Natural? Relaxed? Transitioning?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies! In the "Everyone's going natural" thread it was suggested (by @faithVA) that we put whether we're natural, relaxed, texlaxed, or transitioning under our usernames, so that when we post in the hair forum...I guess it would be helpful for those looking for kindred spirits? Anyway, here's how you do it:

User CP>Edit your details>Custom user title>Save changes

Ok, hope that helps!
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Updated. I have no idea about my hair type and am waiting until my next touch up to claim APL so its just 'Relaxed' for now :grin:
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Ugh I want to do mine but have no idea what hair type I am. I know my hair is fine but maybe u ladies can chime in and help me type my hair and what length! TIA sorry for so many pics I just wanna make sure u can see my hair and my phone is messing with me today lol!






HairPleezeGrow said:
Ugh I want to do mine but have no idea what hair type I am. I know my hair is fine but maybe u ladies can chime in and help me type my hair and what length! TIA sorry for so many pics I just wanna make sure u can see my hair and my phone is messing with me today lol!

Hair type isn't required. Just whether you are relaxed, texlaxed, transitioning, or natural. Length and hair type are optional.

ETA: I'd guess 3c/4a, mostly 3c, but I'm not good at hair typing.
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Hi Ladies! In the "Everyone's going natural" thread it was suggested (by @faithVA) that we put whether we're natural, relaxed, texlaxed, or transitioning under our usernames, so that when we post in the hair forum...I guess it would be helpful for those looking for kindred spirits? Anyway, here's how you do it:

User CP>Edit your details>Custom user title>Save changes

Ok, hope that helps!

Nice idea, I'm going to add it now.