Natural Ladies, How often do you wash your hair?

How often do you prefer to wash your hair?

  • more than once per week

    Votes: 24 39.3%
  • once per week

    Votes: 33 54.1%
  • bi weekly washes

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • monthly

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • more than a month

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I apologize if I'm coming of a little strange, and I know that the varying periods at which some of you ladies wash your hair have to do with certain needs that must be catered to. ( besides it just being time for a wash,lol) I guess what I mean to ask is do your prefer to wash more frequently like once or twice a week ? Also what needs are met in doing so? moisture purposes, detangling etc. ?

TIA ~<3

All answers are very much appreciated, also I would like for you all to list your hair types plz.
I voted more than once a week. Most of the time it's twice a week, but if I'm being lazy it's once a week.
i wash with shampoo maybe once every 2 weeks or so. i'm not big on shampoo because it always tangles my hair, no matter whether i use a sulfate-free shampoo or not. i like ACV rinses more, but most of the time i can't be bothered to go in the kitchen to get it -- i mean, the shampoo stays in the shower.

i cowash almost's just easy since i already shower everyday, you know? i don't detangle every time i cowash though; i usually only detangle once or twice a week. the need to detangle is almost eliminated when i bun or wear twistouts. it is only when i wear WNGs that i have to detangle more often.
Once a week. Unless I'm wearing a twistout, I usually wet it or do a quick co-wash in the mornings though. It's just easier to tie my hair back into a low puff-pony for work that way.

I don't really know how it effects detangling/combing. I do it on my wash day and it takes so long I do not even want to repeat the experience more than that if I don't have to.
everyday to every other day depending on the style and yes i try to detangle with every wash
I co-wash about twice a week and shampoo only as needed, usually when my scalp feels like it has mega build-up on it.
Same here I cowash twice a week and shampoo clarify when needed. My hairs is usually easy to detangle it doesnt snarl a lot.
usually once a week but if i used a lot of gel that week then i'll do a co-wash half way through the week.

oh yeah, and the reason is cause if i go longer than a week my scalp gets super itchy and flaky. so yeah
I cowash about 3-4x a week, though lately its been daily. I run a comb thru it everytime, but I dont have dense hair and my hair is fine, so detangling is never an issue for me. Doesnt take more than a few strokes of the comb and I'm good.

I shampoo once a week
Right now at least twice a week. I workout often so prefer to wash twice a week or more to ensure all the perspiration and buildup gets removed. Now when I start wearing my hair out more (I’m protective styling to waistlength) , I will likely prefer once a week because detangling my hair is quite the task the longer my hair grows.
I wash my hair at least 2x a week. The reason why is b/c by day 4 of my Wash n Go it doesn't look good anymore so I have to start over again. I also just like washing my hair.
I chose more than once a week
the need fulfilled by doing so is scalp health
my scalp gets oily especially in the summer
In the winter I wash my hair twice a week. Usually Mondays and Thursdays. I finger detangle on Mondays and on Thursdays I use a wide toothed comb to detangle. In the summer I can go once a week. The day I choose is Sunday and detangling happens each time. I use shampoo each time I wash, but not a clarifying shampoo. I use a Butter Bar by Chagrin Valley, which is more of a conditioner bar because it doesn't tangle or strip my hair, but coats it.
i usually wash (sulfate free poo or castille i did an acv rinse) followed directly by a cowash (i still count that as one washing session) once a week, and then cowash once midweek...i only detangle with my fingers 1x a week