Natural ladies - I need help!!


New Member
You natural ladies with 4a fine, delicate hair - What do you use to keep your hair moisturized, soft and to help it grow?

My daughter has fine, delicate, soft textured, tightly coiled 4a hair. It dries out easily if I don't shampoo twice a week, once using cholestoral conditioner only and the other using CON. She gets a protein treatment once a month. I keep her hair twisted or braided and mist daily w/world of curls & distilled water and she take children's vitamins. Her shrinkage is at least 50% so it seems like her hair is not growing.

Is there anything that I'm missing or anything that I could do to jumpstart her growth? I'm really trying to take advantage of this hot California weather and condition wash more frequently. I'm considering putting braids in her hair for the summer.

Any tips would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Hi Nita,

I'm a natural 4A myself so maybe I can help.

First off, let's go over hair products.

Maybe the cholesterol conditioner is not moisturizing enough. I used cholesterol when I was relaxed but I don't use it anymore. For moisture, I use Aubrey Organics Island Naturals Creme Rinse and for protein treatment, I use A.O. GPB. Have you ever tried Pantene Pro-V's Smooth and Sleek conditioner. I use that for my daily conditioner washes. I don't like Pantene's shampoo line because it dries out my hair too much but the S&S works wonders on my hair. You can consider Pantene's S&S or Daily Moisture Renewal. Try switching to another conditioner and see if it makes a difference. What protein treatment are you using? Do you clarify your daughter's hair to get rid of excessive buildup?

How often do you comb your daughter's hair? I only comb mines weekly when I'm doing my wash and condition. How much hair does your daughter lose when you comb it? Is her hair breaking off? Are you gentle and patient with her hair and start combing at the ends and work your way up?

Now you say that it seems like your daughter's hair isn't growing? Well my hair seemed to stay the same length for 6 months but once I blow dried it, it was MUCH longer than I thought it was. It was actually growing like wildfire and I didn't know it. It might also be possible that she is not retaining the length.

Write back. We're figure this out!

To add to what Ebonyeyes out for the World of is mostly glycerin and I know the 4a sections of my hair don't really like glycerin too much. It actually makes my hair dryer...I think because glycerin can cause a buildup easily.
How old is your daughter? I think less is more when it comes to children. If your daughter is young keep with simple styles like cornrows and redo them every week. You need a light conditioner for condition washes, a deep conditioner, a hair oil/hair dressing, and a moisturizing spray to use daily. I don't your daughter will need more products than that until she is in her teens and wants more elaborate styles (does more with her hair).
I agree with OrganicEvolution that less is more for children. My hair grew to mid-back when I was younger because my mother kept it in simple styles like braids and didn't over-do it when it came to my hair.

And yes, the glycern can be drying. I forgot to bring up that point. That's why I use my own water-glycerin mix. It has much less glycerin than the commerical products like S-Curl and World of Curls. Thanks for bringing up that point SweetCocoa.

One last point, it may be possible that you have to spray your daugher's hair twice a day because her hair just may be prone to dryness.

I love world of curls personally, I like the one for dry hair(slight yellow tint to it) because it doesn't dry out like the regular one.

Shrinky hair doesn't mean short hair. In the wettest state, my hair looks about 1 inch or less but if I stretch it out, it is about 6inches.

If you are trying to show case length I'd recommend braiding the hair and then blow drying on low heat. Then unbraid and rebraid then blow dry again to low heat.

My 4a hair(with relatively thin strand) cannot take high heat so I personally wouldn't recommend pressing, flatironing or blow outs. I would definitely class it as fragile.

I definitely think cholesterol is best for relaxed hair, it didn't moisturise or soften my natural hair.

I was wondering if it was products I use but I wasn't sure what to use??

I comb twice weekly after shampooing and try to be gentle and patient - she doesn't lose alot of hair, but some. I don't use rubberbands and try not to stress her edges

She has major shrinkage, so if I let airdry then braid or twist I see her length so I know it's growing it just seems so slow.

I did put a hennalucent in her hair to loosen her curl pattern a bit and that worked well. I use either that or the ORS Mayo for protein. She doesn't need often dries her hair out.

I have blown her hair dry maybe twice and it felt dry. So, I don't see a need to do that and I don't even want to think about pressing her hair until she is at least 10. She will be five in August.
Thanks Ladies
Hummm...the glycerine.

I do have 100% natural glycerine that I could use with distilled water and yes I try to keep it very simple because most of the time she doesn't want to get her hair washed or combed anyway. Was just wondering about her products because what works for me doesn't work for her...
and I want to make the most of this summer growing season.

My daughter's hair does that shrinky thing to 1 inch and stretched it's at least 5 inches. My hair did the same back in the day and my solution to that was to relax...bad choice. I can't do that to her. She is too young, even if she wasn't her hair is to delicate and fine it would eventually fall out. So, I've got to learn how to deal with it and teach her so she won't feel a need to relax. I don't even think she could hold a press.
You could try this, buy some aloe vera gel, mix with some castor oil and apply to her roots and her ends, the castor oil will help to thicken her hair and the aloe vera gel will keep her hair soft. Also rinse her hair with a mixture of glycerine, aloe vera gel and castor oil and top mostly with distilled or soft water, that will help to keep the hair moisturised. Also try and get from, look under grooming system long and strong lotion, you can apply that on her hair and leave for 2 minutes, then rinse out, also add to you rinse mixture. Now and then when you get time, make up some rosemary tea, brew it and also use as a rinse, when it is cool. Liquid vitamin E oil is good to put on her scalp. Rinse her hair when it is in braids or twists, them wrap a towel around her hair, for about 10 mins her hair will be damp, smooth down any frizzy areas with aloe vera gel.
Hello again Nita,

Like someone said above, cholesterol works on relaxed hair but it may not be great for some natural heads.

I understand your dilemma regarding trying to find the best products for your daughters hair. But once you do, it will be a relief. In the meantime, let me give you some recommendations:

I suggest that you try a different conditioner just to see if it helps with the dryness. Do a search on this forum for moisturizing conditioners and see what you find.

You should expect that your daughter will lose some hair; some may be due to normal shedding. Being natural has taught me patience and as a result, I lose very little hair during the comb-out process.

I don't think I will be doing a blow out for a while. When my hair reverted back, my ends were frizzier than usual. So every hour I'm spraying my hair with distilledwater trying to replinish my hair with the moisture it lost during the past two weeks. My hair is still in pretty good shape but I don't want to risk damaged hair again. And I'm terrified of the pressing comb. Too many horror stories from this board!

And try making your own water-glycerin mix. Try mixing 2 oz of glycerin to 8 oz of water and put in a spray bottle. If that is too sticky, dilute solution with more water. You may have to experiment until you find the right water/glycerin ratio.

If you don't care for the shrinkage factor, try the suggestion given by someone above. Also, although you are stretching it out, you still aren't seeing the entire length. A blow-out or press gives you a better estimation, unfortunately. When's the last time you did a hennalucent treatment? Have you looked at the "Straigthen your hair the natural way" thread?

Sorry for the long post. I'm just trying to get you prepared for the summer!

Hello Nita4. I have a 6 year old daughter and finding the right combo of products for her hair has definitely been a journey. What I've found that works great for her hair is:

CON Shampoo
Herbal Essences Intensive Belnds Conditioning balm (GOT TO TRY THIS...TRUST ME, YOU WILL LOVE)
Unrefined Coconut Oil, EVOO
Distilled water in Spray bottle
Hot Six Oil
Organics Kids Shea Butter Moisturizer

After much searching, these are the products that yielded the best results for my daughter's hair. When straightened, her hair is bra-strap length
( if she had one
Thanks ladies for all the ideas and suggestions. I didn't want to start buying stuff without asking first. You've given me some great ideas and I'm looking forward to moisturized hair and growth. I'll keep you posted!!