Naturally Wavy? TYPE 2

I remember this post... anyway... here are brand new pics of my ng...
definitely not TYPE 2 :nono2:

yay! pics! your hair texture is beautiful! it looks like type 3a/b to me. :yep: you're hair reminds of hairlove's natural hair. you may want to check her album out.
I've been having trouble with
this hair typing blah blah
I don't like it much. I also
have trouble finding people on
LHCF with hair like mines.

My hair is naturally wavy... it does not curl!!!
It's like a coarse version of a Type 2 or maybe
a coarse version of Type 3A and it's very fine.
It looked like this before I started getting relaxers:


Anybody else have hair like this?

Your hair looks almost exactly like mine when I was transitioning and relaxed. I have plenty of texture pics once I chopped
I remember this post... anyway... here are brand new pics of my ng...
definitely not TYPE 2 :nono2:

Oh, I remember this thread too. Your hair is wet in the pics so I would definitely say 3b/c. It looks like we have a similar texture after all. Your hair is very beautiful and you're doing a great job.:yep:
Wow your hair looks just like mine when I was transitioning. I transitioned for well over two years. You would be surprised at how much the relaxed ends weigh your hair down. It is going to curl up nicely once you cut them off.
I finally found me! With 5+ inches of NG, I can positively say that I am a 2 with some 1 in the back! I thought that I was a 3a/b but I am exactly like the pics in the front half of my head.
Hey Southern Tease when is the last time you saw your natural hair without relaxed ends attached? Im curious because I at first thought my hair would be slick shiny and wavy when I was transitioning the first time. It looked that way when I had the relaxed ends stretching my natural coil/curls/kinks out. My mom often mentioned to me while I transition that as a child my hair was thick and nappy. I did remember breaking numerous combs and brushes as a child but the new growth I saw didnt look like it could do all that. I just new my hair was going to slick and wavy but alas my mom was right. I cut those relaxed ends off and my hair was thick compacted and lacked shine. If I stretched out my curls it looked exactly like when I was transitioning. So what you see now may not be what you get when you cut the relaxed ends off.