Naturals - At what length did you start seeing a significant amount of SSKs?

At what length did you start seeing SSKs?

  • 1-3 inches

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • 3-6 inches

    Votes: 10 15.9%
  • 6-9 inches

    Votes: 22 34.9%
  • 9-12 inches

    Votes: 12 19.0%
  • 12+ inches

    Votes: 7 11.1%
  • never had SSKs

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Newly Natural here :hiya: I have about 6 inches of hair and I've only been doing WnGs since I BC. The only worry I have is the possibility of gettin SSKs. I know a lot people say that they didnt really have SSKs in their TWA stage, but saw more when it started to grow out. So I just wanted to know what length did you really start seeing SSKs and how did you prevent them? TIA.
I don't know the exact length because I kept my hair in extensions from 3 to 5". When I took the extension out and started working with hair that is when I started having issues or noticing it as an issue. Because of the intense coils at the end of my hair, I get SSKs whether I protect style or not but it is definitely worse when my hair is out.

I have reduced the number and the frequency of occurence over the past 6 months. I am trying out various products to see which help keep moisture to my ends. So far for me water/glycerin helps a lot, KCCC helps. I am experimenting with misting my hair with water 2x a day right now to see if that helps.
I don't really get them any more ever since i started moisturizing and got the right kinds of conditioner. I don't do wash and go's i just keep my hair twisted up and put on a wig or the occasional weave. I know that if do wash and go's my hair will be a great big nap ball.
I noticed them on myself and my youngest DD almost a year ago.

Is there a danger in having them---they don't bother me--DD and I find them interesting how they knot up like that :look: :lol: She had one strand that had 3 knots on the end, it tickled her.

Again, is there a danger in having ssk's?
Didn't really notice much at first (but I did transition for 16 months before I big chopped, so maybe that's why), but now that I'm getting closer to the 2 year relaxer free mark, I'm noticing that the SSKs are getting extra brolic.
Edit: I'm about apl now.
I saw a lot between NL and SL after I chopped

Now I see very few. I keep my hair stretched so I do not run into this problem often.

I am in between APL and BSL now.
i voted 6-9 inches...i wouldn't call the amount i get now significant, but when i had a TWA i didnt even know what a SSK was (i had to look online) because i didnt have i have some but they dont bother me...i dont go out of my way to undo them with a safety pin or anything, but if i see or feel one, i just snap it off :look:
I noticed them on myself and my youngest DD almost a year ago.

Is there a danger in having them---they don't bother me--DD and I find them interesting how they knot up like that :look: :lol: She had one strand that had 3 knots on the end, it tickled her.

Again, is there a danger in having ssk's?

For me, I don't see the issue. They don't bother me. But I'm interested in knowing what people think.

Can someone with more experience with natural hair answer this?
For me, I don't see the issue. They don't bother me. But I'm interested in knowing what people think.

Can someone with more experience with natural hair answer this?


1) when straightening hair they cause bends in the strand *mainly a cosmetic issue

2) they put stress on the strand and often break off and leave a split end

ETA: this is a microscope image of how the tension of the knot can split the strand

3) They can cause more tangles and knots. If you have a ssk it may get caught in a newly forming ssk loop and the two hairs can lock together like legos :lol:

(^this is from personal experience) finger detangling has opened my eyes to the reasons why my tangles exsits. Now more often than not, I can remove any tangle without breakage. If I see a ssk loop forming I take a saftey pin or needle and remove it, but if the knot is formed I clip it with my shears

now that I eliminate splits and ssk's often detangling is a breeze. I spent about 15mins detangle on my entire head and I am between APL and BSL
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right after my BC I measured my hair and it was between 5-7 inches and after my recent blowout I noticed a few SSK's
At 6-9 inches. My hair is always in a ps when I take my braids down to detangle I notice them. I never see them on my nieces and they are at least bsl. I need to moisturize more but I am hair lazy.
I started getting them around SL or 6-9 inches.. I rarely get them now though.. I pin my hair up alot and keep it stretched out most of the time

1) when straightening hair they cause bends in the strand *mainly a cosmetic issue

2) they put stress on the strand and often break off and leave a split end

ETA: this is a microscope image of how the tension of the knot can split the strand

3) They can cause more tangles and knots. If you have a ssk it may get caught in a newly forming ssk loop and the two hairs can lock together like legos :lol:

(^this is from personal experience) finger detangling has opened my eyes to the reasons why my tangles exsits. Now more often than not, I can remove any tangle without breakage. If I see a ssk loop forming I take a saftey pin or needle and remove it, but if the knot is formed I clip it with my shears

now that I eliminate splits and ssk's often detangling is a breeze. I spent about 15mins detangle on my entire head and I am between APL and BSL
This is my experience too. SSK= Splitsville for me.
I saw them most at 6-9
Moisturizing and sealing and switching from twists
to regular braids helped and trimming more frequently.
What method of stretching do you use?
Short Answer:
Bantu knots, explained below ETA:realised post was long :lachen:

I pre-poo with oil (coconut or grapeseed) and spray with a condish/water mix just to get hair damp.

When adding the oil, I smooth hair in a downward motion and place my hair back into a bantu knot. I have about 8 to 6 knots when done depending on how tangled or dig my hair is. This is THE best method for me!

As I wash or cowash I remove each section, add product shampoo or what ever I am doing. rinse with the same downward motion and put hair back into the knot.

by time I am done my hair has been detangled from the smoothing and the knot keeps my hair stretched.

I either style or airdry over night in the knots.

This technique has simplified my wash time and decreased my detangling.

* note I used to use plats or twist but I notice I wasnted getting adequate product coverage in my crown. This method solved that. and it is easier to remove a knot than undo a braid or twist.

Thanks for the explanation. Maybe I shouldn't be so dismissive about them.

yea try not to be dismissive. I wrote off ssk's and splits off untill I realized that I was suck @ APL for 6 months. And this was the reason

once I got those bad boys in check and cut out heat usuage I started seeing length progression again

I share this because I want ladies to be proactive instead of re-active
I would get a knot every now and then when my hair reached SL, but they didn't start happening in abundance until I reached APL. Constant wash 'n gos were the cause. Now that I keep my hair stretched (via braid-out), I get less knots.
i probably always had them but i didn't start noticing them until i was about 2 years post BC.

i would like to ignore them but they cause split ends and breakage for me.
I have 4a/b hair, noticed SSKs at 5-6". Lots of broken hairs at this length. I've been wearing it straight (and uber moisturizing of my ends) and haven't really noticed any.

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My first bad experience with ssks were last year when my hair was about 7-7.5 inches. My SSKs were caused by the following:

-washing my hair loose.
-detangling after washing
-improper detanging (I was only finger combing up until this point).

Once I started washing in twists (not allowing my hair to tangle), detangling stretched hair before washing and using a comb to detangle my SSKs have been dramatically reduced. I also keep my hair in stretched styles and that has also helped.