Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS....

Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

ITA... Recently I dc with patuchoulii (spelling?) method.. rinsed.. and applyed one leave in.. that it. nothing else.. air dryed in twists about 80% of the way and then blowdried on COOL with the tension method.

I flat ironed w/ the maxiglide on a lower temp than before and got bone straight results.. like a bone straight relaxer..

I can put up comparison pics to show the difference.. and hair fully reverted to its previous curly glory with no "burnt hair smell"

The way you dc makes a world of difference
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

so wait, its better to shampoo after dcing? wouldn't that counteract some of the point of dcing. *is confused by that video you posted*

From personal experience, when using a mixture of products inwhich coconut oil is a part of, I would recommend shampooing. The shampoo I used was a moisturizing shampoo. The only reason I shampooed was because I started blow drying and there was visible residue in my hair that left my blow dry looking heavy and lifeless. I gathered it was product build up.

But the very first time I did the moisture deep condition treatment, I did it on dry hair with my cholesterol mix (without coconut oil) and just washed out the conditioner and blow dried and flat ironed with no build up and perm straight hair.
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

so wait, its better to shampoo after dcing? wouldn't that counteract some of the point of dcing. *is confused by that video you posted*

A lot of products for deep conditioning will ask that you shampoo your hair afterward. I usually do another regular conditioner after that. Perhaps it's because DCs are supposed to penetrate your strands not just coat them so shampooing isn't stripping off a layer of smoothing as is left on by regular conditioners. Emergencee (reconstructor), AO GPB (reconstructor), AO HSR (moisturizing) all have instructions saying to shampoo hair after DCing. I just follow the rules. My guess is after DCing, the important "nutrients" are already absorbed by your hair so perhaps whatever residue is left on top is "useless"? *shrug*

OK, I'ma sit down before I hurt myself.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Great post! I am natural and used to flat iron my hair regularly and i wish I would have known this then. I also have the FHI Runway and I must say that the Runway is a one pass type of flat iron. It leads to a silky press all the time.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Nice job, OP -- that's a big difference!

The take home point here is that your hair needs to be at an ideal moisture level to get the best results. The amount & type of deep conditioning needed depends on your hair. If I deep conditioned my hair with moisture several days in a row, with no protein included, my hair would be a mushy mess. I pre-poo on dry hair with mild to moderate protein, then shampoo and deep condition, and this works for me (I do this once per week). For others it would be too much protein.

And it's true that deep conditioning is DEEP conditioning, so shampooing afterwards doesn't undo the effects. That's the principle behind all pre-shampoo treatments.

I've learned from experience that your flat iron really does make a difference too. There are so many factors to consider :drunk:
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

OP, could you repost the pics or are they in your fotki? I couldn't see them.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

OP, could you repost the pics or are they in your fotki? I couldn't see them.

No thier not in my fotki. Try right clicking and selecting "show picture". They are linked from my photobucket.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Absolutely GORGEOUS! I'm in awe of your flat iron results.

I've actually been thinking about this too--the principle of loading natural hair up with moisture (instead of protein) before straightening. I'm leaving to go get my hair pressed in an hour, and I'm sitting under the steamer right now with a caramel treatment in my hair. The stylist can just shampoo it out and do a quick conditioner afterwards.

I'm hoping this will work to keep my hair in good condition over the weekend.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Your hair looks great!!

I agree with this. My best flatiron was when I condition washed with Suave, deep conditioned with Lustrasilk, then conditioned again with Redken All Soft.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Thanks WestNDNbeauty!

I'm deep conditioning with a heat cap on now! The last flat iron I did, DID NOT turn out the way I expected it to. I've actually never been big on DC'ing (I know, I should know better) - but I'm going to straighten again today to see about the results.

I'll prob be using this method from now on - before I was just doing a simple wash and reg. condition before blow drying and ironing.

I already have some FHI hot sauce and the FHI platform (which does an AWESOME job of straightening). My only problem last time was the silkiness and reversion factor.
Haven't straightened that many times as a full natural (2 times), so I'm still tweaking a lot of things during my straightening sessions.

Will update later this evening!
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

But that's the thing, if everyone does it, why doesn't everyone get these results? Could it be that she did more than DC? Could it be that instead of DCing she just used one uber moisturizing conditioner that promises like Aveda's Dry Remedy to "instantly improves dry hair up to 63%, when used as part of [their] Dry RemedyTM Moisturizing System". If you notice, in that first post, when she mentioned DCing when talking about her previous presses but didn't mention it in w/r/t this one. Was that just an accident that she omitted to mention it or did she really not do one?

See, details are important when it comes to something as important as hair is to us. :grin:

Not mad at all. That's exactly the info I needed to know. It could be all these products complemented each other and are necessary. Maybe not. But now that I know, coz I know I won't be doing all o' dat, if my hair doesn't turn out like yours, at least I'll know why. So thanks for answering. :kiss:

My straight hair comes out fine :look: And all I do is blowdry and flat iron. No special products or techniques. I do it the same way I did when I was relaxed. I just did it last thursday for Xmas.

It's also going to depend on the person's hair and it's level of moisture. My hair is rarely ever dry and I don't really do anything to it. I could see someone who has hair that is frequently lacking moisture turning out better when it's more moisturized. That makes sense especially since we know hair frizzes when it is lacking moisture. It's trying to suck it out of the environment. But we all know everyone's head is different and everything may not work for everybody.
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

bumping for all of those that just got off of work.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Wow! Moisture truly makes a difference. I really enjoyed reading your thorough and photo documented post.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

o wow, what an amazing difference between pic 2 and 3. Gorgeous hair overall though... and thnx for sharing!!
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Thanks WestNDNbeauty!

I'm deep conditioning with a heat cap on now! The last flat iron I did, DID NOT turn out the way I expected it to. I've actually never been big on DC'ing (I know, I should know better) - but I'm going to straighten again today to see about the results.

I'll prob be using this method from now on - before I was just doing a simple wash and reg. condition before blow drying and ironing.

I already have some FHI hot sauce and the FHI platform (which does an AWESOME job of straightening). My only problem last time was the silkiness and reversion factor.
Haven't straightened that many times as a full natural (2 times), so I'm still tweaking a lot of things during my straightening sessions.

Will update later this evening!

Looking forward tot he update!
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

DC'ing my hair before hand and using a fine tooth comb right under my flat iron as I press my hair is the only thing that helps me get that silky look.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Thank you for sharing this information! I will definitely try this the next time that I flat iron.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

That's it, I'm transitioning.... I'm sick of beaing jealous of naturals and their versatilitiness :look::lachen:

You and your hair look gorgeous!
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I understand about the moisture, but are you sure it wasn't the Runway that made the difference?What flat iron did you use in the other picture?
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Thanks for sharing your hair looks great! How long does this last?
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I understand about the moisture, but are you sure it wasn't the Runway that made the difference?What flat iron did you use in the other picture?

Good question. But I must say, it was NOT the runway. I had the runway since this summer and I have flat ironed my hair without the moisture technique using the runway a few times. My hair looked just like pic 2, but the only difference when using the runway is that it took less heat and less passes to get it to look like pic 2.
The runway is an awesome tool, but I cannot attribute the ultimate results you see to the runway.

So these results can be achieved by other naturals with flat irons that have tamperature gages.

[The other flat iron I had was a Ceramic Tools 1" (with the felt), which is a pretty good iron, btw.]
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Thanks for sharing your hair looks great! How long does this last?

It's been over a week and my hair is still bone straight. I wrap it for the first week and bantu knots & pin curl thereafter. It will remain straight until I wash it.

That's it, I'm transitioning.... I'm sick of beaing jealous of naturals and their versatilitiness :look::lachen:

You and your hair look gorgeous!

Thank you!...come on over. We welcome you!
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Good question. But I must say, it was NOT the runway. I had the runway since this summer and I have flat ironed my hair without moisture using the runway a few times. My hair looked just like pic 2, but the only difference when using the runway is that it took less heat and less passes to get it to look like pic 2.

The runway is an awesome tool, but I cannot attribute the ultimate results you see to the runway.

I see...Do you have a steamer?It will take it to another level.

If you haven't tried Hairveda's Sitrinillah you're missing out.My hair is the sahara and nothing compares to Sitrinillah.(Shea Butter Cholesterol is close,then the Megasilk)I add avocado oil,argan oil,honeyquat,jbco,saa to what I'm using under the steamer.No matter what I can always detangle my new growth this way.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

I see...Do you have a steamer?It will take it to another level.

If you haven't tried Hairveda's Sitrinillah you're missing out.My hair is the sahara and nothing compares to Sitrinillah.(Shea Butter Cholesterol is close,then the Megasilk)I add avocado oil,argan oil,honeyquat,jbco,saa to what I'm using under the steamer.No matter what I can always detangle my new growth this way.

No. I don't have a steamer. I'd like one. From what I understand they are stand up devices and I really have no place to store it in my apartment (I'm a little vain about my decor). For now I just use my bonnet dryer or I sleep in the conditioners.

When I need to re-up I'll have to look into that Sitrinillah.
Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Well, the pictures say it all. Your hair came out wonderful. Thanks for sharing. You have also bumped Nioxin Thermal Bliss to the top of my very short "products to buy" list. :yep:

It would make flat ironing so much easier for me (and better for my hair) if I could straighten it well with just one pass.
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Re: Naturals (especially type 4)!!!! The Secret For Perm Straight Hair In ONE PASS...

Your hair is beautiful straight and curly. Thanks for the tip!