You know it is all about what you want from your hair. I'm currently transitioning and I've made this decision after deciding I want long hair. I came here initially to grow long hair and I feel it will be longer and healthier if it had one less thing going against it - the relaxer.
My hair was nice relaxed, it wasn't particularly long but then I never took the time to care for it. My reasons for relaxing when I was 15 was because I wanted hair that moves, that was shiny and that blew in the wind (the honest truth) I also wanted to prove my hair was nicer than other peoples lol that's kids for ya. I've had my hair relaxed for almost 6 years now and I've had enough, the novelty has worn off. For me looking at my hair when it's straight just makes me realise how fake it is. It's not me. Admittedly some people look great with their hair relaxed - I was one of them til last month - but for me it's just not the way anymore.
Again, it's all about what you want. If you want long hair, depending on ur natural texture this might be easier with relaxed hair. I saw my friends hair snap off completely after a weave that she had put in by her hairdresser to strengthen her hair and I couldn't help but think "will that be me 2 years down the line" I can't help thinking that using relaxers is like living on borrowed time for me lol