Natural VS Relaxed


New Member
Hello. I am not new to the forum, but I have not been on here in Months.!! I have been going with this hair growth challenge for at least four years now and I am trying to decide whether relaxed is for me anymore. No matter what I do (from MTGto Surge) my hair still breaks and my stylist continues to trim and I end up with the same amount of hair I started with. What do you think?? Should I give natural a tr natural really better as far as growth or is it a myth>?? Please express your opinions. Thanx
If that's something you really wanna do I say go for it. I understand where you're coming from. I've had a lot of problems over the years with relaxers, etc. But my main problem was stupid hairdressers. I'm currently transitioning and I got tired of getting relaxers and figured my hair would be a lot healthier without the chemicals. I figured if I want my hair straight I can always flat iron it.
My hair grows pretty fast as a natural. I also do more TLC with my hair. I can maintain braided styles which give my hair a rest. I think there is a myth that natural hair grows faster. I think it is stronger because there are no chemicals so the hair can retain length. Natural is as much mental as it is physical.

I'm currently relaxed.

I did, however, go natural once a few years ago when I got a lot of breakage because of hair color and my own I understand where you are coming from.

I think if you really think your hair cannot be healthy then go ahead and go natural. I do however think that both natural and relaxed hair can be healthy with proper care.

It's really a personal choice that you need to make for yourself.


Let us know what you decide to do :)
Natural hair is healthy from the start well up until to color it, if you do. The most trouble I ever have with my hair is keeping the ends moisturized, which gets to be a hassle as it gets longer. You might want to think about how you deal with the idea of shrinkage since your growth won't show right away.

Not to say there aren't some healthy heads of relaxed hair, its just a personal preference
IMHO, your hair can never be healthy if it is relaxed. As long as chemicals are placed on the strands, it weakens the hair leaving it more susceptible to breakage.

I say go natural. It allows for much more versatility, it will grow faster and thicker, and your hair can truly be healthy.
I consider myself to finally be natural after spending many years relaxed. My hair grows at the same rate relaxed or natural, as far as retention my hair was longer when I was mildly relaxed than it is now but I think that is just because initially I didnt know how to care for natural hair properly but all in all I like my natural texture better, it is more work but worth it.....

as far as health, my hair was healthy relaxed and is healthy natural just thinner(which I'm working on) So what I'm saying is...... it doesnt matter natural or relaxed(to me) its all about what you do!
It's all a matter of choice. If I were you I would read, read, and do more reading around here and base your decision on you! No one here knows your head so I don't think we can tell you which way to go.

Do note that:
1. Natural is NOT a easy way out, it still requires maintenance to acheive health.

2. Relaxing is NOT the easy way out either, it requires maintenance also.

You may have some people here who tells you relaxed hair is weak/damaged or that natural hair is too difficult to manage but I find them both to be incorrect. It's all about your skill and the way you manage it. Healthy hair that is strong and easy to manage is very possible on both ends!
You know it is all about what you want from your hair. I'm currently transitioning and I've made this decision after deciding I want long hair. I came here initially to grow long hair and I feel it will be longer and healthier if it had one less thing going against it - the relaxer.

My hair was nice relaxed, it wasn't particularly long but then I never took the time to care for it. My reasons for relaxing when I was 15 was because I wanted hair that moves, that was shiny and that blew in the wind (the honest truth) I also wanted to prove my hair was nicer than other peoples lol that's kids for ya. I've had my hair relaxed for almost 6 years now and I've had enough, the novelty has worn off. For me looking at my hair when it's straight just makes me realise how fake it is. It's not me. Admittedly some people look great with their hair relaxed - I was one of them til last month - but for me it's just not the way anymore.

Again, it's all about what you want. If you want long hair, depending on ur natural texture this might be easier with relaxed hair. I saw my friends hair snap off completely after a weave that she had put in by her hairdresser to strengthen her hair and I couldn't help but think "will that be me 2 years down the line" I can't help thinking that using relaxers is like living on borrowed time for me lol
I say listen to God, and follow your hear. He will definitely tell you what is best. Yes, I had to ask whether to go natural or stay relaxed.:cool: Now I am happier than I have ever been.:D
My hair seems to grow much better when it is relaxed. The key is to properly take care of your hair. When I went natural years ago I thought that my hair would grow like crazy. It didn't. That's because I wasn't taking proper care of it. Since I've been relaxed I've found it easier to take better care of my hair. Some people find it easier to take better care of their natural hair. It's all about your attitude regarding your hair.
I think there are many ladies on this board that have the hair to prove that relaxed and healthy hair can be achieved. It's all about choice. If you think being natural will provide you with healthy hair and substantial growth then go for it. No matter what your choice there will be much time spent on care and maintenance.

question-are you taking a medications or do you think your diet could be affecting the health of your hair?
It's definitely a personal preference. I had healthy long hair being relaxed. Now as natural, my hair is reasonably healthy and growing long but I'm still in a learning phase. I have been completely natural for almost 2 years and I am still learning how to care for my hair. So that's something to think about, too. As relaxed, it took me years to learn how to care for my hair but once I did, I had a set regimen and schedule to care for it and I did and it was long and healthy. It did take a while though. I think you can shorten the learning curve by reading though. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I say go for it, it won't hurt to try and see if that is what is best for Your hair. Just remember that it still needs to be maintained, and cared for in order to stay as healthy as it will come in.

*Note- Just because it's chemical free doesn't mean that it is healthy, I see unhealthy natural hair allllll the time.