Naturals, Relaxed, BKTers,...get in here. Yes, Pics...smh.

I'm 4a with a bit of 3c in the back. I have been struggling with this decision for the longest time. I have finally decided that I will texturize this December when I am at home in Atlanta for a couple of weeks. I BC'd after a 3 month transition in 08/06 and my hair is just brushing BSL. SSKs are the devil and it doesn't matter what I do or how much I hide my hair once it's out for more than a week, they're baaaaaaaaaaaaaack. I'm also not one of those women who can just live with having SSKs. So I always snip. I'm done. Having long hair is more important to me than having natural hair and since I can have long healthy chemically treated hair then that's what I plan to do.

ATTS...Do what's best for you and your hair.
So I'm asking of you lovelies to help me out.

If I do decide to relax, what things should I keep in mind so I don't cause a setback? What advice do you wish someone would have told you when you first relaxed? Has heat damage affected the health of your hair if you relaxed while having it?

Things to avoid while being relaxed....

impatience while detangling

believing that long term stretches work for everyone - watch closely what's happening with your hair and make the needed adjustments if necessary according to your hair needs and lifestyle

overdoing protein and moisture

using too much and too frequent heat

placing too much tension on the hair (tight braids, buns etc)

Things that will help you while being relaxed....

find women (fotki, lhcf etc) who enjoy being relaxed and have reached your desired length, to keep you encouraged when you face challenges :)
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Your hair is sooo pretty.Dont relax! The way I try to defeat shrinkage is by twisting and plaiting my hair while it is damp. I never work with loose shrunken hair..So maybe no wash n gos?. I dont have to many ssk but for me,even though I am transitioning ,I defeat them by never having shrunken hair,moisturizing daily and sealing(This helps provide some slip), and I blowdry once every three months for my sew ins. Naturals also defeat them by straightening once a month which is a good idea if you do it properly. Tangles can helped by using an oil or serum for slip to seal, deep conditioning once week, stretching hair. But all in all ssk and tangle are apart of having curly,kinky hair. Hair naturally curls onto itself

I totally agree with this. I never allow my hair to shrink completely up. Once my hair got fairly long I had to stop the wash n goes. I ALWAYS ends up w/a head full of ssk when I try to do a wash n go. Also I'm not sure how you are bunning but wet bunning was horrible for my hair. When I wear buns I put the loose hair into one or two big twists and pin it under to prevent knots. I also use butter (mostly shea) on my ends to help. Also I think how I wash my hair has really helped. I have a vid showing how I wash my hair if you check out the link to my channel in my siggy. I still get some knots but I get atleast 70% fewer then I used to. I really don't get a lot of tangling since I keep my hair stretched out. I actually find that my straightened hair tangles more.
thank you so much for asking. This thread is very timely for me, I am having 99% of the same problems you listed. And I've been natural for 7 years now. I will be reading along.
I never really had a serious problem with ssks. Mainly because after seeing so many threads and comment about them I realized that the key to minimizing ssks is keeping my hair stretched and proper detangling. Either my hair is cornrowed plaited it twisted. If I wear a wash n go its a twisted wash n go and I diffuse my hair a little to help keep it stretched.

In the end you just have to do what's best for you and your hair. Keep usa posted on your decision.

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Thank you so much ladies!
I'm thinking I may blowdry my hair on cool maybe twice a month...or try banding again to straighten it out.
If I still experience problems....I will then consider the BKT.
Anyone tried the BKT and got negative results?
Thank you! :grin:

I actually thought about blowdrying my hair on cool maybe twice a month since all I do is bun anyways...but I'm thinking that might be too much manipulation? If i did that I would have to switch up my entire regi...since I cowash, fingercomb and bun...but I'm open to it. Its getting cooler anyways so this might be coming at exactly the right time. I'm trying not to flatiron since I was so addicted the swang....So i'm on a bit of a fast until Feb...:lachen:
About the ssks...I've always experienced them but the longer it gets, especially in my 4a crown area, they're massive. I'll usually try to prevent them by working them out with a little oil, but the rest I just end cutting out.
Thank you soooo much for the response. I really appreciate it. :yep:

No problem girl!:grin: I agree even I feel like I would try a bkt. My hair reverts too fast... Please hun. Look at the responses you have ,your hair is pretty!! Plus being natural you have a little more options ;natural curls ,fro, braidout/twistout...Yes maybe you could blowdry once a month to start and see how your hair reacts to that. But maybe you try updos instead of buns . But try stretched out hair with your buns..hth
Have you considered the BKT? I almosy wish I had done it sooner. It has saved me alot of fustration. I have 4B hait so my transition has been a learning process. I did the BKT last month and it's great.
Just to add, with the BKT I still use my usual conditioners You have to chage (for the most part) the shampoo you use. I used a formaldehyde free BKT and had it done professional at a YT salon. I am going to do the next on myself. It has keep the knots down (alot) and yes I will say I wish I had done this sooner, I lost alot of hair durring my transition to breakage. Youre problems aren't all gont but I did a S&d a month ago and straighten today with no signs of split ends.

One of the best parts is I can rollerset again for the first time in almost two years. I can get my hair smooth enought that I don't need to flat iron. Also your hair dries so much faster.

I don't know how much NG you have but I think at arounf monthy 11 I had to start blow drying because to texture difference was becoming too much. I would blow dry any a bayblis tourmaline dryer on warm and low using the tension method and a difuser. It took forever, but I didn't see any significant breakage from it.

It matters why you went natural I suppose. I went natural only b/c relaxers where killing my hair and scalp (see my album for details on that story). I ee nothing worng with chemical if done correctly. I hopw this elaboration helps. Buns
Aubrey Organics White Camellia is an ultra-smoothing conditioner. I use it because it moisturizes and smoothes the hair really well.

To do the home-grown steam treatment, I wet a t-shirt & put it in the microwave for seven minutes. After wringing out the excess water from the t-shirt, I place it on my head and sit under my soft bonnet ionic dryer for 15 minutes.

There should be a thread about the home-grown steam treatment around here. I'll see if I can find it.

ETA: Here is the home-grown steam treatment thread
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Check out my album but I too had 3c/4a hair and in July 2010 I put in a texturizer. I chose ISO MAINTAMER because its free of sodium hydroxide (cysteamine hydrochloride is the active chemical) Its a very mild relaxer marketed to caucasions but work great for our hair as well. I only left it on for 6 minutes and it straightened it more than I wanted but its "wearing off". I think if I re-apply I will only leave it for 3min. But try DC your hair with heat/steam and rinsing with ACV to close and smooth cuticles in order to prevent those single strand knots and tangling. The secret: use products/ingredients that smooth the cuticle! Hope that helps and happy hair growing
Just to add, with the BKT I still use my usual conditioners ...

hold up you don't have to change conditioners??
*thanks the L-rd that i didn't trash my leftover beloved dove intense moisture*

sorry to hijack, i'm glad to see this cuz the condish my stylist recmd to go w/my sulfate free poo ain't cuttin it!

another reason to luv lhcf, you ladies know & are willing to share alot of helpful advice
Love the info you ladies are giving out! I have been transitioning for almost 6 months & am very interested in BKT! Thanks for all the insight!
Hi Carisa!
Your hair is so thick and pretty :lick:
Ok so if i do relax, I'll definitely take it slow. No color & air dry until I know how my hair will react to the chemical. Protein determining on what my hair needs. Stretch my relaxers.
How often do you DC?

1-2 times a month and anytime I relax or do a protein treatment