Naturals Do you find that The Longer Your Hair gets the Less Products U Need?


New Member
The other day I had done a CW on my Twa and I didn't apply anything after that,and it felt somewhat soft,the back and sided were soft but my crown area was still no so soft but it felt okay. I was wondering Do You need Less Products when it is Longer? Because once it has grown out you already have your True Texture which is softer and might not need much products. I mean like once you CW/Shampoo etc. do you apply a Leave In and go?

Thanks Ladies!
I actually use more product now because my hair is thicker and longer. I used to use CD products but it got expensive becuz I was going thru it quicker. I do know that DC'ing regularly helps me save on moisturizer and oils becuz my hair stays soft.
I go through soooo much product it's not even funny. I use about 1/3 of my Suave or Vo5 everytime I cw. I wish I was using less, but no. I find that the longer my hair gets the more product I use (and the broker I get, lol)
I am only using four different products, shampoo, conditioner, a moisturizer and occasionally a protein moisturizer. Maybe my regiment isn’t enough but I want to keep it simple.
Well I'm using more product as in more conditioner because I have more hair but I totally agree with you, I need fewer products for my hair. Basically CON (green label), Dove Conditioner and I may mix it with Suave's Humectress or some other moisturizing conditioner. When I deep con I use the ORS pak, the Dove Conditioner and warm Olive Oil. Daily it's just S-curl and maybe once a week some oil to seal the moisture. My hair gets annoyed if I put too much stuff on it.
I think I use more products too. I do a conditioner wash, Fantasia IC gel, moisturizer, and I seal it with an oil. When my hair was shorter, I would usually just use one styling product since I coulodn't get my hair in a ponytail.
I use more product but at the same time I'm not doing as much experimenting by buying unnecessary products because I know what works for me.
I'm a PJ, so I'm always trying new products, but I think the OP has a point and I am using less products. Guess 'cos I'm tired of wrestling with my hair!:lol:

In an attempt to ween myself from my product junkyism, I do find that I pay more attention to what ingredients are in the products I'm using. I don't think natural hair likes product buildup, so frequent washings and minimal products have been working to assist in its managability.
Yay! First post! :D

I have natural hair and it's close to APL when it's stretched. I've been using more conditioner, but less hair products. Most of the time I just use a quick water/glycerin/essential oil mix (my mom makes this, it's great!) to freshen up my hair...and that's it! :eek:
I use more product now than ever, more shampoo, more conditioner, more leave in, more butter or oil to seal, more heat protectant when I flat iron...

But as another poster said, I don't waste money buying unnecessary products. I know what my hair likes and I go right for that. My hair is thriving so I'm pretty much past my experimentation phase.
Okay! I have seen where others have grown out there Natural and they said they would only CW add a Leave In and that was it. But I do know that it would use more Conditioner etc. If you CW Daily, I guess I remember this from people using the Bohemian Method. I know alot of you probably go thru 3-4 bottles of conditioner a week LOL!!!!
I go through conditioners like nobody's business! Same for natural butters and coconut oil. But I don't use gels or things like that and no heat protectants because I'm not currently using heat.
i def think more..but now i know how to apply my products better i think ive learned how to conserve my time more and i know what im and ive learned what works best for my hair so im not a product like i used to be..i admit i like trying new products and i just try new ones in moderation which works good for me
Conditioner for my co-washes is usually where all my money goes. One bottle usually serves me two tops 3 washes. So that's pretty much a bottle a week. Now if I can find a curly product that I love.
NappyParadise said:
The other day I had done a CW on my Twa and I didn't apply anything after that,and it felt somewhat soft,the back and sided were soft but my crown area was still no so soft but it felt okay. I was wondering Do You need Less Products when it is Longer? Because once it has grown out you already have your True Texture which is softer and might not need much products. I mean like once you CW/Shampoo etc. do you apply a Leave In and go?

Thanks Ladies!

I use more products for my hair since it's longer. What does Twa mean?
I have to agree that I use more. But the same as some of the other ladies have said less experimentation, and it also take alot less time to get the style I want. I do have some conditioner issues, so I keep a cheapo one around that I use when my other one is on it's last leg. I wish I used less though :(
I use less products now. I get wat the OP was saying. Whilst on holiday it was pointless using moisturisers and oils because I spent alot of time in the pool and in the sea and it's no point frying my hair with castol oil in 90 degree heat. I would find at the end of the day even with just a rinse my hair was REALLY soft so when I got back home I carried the routine on. I just literally wash and go. I CO-wash with LeKair cholesterol because it's cheap and thick enough to get the hair soft and allow me to detangle then I condition with MNT conditioner but only dip my head under the shower a couple of times rather than rinse it out. Then scrunch with a towel, throw on headbands and let it shrink up throughout the day. It's been 8 hours since I cowashed this monring and my hair feels softer than when I was using a moisturiser. I tried this wen I had a twa and it felt really really dry and since then I've cut off less than an inch.
I love the fact you ladies are WORLD TRAVELERS to exotic places and not just the same old same old! But I digress - I found while on vacation I just LET GO and let my hair do whatever b/c as previously mentioned why go through a complicated routine while on vacation when you are just going to get your hair wet from the pool and ocean?

Also have any of you put all that product on your hair, go in the pool under water only to come up and see residue floating on top of the water? EWWWW GROSS! Less is definitely more and I also find that while swimming in salt water my hair inevitably appears to grow quicker. I can only be there a week and I will experience noticeable growth.
I use more conditioner and moisturizer the longer my hair gets. Thats why i try to buy cheap stuff like suave and cholesteral for cowashing and deep conditioning:) .