Natural ladies: How often do you use direct heat?


All is well with me
How often do you use direct heat and what kind of heat do you use?
Please also name your heat protectant if you use one and your hair type.

ie: flatiron/blowout with pik attachment/blowout with round brush/hotcomb etc....

I am thinking of starting a blowout and flatiron regimen once i get back to the UK cos the water is wayyyyy too hard for me to carry on with this daily cowash malarkey. I just want to know how safe is safe cos i don't want to change my curl pattern.

Thanks girlies:)
I use Chi Silk infusion as heat protectant for my blowouts and flat iron presses.

I flat iron once or twice a year and do blowouts about every two months. If I had more time, I'd use heat more often.
I also use the Chi silk infusion with a regular ghd. Hairtype I assume 3a/b mix of silky/frizzy fine. I've blowdried a few times before using a roundbrush but generally I don't. I let it airdry, brush it out and then iron with or without a comb. It's random when I do sometimes once a month, sometimes once in three months.
I almost never use heat. Once a year I do a cold blowout, but other than that...I avoid it. It's just too much work imo :nono:
Twice a month. My hair is a type 4 coarse, ....medium to high density?

I use the Croc 2, with the Turbo Twin 3200 blow drier with a Comb Attachment.

Chi Silk infusion before I blow dry, and a light protectant like Tresemme Heat tamer or One n Only Argan oil just before flat ironing (not necessary). I have yet to lose any curl pattern.. I did notice I had a small amount of split ends after straightening for a few months straight (3-4 times a month) so I'm now on a 1/4 inch trim every few months schedule. I no longer straighten that often because I like my natural styles too.
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I use heat once a month, sometimes once every 2 months. I ponytail rollerset, flat iron half the length of my hair. I use CHI silk infusion. My hair is natural 4a.

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Once a year. Tresseme heat protectant spray. Although, I skipped last year, so it's been 2 years. I'll probably skip this year, too LOL.
i'm a fine strand 4b. Right now I get my hair professionally straightened about 5 times a year. They use FHI heat tools and mostly Design essentials products (DE has a spray in leave in thats also supposed to be a heat protectant and thats what they usually use).

I do not use direct heat at home in between salon visits. I think I could get away with straightening more often if I wanted and may do so once I reach my length goals (say 8-10 times a year).
I will flatiron once every 12-18 months; my heat protectant of choice is Sabino Moisture Block (old version).
First of all, you made my day by saying "malarkey." I LOVE that word :grin:.

I straighten maybe 3 times a year (though I'm on a no heat challenge until 2013 at the present). I'm mostly 4a with patches of 3c, coarse, medium density. I use Sabino Moisture Block (old version) and Joico silk result heat protectant.
I use heat once a month. After washing and conditioning, my hair is in 4 braided sections. I unravel one braided section at a time and divide it into 3 smaller loose sections. Then I blowdry each smaller loose section with my Andis Ceramic Blow Dryer with comb attachment. I apply a little bit of Fantasia ic Heat Protectant Straightening Serum and a little bit of Mane N' Tail Conditioner together on each section of hair before blowdrying. I will either style my blowdried hair in a natural hair style OR straighten with my Andis 1" Ceramic Flat Iron along with Ultra Sheen Creme Satin Pres (a thick yellow grease). Hope that helps!
Im not sure I will ever use heat again. I am newly natural though so I might change my mind.

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Last time was summer 2008. I had never air dried before. I don't use heat because my hair seems especially sensitive to it and I don't seem to miss it. Every winter I use a t-shirt as a turban for 20 minutes before applying my leave in, then style and go to sleep with a t-shirt turban again (I wash my hair at night). I also sometimes transit around my radiator with the t-shirt turban thing on (making sure the neck area gets dry), I don't know if it's smart of useless though lol I wash once a week, and if I need to re-wet my hair during the week I don't wet the scalp (maybe another dumb ritual but hey lol)
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Whenever I feel like it lol. I usually don't do it too often because I get lazy blowdrying.

Sometimes I blowdry on medium heat and sometimes I band my hair in 8 sections after adding grapeseed oil. It makes my hair dry quickly and very soft.

When blowdrying, I either use Fantasia IC's Heat Protectant or another spray that I can't remember.

I flat iron with my Sedu in sections and barring any inclement weather, it lasts me a week to a week and a half. I do the comb chase method with my goody brush.
I've blow dried my hair using the tension method and my hair was stiff and dry. I used CHI heat prot. I need to learn tech & skill so one day I can actually blow and flat iron my hair.
1-2 times a year. So far only once this year. Maybe once more around holiday time....Big Maybe....

I have it done at a salon that does African-american relaxed and natural hair. My stylist does natural presses routinely. I stopped doing it myself because i don't get the results I want. Also she doesn't use a heat protectant and it reverts fine. I use NO product on my hair during the 1-2 wks i wear it straight because it weighs it down. She does a DC on me before she blows it out and presses it so I never have that dried out look. Its glossy and shiny all week!
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I use heat 3-4 times a year by first blow drying, then flat ironing. I use FX Silk Drops as a protectant. Honestly, I have no clue what texture I am. I've heard everything from 3b to 4a :perplexed
Weekly. I do weekly rollersets and I lightly flat iron once a week on the lowest setting to seal the cuticle and keep my hair from getting frizzy. Works great for me.

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I'm trying out a new reggie for the fall/winter just to change things up a bit. I've blow dried/flat ironed biweekly for the past month, wearing it straight the first week and "curly" using flexirods the second week. I use the Hair Rules blowout creme (on clearance at Ulta right now btw) when I blow dry and Apex pressing grease when I flat iron.
at least 6x's a year so far this past year. As my hair gets longer it will probably be more frequently. I'm still trying out different products and techniques. But so far my favorite way to do it is to blow dry with a concentration nozzle in sections using a denman brush and
Cantu Shea Butter Super Shine Hair Silk. Then add a little more and flat iron with my 1" Andis.
The last time I used heat was on December 1, 2010.

I'm still contemplating straightening my hair before the end of the year since I will be on a No Heat Challenge all next year.

I just love how curly my hair is...I really don't want to mess it up :nono:

When I use the blow dryer, I use the cool shot button the whole time :yep:
It was bi-weekly but I recently changed heat usage to every three weeks and my hair is thriving. I use my blowdryer on warm and cool then flat iron. I use Tresemme heat spray and chi silk infusion depending on if I want to use a spray or serum. I will limit heat usage a little more this winter by ps-ing with buns and roller sets w/ roots straightened.