Natural Support Thread

Hair type?
Very tightly coiled/kinky/frizzy
Current hair length?
Almost armpit length in the back...the front and sides range from lip length to shoulder length. However, the strange thing is this: when I measure different sections of my hair with a ruler, they are all nearly the same length (8+ inches), but when stretched, the front and sides appear to be shorter than the back.
Goal hair length?
At least armpit length all over...then brastrap/midback length in the future
Time since bc?
23 months...however, I had to do two BCs. After my first BC on May 1st 2005, I had 3-4 inches. After my 2nd BC a week later, I started with less than 1/2 an inch of hair!

How long did you transition, or did you?
Almost 8 months (Oct 7, 2004 thru Apr 30, 2005)
Biggest hair challenge?
I guess it would be shrinkage, but now I've been embracing it and have given up combing my hair out when it's dry.
Stand-by products?
Not sure what you mean by "stand-by". I don't use many products...just shampoo, conditioner, and a moisturizer. And I've never had any true staple products. Currently, I've been using Creme of Nature Shampoo, Aussie Moist Conditioner, and BB Oil Moisturizer with Castor Oil and Aloe. I sometimes use just plain distilled water to moisturize.
Stand-by hair style?
Lately, I've been wearing my hair in a puff at the crown of my head with a ponytail holder! This is a mini-milestone for me. I used to use thin satin scarfs or those ouchless headbands to form some sort of puff. Now I can just wash/rinse my hair and smooth it into a puff with a ponytail holder.
Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?
Yes. Check out my album in the link in my signature.
Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?
NO WAY! I went natural because I hated getting relaxer touch-ups...the smell, the occassional burns, ugh! No more for thought of texturizing either. I was SO glad that I discovered women online with natural hair. I was like "hey, I can have beautiful hair without those awful chemicals!" At that point, I didn't care about my hair looking straight or being a certain texture...I just wanted to stop applying those chemicals to my head, plus I was curious to see what my hair looked like without chemicals. It's sad to say that I used to think all black women had relaxed hair. I'm glad the habit of getting my mom to relax my hair was broken a few months after joining LHCF.
Best hair compliment?
"I love you hair!" and many more! :)
Wow, great topic!! And it's so nice to see some of you longer haired natural girls. I have something to look forward to.

Hair type? 3b, 4a, 4b (a lot of variety)

Current hair length? 5-5.5 inches

Goal hair length? Tailbone length

Time since bc? 7 mos

How long did you transition, or did you? 3 mos

Biggest hair challenge? Not having enough length to put my hair in a ponytail or bun

Stand-by products? I love ORS hair mayonnaise. Still haven't found my staples

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Wash n go.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? My album is at pw: napturality (I think)

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? All the time, but that's just because my hair isn't long enough to style the way I want to.

Best hair compliment? I don't really have one. Any compliment is good I guess.:p
LovetheLord said:
I have just decided to go natural. I definitely need some support. My mother is so negative about it and so are my sisters. my husband does support it though. I am just a little fearful of it. I know that sounds crazy, but living with relaxed hair is all I know. I have been brainwashed for so long that straight hair is better and if you don't have "good hair" you need a relaxer.

I am also doing this for my daughter, she is 3 months old and I want her to be natural, so I guess I kind of want to do this with her and let her have a positive role model with natural hair in her life. Sometimes I wish my mother would never have put a relaxer in my hair, but I can't blame her she had seven girls.

Anyway just wanted to get that off my chest.

(Say aloud every day: Please God, help me not to put another relaxer in my head.)

Awwww...I don't know you, but I'm proud of you for doing this for your little girl. It hard to shake off all that programming about hair, but as you start to love your own kinks, and curls, and coils it'll be like second nature. I wish you hair blessings for your attempt this time to go natural hopefully this and other threads wil motivate and encourage you I know they always help me out. GOOD LUCK!
p.s. babyblue I'm shouting you out. I love your hair!!:D:love:
Bublnbrnsuga said: - At the moment, fotki is down, though :(
pw is frizzy

Thanks for the info I left to go to class but Fotki is up now. Your hair is gorgeous and so much inspiration for me to leave my hair alone and not texlax it lol. I haven't made it through your entire album yet though. I leave comments not a lurker lol.

Thanks again!
I *really* needed this thread GREAT IDEA!!! :D

Hair type? Not sure, 3a/b with 4a

Current hair length? APL

Goal hair length? BSL unstretched

Time since bc? N/A...I did around 4 deep trims each taking off 3-4 inches.

How long did you transition, or did you? A little over a year.

Biggest hair challenge? Keeping my hair moisturized. Finding products that work well with my hair. Having variety in styles.

Stand-by products? Coconut oil, conditioner, Giovanni Direct are always in my stash!

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? I usually bun with an occasional puff.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? My hair in Oct. 2006

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? I guess it depends on the day. I've been completely natural for about two years but I still struggle with my hair.

Best hair compliment? "It's so soft, and big, and pretty. I LOVE it, you should do this more often!!" - my wide-eyed cousin a few days ago on the floppy afro I had after brushing out my hair
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Hair type? Kinky/coily/curly (I think 4a)

Current hair length? 10"-probably around neck unstretched

Goal hair length? past shoulder to bra strap unstretched

Time since bc? One year

How long did you transition, or did you? One year

Biggest hair challenge? Tangles and dry ends

Stand-by products? Aubrey Organics, IC Fantasia Blue Gel, Aveda Humectant, Regis Olive Oil, Denman 4, Castor Oil

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Afro Puff, Low Pony

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? photo album

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? Can't say that I do

Best hair compliment? No one can remember what I looked like with straight hair.
Hair type?
not sure. 4a/b. Very Frizzy
Current hair length?
8-9 inches
Goal hair length?
Armpit length. I want to be able to pull it all back in a bun. 15-20 inches would be my ultimate goal
Time since bc?
I cut it in August 05
How long did you transition, or did you?
9 months
Biggest hair challenge?
My hair is very frizzy. I put twist in and the next day they look a mess. I am trying to find a good hard gel so my twist can last at least a week. I think that is my biggest struggle; dealing with the frizz.
Stand-by products?
Pantene daily moisture renewal, and suave clarifying shampoo
Stand-by hair style?
I am not sure I have one but I would say twist pulled back in a bun. I just need to find a good gel to tame the frizz.
Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?
Honestly, there are times when I am dealing with the frizz that I get discouraged. I look at other peoples twist that last 2-3 weeks without as much frizz as I get in one day and just wish my hair was straight. But I will continue to look for a product to tame the frizz.
Best hair compliment?
"Your hair is so pretty!"
Hair type? Loose 4a in the front, tight 4a in the back

Current hair length? Collarbone stretched

Goal hair length? BSL unstretched

Time since bc? n/a

How long did you transition, or did you? Transitioned out of a perm with braids

Biggest hair challenge? knots :ohwell:

Stand-by products? castor oil, Proclaim curl activator gel, Fantasia IC Thick n Shine, Aloe Vera Gel, and any moisturizing conditioner

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? pulled back in a bun with a bear claw clip or octopus claw clip, twists and twist outs

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? In fotki

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No, my hair was see thru and very thin back in those days :(

Best hair compliment? "Your hair is soooo soft" :D
Hi LovetheLord! I really know how you feel. I first bc'd in 2005. I remember being fearful as well. I had not really seen my natural hair since I was a little girl and even then only for a little bit because it was always kept pressed. My mother is negative about natural hair as well and when she first saw my natural hair I actually felt like she was ashamed of me. Not long after that I ended up relaxing again and of course regretting that.

I bc'd again in 2006 and this time it has been easier for me as I am getting used to my natural hair and more confident. I still don't think my mother "likes" my natural hair because in her eyes it's not "good" enough but she doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to hurt my feelings. The last time I showed her my hair she said ooh if you pressed it it would be so long, and then she caught herself and said, well if that's what you wanted to do. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. The journey isn't always easy but it's certainly worthwhile.

LovetheLord said:
I have just decided to go natural. I definitely need some support. My mother is so negative about it and so are my sisters. my husband does support it though. I am just a little fearful of it. I know that sounds crazy, but living with relaxed hair is all I know. I have been brainwashed for so long that straight hair is better and if you don't have "good hair" you need a relaxer.

I am also doing this for my daughter, she is 3 months old and I want her to be natural, so I guess I kind of want to do this with her and let her have a positive role model with natural hair in her life. Sometimes I wish my mother would never have put a relaxer in my hair, but I can't blame her she had seven girls.

Anyway just wanted to get that off my chest.

(Say aloud every day: Please God, help me not to put another relaxer in my head.)
Hair type?
3c, 4a, 4b

Current hair length?
BSL stretched

Goal hair length?
HBL stretched

Time since bc?
Didn't bc

How long did you transition, or did you?
About 13 months in 1996

Biggest hair challenge?
Style challenged

Stand-by products?
Conditioner, jojoba and castor oils, aloe vera gel, and Aphrogee.

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)?
One braid held up with a claw or octopus clip, and mostly in a baggy.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?
No, I prefer my hair curly, and it would not hold a curl when it was relaxed. It didn't feel like my hair when it was relaxed. I wanted my natural hair immediately after putting the relaxer in. I've been natural over 40 years of my life so I'm certain that I will remain natural. I do straighten on occasion.

Best hair compliment?
"Your hair looks so healthy"

ETA: length change
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I love this thread!

Hair type: 4a/b

Current Hair Length: almost shoulder length when stretched

Goal hair length: midback (stretched)

Time since BC: 1 year 1 month (Bc-ed in February of 2006)

How long did you transition: I didn't. I just went for it!

Biggest Hair Challenge(s): KNOTS & TANGLES!!!!! Split ends (I have cut most of them last weekend). Very dry hair.

Stand-by hair products: Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo, Pantene R&N Breakage Defense hair mask, Joico K-Pak Reconstructor, SheaMoisture Leave-In, Fantasia IC gel (the blue one), Vatika Oil, Castor Oil, Shea Butter

Stand-by Hair Style: two large cornrows

Picture? Sorry, not at this time

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No, I am not planning to .

Best Hair Compliment: "Your hair looks so nice like this" (I was wearing a puff)
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well a couple years ago i had bangs. they've been steadily growing out since then and got quite long :)

so what did i do to them? i chopped 'em that's what and was so surprised how much of a difference it made to not have relaxed hair hanging on!

so, they're officially 100% natural and very short (about 4-5.5 inches) :perplexed:lol: - hopefully i can work them until they grow out a bit LOL.

Hair type? Still trying to figutre it out

Current hair length? TWA In the front it strectches to my eyes and the back is on my neck.

Goal hair length? For now Healthy Thick BSL

Time since bc? 1 month and some days

How long did you transition, or did you? 3 or 4 months

Biggest hair challenge? Learning what to do with it

Stand-by products? Pantene Pro V Hydration Curls

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? well the only thing i can do with it right now is a mini fro so i just wash and go and wear my twa

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? just the one in my signature but there will be more

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? no thank you

Best hair compliment? I like your hair it look so good on you. WOW.

Great thread by the way and ladies you all have some beautiful hair...i can't wait til i can wear a puff that is my goal for now...hopefully it grows enough so i can wear a puff this summer.

The only thing is i don't apply things to my scalp because i can not get to it...i don't want to have to have to comb it a lot and that would be the only way that i know of to do it...any suggestions...

I haven't had any problems with my scalp, so I don't usually put anything on it. Sometimes when I straighten my hair out it gets dry so I put some Mizani's Rose H2O, or keracare conditioning hair dress. Or if i'm wearing and twist style for a while. Myabe some of the other ladies can give you some tips
The only thing is i don't apply things to my scalp because i can not get to it...i don't want to have to have to comb it a lot and that would be the only way that i know of to do it...any suggestions...


I rarely put anything on my scalp--it doesn't need it. My scalp likes water the most, and it seems to penetrate. The rare times I might put a little oil on it, I just put the oil/grease on my fingertips and massage the different areas of my hair until I feel I've gotten most of it. I don't oil my scalp by parting it and running a line of grease through it like my mama did when I was a kid. :)

Hair type?

Current hair length?

Goal hair length?
Tailbone length

Time since bc?

How long did you transition, or did you?

Biggest hair challenge?
Taming my natural hair and avoiding too much poof

Stand-by products?
Caster Oil, ACV, homemade buttercream, almond oil, Giovanni direct I don’t have a set in stone conditioner or shampoo but I love cheapie conditioners Vo5 and Hello Hydrations. Currently I use breakthro moisturizing shampoo with a little neem oil added. I have also been on a Garnier kick although I am thinking of trying to go more natural.

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)?
I generally do braidouts when my hair is natural, during the summer wash and go’s. I like to mix it up with rollersets/flexirod sets and occationally I will even mess around with an updo- or partial updo. I flat iron my hair every 2 months so nearly half the time its sort of “relaxer” straight.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?
Check out my fotki

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?
I never have been but I like the options I have now

Best hair compliment?
A girl who has absolutely beautiful tailbone length hair at work told me she likes my hair soo much because I can do so much with it, her hair is pretty much straight but mine curls to whatever I want it to so easily. I really took this as a compliment because I have always envied her hair, also sometimes I get down and out about all the texture and bigness of my hair.
Hair type? 4a/4b

Current hair length? Shoulder length when straightened

Goal hair length? Below my shoulder blades

Time since bc? 12 years

How long did you transition, or did you? I did not transition.

Biggest hair challenge? Styling it, knots and tangles

Stand-by products? Homemade herbal shampoo, Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol (before using I add castor oil, aloe vera gel, avocado oil, honey, and extra virgin olive oil), essential oils, assorted butters (shea, mango, avocado) and additional carrier oils (almond and jojoba)

Stand-by hair style (and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because a lot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves). Double strand twists

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No!

Best hair compliment? "Oh my G_d! You look so ethnic!" :lol:
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Hair type? 4a
Current hair length? 2ins from bsl when stretched

Goal hair length?
waist length
Time since bc? 3 yrs--I wore it short for a 1.5 yrs, then I got serious about long hair.
How long did you transition, or did you?
4 mos
Biggest hair challenge?
Keeping it moisturized

Stand-by products?
Keracare shampoo/con, Suave milk and honey, wgo,castor oil, eo's to keep it smelling good. I did the MTG thingy, but that smell was not for me.

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Twists, they give me alot of options

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?
I need to update my fotki since my hair has gotten longer, but I have a few in there of my bc growing out.

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No

Best hair compliment? I get alot of them, but I cherish the ones I get from Brothers, you know, alot of us still can't appreciate what God gave us.
gloomgeisha said:
Best hair compliment?- Male coworker molests fro, I turn around, he says "I'm sorry...I just...couldn't...resist's" The look on his face was a mixture of arousal and fear. LOL!

This is funny!:lol:

My turn.....

Hair type: 3c/4a

Current length: neck length unstrecthed

Goal length: collar bone unstrecthed
Time since big chop: 8 months

Length of transition: 16 months

Biggest hair challenge: maintaining moisture wearing a ponytail everyday, tangled ends, hard water, finding the right products for each season (winter was hard)

Stand by products: garnier fructis curl and shine leave-in, dove intense moisture conditioner, porosity control, ORS replenishing pak, jojoba oil

Stand by hair style: ponytail :(

Picture: see avatar

Do I ever want to be relaxed again?: probably not. I didn't like going in to get a touch-up, plus the price went up every time I went in. My scalp would burn and scab, even though my hair was healthy and looked great then.

Best hair compliment: "You never should have been relaxed in the 1st place. You hair is so pretty."

For the person who asked about putting stuff on the scalp, I have recently started using parnevu t-tree oil (walmart) on my scalp. It's nice light oil that gives my scalp a refreshed feeling.

ETA (again): I just remembered that I got that t-tree oil from the local BSS. But they do sell a different brand of the t-tree oil at Wal-Mart.
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SSBD said:
Thank you ladies...

Does any body use MTG or LR or MN or something like that...if so how

I use LR when I remember and am not pressed for time so :confused: maybe twice a month. I've noticed a difference even with my sporadic use. I just part the hair and rub it into the scalp. I don't use it on my hair at all.
bLackButtaFly said:
Hair type?

Current hair length?

Longest layer is touching Brastrap when streched

Goal hair length?

Between Mid back and Waistlenght

Time since bc?

BC in feb/march 2001

How long did you transition, or did you?

No I didn't

Biggest hair challenge?

I don't know......natural hair it's time consuming sometimes!

Stand-by products?

Le Kair cholesterol, homemade moisturizer, glycerin, natural products (candi-c treatment, shea butter, beef narrow, aloe vera...), natural oils!

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)?

Now I'm doing C&G (box braids with extension or/and weave, natural twist) to grow my hair !

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)?

Yes older one (16 february 2006)

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed?

When I think about it I use my straightening tools :D ie every 3/4 months.
When my hair will reach my goal I'll do it once a month or every other month!

Best hair compliment?
Your hair is beautiful I though it was a weave ! (comments made when I had a natural braid-out same comment when I had flat ironed my hair)!:grin: :grin:
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Hair type? Mostly 4A, 3C in back

Current hair length? Collarbone stretched

Goal hair length? Bra Strap unstretched

Time since bc? N/A

How long did you transition, or did you? N/A

Biggest hair challenge? Being patient, and loving my hair at each length stage

Stand-by products? MTG, Scurl,and Castor Oil

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Cornrows, Wig, or Weave

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? Very Few

Best Compliment? Your hair is so full and beautiful!

SSBD said:
Thank you ladies...

Does any body use MTG or LR or MN or something like that...if so how

I use MTG. I use a plastic color developer bottle with a small tip opening so that I don't have to part my hair to apply it. I use it about 3-4 times a week. HTH
Great thread!!!

Hair type? 4a

Current hair length? shoulder length (stretched)

Goal hair length? midback

Time since bc? about three years

How long did you transition, or did you? I think it was a year.

Biggest hair challenge? Dealing with part of my hair that is heat damaged (straight) from using a curling iron on high without any heat protectant. I wish I would've known. That was before joining this board of course.

Stand-by products? Suave conditioner for cowashes, Fantasia IC Gel

Stand-by hair style(and short tutorial if it has not been explained. I think this is crucial because alot of the natural ladies don't know the wealth of styles they can do themselves)? Sorry I don't anything spectacular. I usually just cowash my hair in the morning, then I put gel in it and brush it back with a boar bristle brush.

Do you have a picture(also very helpful)? in my avatar there's a picture of my hair pressed and in my signature there's a picture of my every day hairstyle.

Do you ever want to go back to relaxed? No way. I get so many compliments about my hair since it's natural. Plus, I would miss my curls.

Best hair compliment? You have a good grain of hair. I've had several women down south say that about my wavy hair.
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Well, it takes time to know your hair that's for sure, especially if you are trying to grow it to bra strap and beyond. I have done 2 really good trims in the last six months to get rid of any dry ends that were getting on my last nerve and to ensure thickness all the way to the end of the strands.
My biggest challenges are: Balancing moisture with protein and fats to keep the fine strands from breaking. These will break my hair in a heartbeat and make it shed: adding commercial liquid conditioners mixed with oils. Any commercial moisturizers> glycerine sprays or moisturizing sprays. Loves: natural heavy oils, cholesterol, and shea butter mixed with natural oils and wildgrowth to keep it supple and soft. It really loves water sprays and overnight baggies and most recently, natural cornrows! Go figure!
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