Naturals Do You Ever Miss Your Relaxed Hair?

Being a type 4 kinky girl I'mma have to say YES I miss relaxed hair. It was no walk in the park though. I have fine strands so I always felt as if I had sheer curtain hair. After 6-7 years in the natural game I still haven't mastered it. When I get a great style I seem to luck upon it and its after several days when I have lots of product on my hair. Styling is a challenge for me. Its just easier to keep it covered.
Being a type 4 kinky girl I'mma have to say YES I miss relaxed hair. It was no walk in the park though. I have fine strands so I always felt as if I had sheer curtain hair. After 6-7 years in the natural game I still haven't mastered it. When I get a great style I seem to luck upon it and its after several days when I have lots of product on my hair. Styling is a challenge for me. Its just easier to keep it covered.
:eek: 6-7 yrs??? You are one patient somebody. I gave myself 1 year. Already knew my hair could "fro", so if my hair didn't curl, I would have gone right back to barbered cuts.
Not at all and right now I'm tired of, bored with, and over my hair. My hair though, not my natural hair. So I'm going to the salon to get it flat ironed in a couple of weeks right before my birthday. I'll enjoy the straight hair for a minute then I won't be able to wait to get my big hair back. Im 99.9% sure I'll never relax again.
I'm struggling with this right now. I recently went to get my hair colored because I decided to give the wigs a rest and wear my hair out. Unfortunately, I'm hopeless when it comes to styling my natural hair. Lately I've noticed myself getting tender headed from my detangling sessions.

The only thing keeping me from relaxing is not wanting to get back on that touch up cycle.
I do sometimes, but I know that I can never relax my hair again. I've always had a problem with the nape of my hair breaking when my hair was relaxed.

I was natural some years before, then, I relaxed my hair again a few year after that, and it did that same breakage in the nape. Now, I'm natural again. If I didn't have a problem with relaxers, I probably would have stayed relaxed. I love the ease of relaxed hair but I love my natural hair too.

It's like being in a love triangle. Except, my natural hair and my relaxed hair can't fight each other in the streets. Natural hair would win though, because it's much stronger. :laugh:
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I miss the predictability of relaxed hair. When I styled it, I knew what it would look like the next day. With natural hair, even using the same products and styling methods, your end results aren't always the same. I also miss not having to check the weather report before figuring out how to style my hair! Humidity/rain can ruin a hair do. Even with ALL that, I still love my natural hair and I have no intentions of relaxing again.
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I've been natural for over 10 yrs. I don't miss relaxaers at all. Never crosses my mind. I would never go back. I love taking care of my hair myself, and I didn't feel comfortable relaxing my own hair. Plus I would miss the versatility of natural hair. If I want my hair straight, I can always flat iron. But I don't want any permanent texture changes.
I really only miss my relaxed hair when I see signs for wash & sets for $20. I think, dang I could bring in my own tools and products and get my hair done once a week!

I can only imagine...
It's at least $60 to get anything done by my stylist.
Well back in the 80s I transitioned from a Jheri curl to heat pressed hair was so thick then and it grew like crazy.. But back then I got my hair pressed every 2 weeks
I remember those days...Jheri curl leaving me w/1" of hair at the most in jr high; going back to biweekly press/curl with burned ears and even an eyelid once; then letting my hair grow back only to experience the repeated fried scalp, breakage, and limp hair from perms. Nah...i'm good.

I'm definitely better off being natural.
I miss the predictability of relaxed hair. When I styled it, I knew what it would look like the next day. With natural hair, even using the same products and styling methods, your end results aren't always the same. I also miss not having to check the weather report before figuring out how to style my hair! Humidity/rain can ruin a hair do. Even with ALL that, I still love my natural hair and I have no intentions of relaxing again.

Man, what???? My roller sets were CONSISTENT!
I miss some if the benefits but can't say I missed being relaxed. Being relaxed wasn't great for me. It was quite painful and eventually led to some hair loss.

I do miss the ease of wearing g a wrap, my relaxed lazy style. But I didn't really appreciate Kate that either because I as always growing my hair out, cutting it off again because I just couldn't see to keep my hair from breaking or managing it when my hair grew out.

I think the only thing I really miss is being able to wear my hair out without it poofing. I've been natural 12 years now and I know I'm not going back. The thought of chemical burns is for me a permanent deterrent.
I miss NEVER having SSKs and frizz. Oh boy do I miss that. But I really love my natural hair and how much thicker it is compared to my fine see-through relaxed hair (even when it was healthy and swanging). I just need to magically be good at styling my hair...
@lulu97, did you ever big chop at all or just completely transitioned till all the relaxed hair was gone?

@Daina No I never big chopped...just trimmed every 6 months until all the relaxed ends were gone. I went in to the process looking at it as " just growing out the relaxer". I never had any intentions on every chopping all my hair off at once. Roller sets hid the different textures well and could last up to 2 weeks if I wanted it to. It was a fairly easy transition but definitely not something I would ever want to do again.
I have moments when it is hot and ridiculously humid on the east coast that I remember my relaxed days. I recently went to Tampa for work and got off the plane with a banging roller set that even had some the time I walked across the street to the rental car I looked a HAM!!!! By the time I got to the meeting my hair had poofed and tripled in size so bad, most of the clear folks in the room I could tell wanted to ask or touch it but used better judgment. I threw on a headband and kept it moving, that is the only time I missed a relaxer!

I've been natural since 2008 and love the versatility and the rebounded thickness of my natural hair. I also love the waves and curls that I have. When I was relaxed I only T/U at most 3x per year most years it was only twice. I transitioned in Colorado where there is no humidity and I think that really helped the process for me, it would have been more difficult to fully transition on the east coast. I never BC'd just got trims a few times a year until it all grew out.
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I kinda do which is why I flirt with BKTs off and on. I am so lazy now I just wig it or throw a bandanna on and call it a day. I haven't combed my hair in weeks and IDGAF