Naturals- Did your hair start out thick then....


Well-Known Member
Got thinner as it got longer? When I bC'd in '08 my hair was thick and full. Forward to now, it's gotten thinner, especially around the front and edges.
Nope, my hair is thicker. I had a thin spot on my front hairline that I thought was just genetic but it's now filled out. My strands are thicker and fuller as well.
Are you putting stress on your edges in any way? Also the weight of the hair may weigh down the curls and make the hair look thinner perhaps? hair started out thick and is still thick...I can imagine your concern though- thin edges are not the bizness!
Nope! My hair seems to only get thicker as it grows, and it was never particularly thin to begin with! :blush:

I kinda go through ups and downs with my edges. They've thinned and recovered many times over the years and even now that I'm natural, I've had one incident where they appeared to thin a little. They've already grown back and are doing just fine now! :yep:
Do you use heat very often?
Nope, hardly any heat at all. Just wash, condition, let dry in braids. I used heat maybe 3 times this year, and that was to lightly blow-dry the rest of my hair that didn't dry the next day.

It's just weird to me. Who knows, maybe it's the products I'm using. I know last year it got a bit thin because of a brand I used that didn't agree with my hair at all so I stopped. It thickened back up though.
:( No my hair got even thicker as it grew out. Especially after I started using henna. I suggest Henna for thickening the hair strands, it adds a layer of coating to the cuticle. Some people even report less shedding during detangling/brushing.