly type ends after I straighten. Ex: I can run my hands through the length of my hair then when i get to the ends its kind of frizzy (doesn't look as frizzy as it feels) hope that makes sense

I think I'm gonna try roller sets (since this might eradicate my issue with smoothing my ends) but after that I'm either pressing or paying somebody else to straighten. I usually get tired of my straight hair within 3 days or so - so this shldn't be a big deal either way.

ETA: I'm open to advice from any ladies who go through similar woes lol
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

sorry to hear about your difficulties.

what was the consistency of your conditioner? did you add anything to it? how long did you leave it in for? mine is usually like the consistency of a relaxer and i add oils, honey and other moisturizing conditioners to it. i usually plaster it on and leave it on for atleast an 2 hours or i sleep in it in.

you said your hair didn't have swang? when you blow dried, was it nice and fluffy or was there a "heavy" feeling to it at that point? what kind of product did you use when you blow dried? usually if i am blow drying and my hair is not fluffy and weightless, i stop and wash my hair again. cause if the blow dry doesn't look right, your flat iron job is going to follow suit. i've learned when your hair is really moisturized by a deep conditioner, you really do not need ANY oils or serums just a liquid heat protectant. i have some argan oil that i've been dying to try, but my hair just does not need anything at this point.

once thing i've noticed since doing these type of deep conditions, curls are much looser immediately after i rinse the conditioner. that is probably the reason why it is easier for me to detangle and straighten.

about your hair being too thick for the flat iron...are u using small sections? the smaller the section the straighter your hair gets in one pass. my sections are usuall 3/4" . im totally terrified of a straightening comb. in college i used on and because its so hard to really gauge the heat, i totally fried my hair. i went to wash it and my entire head stayed straight. i had to grow it out. and im also terrified of professionals straightening my hair because they too can cause heat damage because they don't know what kind of tolerance your hair has for heat. they just know they want to make come out straight.

not trying to scare you, but there are a few stories in this board of women going to the salon, walking in with a fro, then walking out with bangin' silky flow and then only to be pissed off on thier next wash day when their hair doesn't completely revert.

I say try it again when you have a little more time. Look at me, I was walking around like a big fuzz ball for over a year until i figured it out :)
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Hey, this is off topic.. (beautiful hair by the way).. but what did you have done to your eyebrows in the the 3rd pic.. They are so nice! :) (im in the process of growing my eyebrows out... I think I'll get them waxed?.. but just wondering..

Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Hey, this is off topic.. (beautiful hair by the way).. but what did you have done to your eyebrows in the the 3rd pic.. They are so nice! :) (im in the process of growing my eyebrows out... I think I'll get them waxed?.. but just wondering..


haha! thanks. my mom saw them and laughed at me cause she said i did them wrong and didn't blend enough (she's probably right). lol. but the only thing i use is concealer (a shade lighter than what i use to cover blemishes). i don't do anything to my brows (pluck, wax, shave), but i hide the little stray hairs i have by outiling with a concealer and a brow brush. and then following up with MAC mineralized finish.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

@ WestNDNBeauty

Trust me, I also have a fear of pressing - that's why I've been trying different methods for fear of my hair not reverting!

If I paid someone else, I would do A LOT of research and maybe even travel more than usual to get someone who could FLAT IRON my natural hair. MAYBE a Dominican blowout (had that done before at Dominican Essence, but I'm sadly no longer in NY so my options are more limited).

If I press, I would def re-familiarize myself with Pinkskates technique and do it myself. I've seen too many presses by "professionals" that look like a weighed down greasy mess or the hair is just burnt afterwards.

Randomly enough, I did meet a natural in my area who gets her hair pressed and it looked healthy and silky. Not to get too off topic, but I have no shame. lol She was actually opening an account for me, and we ended up chatting about hair until the bank was well past closed lol I may try to contact her about her stylist, now that i think about it! I asked her about a million questions about her growth, reversion and the whole nine since she started going to her stylist.

But yea, I did the DC Treatment exactly as instructed. used the honey, oils (EVOO & EVCO), and conditioner (I mixed Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine & Trader Joes nourish & spa) and applied with an applicator brush. It was a perfect consistency. I sat under a heat cap for an hr, shampooed then conditioned with some more Trader Joe's co.

I did put some FHI hot sauce (cream consistency) through my entire head and let it sit for awhile before blowdrying. I don't believe that my blow-dried hair was weighed down. but I will pay more attention to this next time.

I'm def not going to throw in the towel yet, but its sooo frustrating to take the time to straighten then it comes out...lackluster lol

I think I will continue to DC before, however, I just may try roller-setting first then flat ironing. My ends have been giving me issues since day 1 when straightening, even right after the BC (which was done by someone who specializes in natural hair). So I don't think it splits, just my technique.

I really wish I could have a consultation with someone about this. Sounds over the top, but if I could see how to perfect this process ONE time, I'd be good. I actually prefer to do my hair myself, so I'm hoping I can work it out!

Forgive my long rant. lol
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

oh, and I washed my hair 3 times. it was CLEAN. lol

Was I right to condition again afterwards?? I know my hair was DC'd, but I just felt wrong not conditioning my hair before blowdrying. I guess out of habit??
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

oh, and I washed my hair 3 times. it was CLEAN. lol

Was I right to condition again afterwards?? I know my hair was DC'd, but I just felt wrong not conditioning my hair before blowdrying. I guess out of habit??

i know what you mean about wanting to condition after the shampoo. it could not of hurt, i don't think.

when I tried this the very first time, i DCed on dry hair (1 time), rinsed and blow dried. no shampoo was necessary. but also no cocobut oil was used either.

how often do you DC? To prepare for your next flat iron, maybe you can DC over a few weeks to build up your hairs' moisture and then try the flat iron again.

glad you're not giving up!
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Your hair looks great, but curly and straight. You may just be my hair fraternal twin :)

DEFINITELY the truth about moisture! I bought a steamer and hydrate with my deep condition every time before I get it flat iron, it's a world of difference :-)
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Taking this to PM! don't want to jack the thread - doesn't help I'm long winded. lol
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

wow I love it!!!
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Can someone list the ingredients to Nioxin Thermal?
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I tried this and I got very similar results!

I oiled my scalp, put some Olive Oil on the length of my hair and then my conditioning mixture (Honey, Grape Seed Oil, ORS Replenishing Pak, CON Nourshing Conditioner, AtOne Botanicals, Glycerin and AO Honey Suckle Rose). I didn't use the applicator brush, I just used my hands--similar to this video

I covered it with an aluminum cap and just let it sit for about 2.5 hours--I was at my parents' and I can't find my heating cap there.

I washed it out with NTM poo and did a quick instant conditioner with Aussie Moist. I used Care Free Curl and Chi Serum while my hair was wet, and did the tee-shirt method.

Once I took the tee off, my hair was mostly dry, so I used a blow dryer on cool (with no tension) to dry it completely. At this point my hair was no better or worse than normal, so I wasn't really impressed...UNTIL I started flat ironing! I used the ghetto-fab maxiglide technique with my Superstar where I brushed while flat ironing. (LOL). My hair is so soft and managable--it is butter soft, relaxer straight, with amazing swang! I only get this look from the salon. My flat irons largely look like WestNDN's Dec.08 one. I am amazed!!!

West NDN, thanks for sharing; this is my new staple method.

I'll post pics tonight.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I'm subscribing. I'll read this thread again after I take some Gingko Biloba. Y'all making my head hurt.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I totally agree. I tried this method this weekend as well and it worked wonders! I have a rollaround dryer, but no steamer. So I did the home steam method from Lucky's Mom and to keep a constant heat source, sat under the dryer. It was wonderful. Thank you so much for this thread.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I'm so glad this worked for you tdwillis and Cyd! Cyd, I see you used different products, but the same technique. This just goes to show that it is not always the product that help get the results, but the TECHNIQUE.
To be honest, the only products in Patchouli85's video I use consistently for my pre-flat iron conditioner is the olive oil, and honey. Everything else is a different brand but same type of product.

with that said, Kim.....Nioxin Thermal Bliss:
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I kind of did the same method to my hair the other day, and yes you are right moisture is the key. (with heated cap)
I also let me hair air dry about 85%.

I learned that little product is the key also!
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I tried this and I got very similar results!

I oiled my scalp, put some Olive Oil on the length of my hair and then my conditioning mixture (Honey, Grape Seed Oil, ORS Replenishing Pak, CON Nourshing Conditioner, AtOne Botanicals, Glycerin and AO Honey Suckle Rose). I didn't use the applicator brush, I just used my hands--similar to this video

I covered it with an aluminum cap and just let it sit for about 2.5 hours--I was at my parents' and I can't find my heating cap there.

I washed it out with NTM poo and did a quick instant conditioner with Aussie Moist. I used Care Free Curl and Chi Serum while my hair was wet, and did the tee-shirt method.

Once I took the tee off, my hair was mostly dry, so I used a blow dryer on cool (with no tension) to dry it completely. At this point my hair was no better or worse than normal, so I wasn't really impressed...UNTIL I started flat ironing! I used the ghetto-fab maxiglide technique with my Superstar where I brushed while flat ironing. (LOL). My hair is so soft and managable--it is butter soft, relaxer straight, with amazing swang! I only get this look from the salon. My flat irons largely look like WestNDN's Dec.08 one. I am amazed!!!

West NDN, thanks for sharing; this is my new staple method.

I'll post pics tonight.

The link you provided is just how I apply my conditioner. I think I may use just a little more (which is probably not necessary), but over the last 3-4 months, this way of application has done wonders for my hair. Even my braid & curls are softer and have more body and don't look dry towards the end of the two weeks that i wear them for....Even though I only get 2 uses out of my 8-16 oz products, I think its worth it.

Can't wait for you to post your pics!
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Okay ladies, here are my pics. I can't style, like at all, but the flat iron looks great in comparison to any other one I've tried--with only one pass. I think I'll try rolling with Carusos before I try the Patcholli/Hairlista Method again using a rollerset.

The pic that is not in orange is a for comparison purpose; this pic was taken in November after a flat iron.


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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Lookin good Cyd! I'm glad you posted pics and I can see the method really worked for you!!!

Happy to share my knowledge.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

OK, I am now taking down my C&G braids and will be trying this method. So maybe I can get a siggy pic that doesn't include my hair looking like shredded wheat :ohwell: lol
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Op, the what a difference, very nice job! I learned early in my transition how important the moisture factor is, so my first major purchased was my steamer. In 08 Patchulli85 (sp) straightened my hair for me (the first pic in my siggy). Now whenever I straighten I always deep condition overnight, shampoo, and twist to stretch and partially air dry I may add IC heat serum blow dry, then flatiron, but the results are great and reversion is minimal.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Op, the what a difference, very nice job! I learned early in my transition how important the moisture factor is, so my first major purchased was my steamer. In 08 Patchulli85 (sp) straightened my hair for me (the first pic in my siggy). Now whenever I straighten I always deep condition overnight, shampoo, and twist to stretch and partially air dry I may add IC heat serum blow dry, then flatiron, but the results are great and reversion is minimal.

I sent her a msg on fotki to find out about making an appointment this summer and she never responded. lol. guess it was a good thing or else i would of never figured thing thing out!:drunk:
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I not sure what happened, but I was unable to reach her after that.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

You look so serious in those pictures. :lol: Thanks for the tip.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Wow! Thanks for the moisture tip! Who knew that moisturizing with a good deep conditioner would give you striking flat iron results like that? Great job!:grin:
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Bumping to share the knowledge. Some have told me how beneficial this information was to them, hopefully others will gain knowledge and see results too!

Happy straightening!
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Bumping to share the knowledge. Some have told me how beneficial this information was to them, hopefully others will gain knowledge and see results too!

Totally agree! I took down my braids at the weekend, saturated them in AO white camillia conditioner put on shower cap, head scarf then went to sleep.
I then washed with Motions moisture shampoo followed by Aphogee 2 min protein, then followed again by the AO white camillia (lovin this stuff!). My hair was so soft and lush :spinning: - I cant recall when it felt this good.
I airdried for a few hours and my hair still felt soft and fluffy (this is unusual for me as my hair tends to be coarse) I then applied some Sabino and blow dried. I was running out of time at this point and had thought of just leaving it blowdried but decided to flat iron the front. Now, normally flat ironining straight takes a few passes but this time it happened in one!!!!! I was able to flat iron my whole head in about 45 mins whereas normally it would take double the time

I'm sold on this moisture - it has definately helped me (along with the AO). I'm planning on doing a BKT in the Spring and feel the moisture in my hair will help in cutting down the amount of passes needed to get the hair straight.