

Well-Known Member
Hi, ladies!

Are any of you natural haired ladies using cellophanes? My relaxed hair loved it, but it seems like it would take forever to apply to natural hair!

Thanks! :)

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Id love to know too
I bought some when I was relaxed and I dont even remember what its good for now
Thanks for your responses; I bought one from Sebastian (the new version of the old Colourshines) but had been scared to use it since I had been applying henna treatments. It's been about 3 months since I applied henna, so I should be ok, right?
I'm natural and use Sebastian Cellophane "Red Brunette" every 6-8 weeks. I also used Sebastian when I was relaxed. It gives the same great results on natural and relaxed imo.
Can you use cellophanes over permanent color? I'm not sure if I want to get the permanent color re-applied so I was thinking of going a safer route since my hair has been "lifted"? Of course, my black roots are growing in so I don't know if that would be an issue.
Arian: I'm not sure about applying it over permanent color...hopefully some of our forum experts will chime in!

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tricie, thanks, I hope so. I didn't want you to think I was taking over your thread. I don't want to detract from your original question.
I loved the Sebastian Cellophanes before they transitioned to Colorshines. When I used the new version, the color didn't take on my hair when the original formula did. I had a lot of shine though...

I had better results with Clairol Professional Jazzing and Ion - cheaper and more accessible too.
Yes, you can use a cellophane over permanent color. I found that when I henna'd my hair did NOT take the color from cellophanes so I eventually stopped trying. I had awesome color results from the henna anyway. Another tip to try if you're just looking for shine it to add a bit of cellophane to you dc's. I have used dang near everything; Sebastian Colourshines old and new versions, Jazzing :thumbsdown:, Kiss, Adore, Motions...I discovered Dominican cellophanes only after Sebastian stopped making the original Colourshines. I have gone through a couple of brands (some of yall know how I felt about Color Showers), but have been sticking with Original Colors. The thing I disliked about Sebastian, both the old and newer version, is that the color bleeds everywhere. I never had that issue w/the Dominican brands. Anyhoo, someone asked for pics, I dug out a few and took some today of my ponytail. I don't take hair pics much anymore because I'm not tracking progress, but here goes:




:cry2: I'm pretty sure this thang is not available in europe... never heard of this and it seems to be a great treatment !!!
Do brands sell a no-colour one??? Id like to try just for the shine and protein deposit.

Eisani, are pic 3 and 4 taken with or without flash???? your hair is silky sexy !!! :yep::lick:
I use the dominican brand (color showers?) I think that's what it's called. I really like it and it doesn't really bleed everywhere. A bit more expensive than the store brands since I buy mine online.

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okay :lick: Now i'm really interesting to give a try !!
i've check on amazon I can find one seller who is okay to ship to France and for cheap !!!
the name is Clairol Jazzling in Clear(I don't want color) but id like to know why did you write "thumbs down" for Jazzling ?? :s :s
Krystle~Hime Clear Jazzing may be okay. I just wasn't a fan of the smell nor the fact that even after several washes I had little flecks of color falling out all over the place.
Hahahaha :lol: after indian powders and MTG for horse (a bacon smell....:sad: ) and also aphogee 2 step, I think I will be able to survive !!
I have some Sebastian Laminates Cellophanes I'm willing to part with.

10.1 fl oz Tubes

- Hot Red (Brand New) $25 + $5 for shipping
- Red Red (2/3 left) $16 + $5 for shipping
- Clear (2/3 left) $16 + $5 for shipping

Buy all for $60 which includes shipping. Will consider international shipping.

I've only used the Red Red and Clear once.

My hair is too dark for cellophanes.
I love Cellophanes. It really makes your hair shine and pop.... I find to make it last longer on the hair shaft is to do a deep conditioner wash rather than shampoo so often because that strips the shine and color off the hair. I love the Dominican brand Banos de Color (Color Shower's). I always get it in black.

To answer the question- What is cellophane??
The “cellophane” treatment being referred to is actually a semi-permanent color service that uses no pigment in the hair color formula. Instead clear glossing agents are used which get deposited into the hair adding substance and shine by filling and plumping the shaft and sealing the cuticle layer. The result is hair that looks healthier and shinier, and feels silkier than before. It also makes the natural color more vibrant and lush by increasing the light refraction due to the shine.There are different kinds of cellophane hair treatments: the clear glossy cellophane and the cellophane color treatment.

The clear cellophane treatment is used for people with colored hair. The treatment makes the color more vibrant especially when exposed to light. The cellophane color treatment, on the other hand, is for people who wish to have a hint of color on their hair yet maintain softness. The difference of cellophane with permanent hair dye is that it doesn't use harmful chemicals that make the hair dry.
Yes, you can use a cellophane over permanent color. I found that when I henna'd my hair did NOT take the color from cellophanes so I eventually stopped trying. I had awesome color results from the henna anyway. Another tip to try if you're just looking for shine it to add a bit of cellophane to you dc's. I have used dang near everything; Sebastian Colourshines old and new versions, Jazzing :thumbsdown:, Kiss, Adore, Motions...I discovered Dominican cellophanes only after Sebastian stopped making the original Colourshines. I have gone through a couple of brands (some of yall know how I felt about Color Showers), but have been sticking with Original Colors. The thing I disliked about Sebastian, both the old and newer version, is that the color bleeds everywhere. I never had that issue w/the Dominican brands. Anyhoo, someone asked for pics, I dug out a few and took some today of my ponytail. I don't take hair pics much anymore because I'm not tracking progress, but here goes:




This is a great thread! Thanks for your post Eisani

I never thought about doing a Cellophane glossing. I used to love this product, not so much for the color but because it gave my fine hair weight and smoothed my porous cuticle. I use henna but I would like to experiment with Cellophane's again. I haven't tried it in years, I'm sad to hear they changed the formula. Cellophane use to be a good way for me to get the protein I needed for my hair without drying it out.

I might do an experiment :scratchch
Great thread!
I actually just started using them again. I did one over my last henna gloss and it came out great. Really shiny, I love it.