Natural ladies: how do you apply product to your hair?


Well-Known Member
Do you section your hair off and apply section by section, or do you apply product all over.

I'm getting frustrated with my hair. Sometimes it just looks like this big mass and I feel like product doesn't get to every section.

Some sections also like to stand straight up :ohwell: especially the front.

I'm trying to figure out what to do with it, and if my method of applying product isn't effective.
I detangle first, then use the denman to define my curls, with my fingers part my hair in 4 sections, then apply product.

When applying product (gel) to the back of my hair, I make sure to take that section and divide it in two so that the top (crown area) gets as much product as the bottom (nape area). When I'm done I can't use the denman again or I'll mess up my hair so I just smooth it out with my fingers, shake my head a little bit, and leave it alone till its dry.
I section my hair off into about 6 to 8 sections and apply product and then rake through with my hands.
I usually apply product after I wash my hair (Co-wash). I then section it in 4 sections, add leave-in conditioner first, then whatever product I am using (mostly gel). I then comb the product through, and voila!
Definitely in sections. 6 to be exact.

The front in 2 sections, from ear to forehead on either side due to looser texture. The back in 4 sections because of the kinks that reside back there.

Slapping conditioner all over left alot of hair unconditioned.

Try it - it'll only take a couple extra minutes out of your routine but you'll get the job done much more efficiently.
How do you all avoid over using products? Do you saturate your hair especially with conditioner?

If you don't saturate your hair how do you know you have enough?

I apply my leave in to 4 sections of hair then i detangle with my detangling comb then my denman. I seal the sections with a butter then plait.
I apply in 4 sections, although if I'm applying post-wash products (versus conditioner) I tend to split each section in half as I'm applying to make sure I get the hair in the middle. Then I comb through with a medium-wide tooth comb.
Over the years I've learned that making sure all my hair is evenly coated is really important to getting good results w/the final style.

CarLita, I detangle as I'm making the sections. My hair parts into the 4 sections pretty easily with my fingers since my hair is used to being parted that way. As I section of the hair I'll finger comb a little if needed, then use my comb to quickly go through it before adding the conditioner or product.
You could detangle all over first if you wanted to, but detangling usually involves making sections anyway, so I just kind of do it as I go.
How do you all avoid over using products? Do you saturate your hair especially with conditioner?

If you don't saturate your hair how do you know you have enough?


@ the bolded: I use two medium-sized amounts for each section. (I wash my hair in six sections.)

In regards to moisturizing, I put my hair into about eight sections, rub the moisturizer into my hands, and moisturize the sections.
I divide my hair into four and secure them using non-metal hairbands. To apply product, I typically split one of those sections into 2, apply the product and then tie both sections back up again. It's just less fussy and quicker for me than making 8 parts.
My hair is naturally thin and fine but I find sections work better for me and I use quarter sizes as I go and feel the hair after I moisturize it - it lets me know if I need. But even with my fine/thin hair sections work best and I comb through with my fingers.
I slather the product on without sectioning and then I shake my hair to get rid of the frizz I created while putting the product in.
thanks ladies!
i would just apply product to my entire head at once :eek:
i'm learning new things with this new head of hair. I never thought my hair was thick, and it's still not the thickest head of hair i've seen, but sometimes i'm just like jeez, this is just too much :ohwell:

I also realize I don't detangle my hair as often as I should. I need to start doing that whenever my hair is wet, damp. A lot of the times I just finger-comb :look: which is not good at all for natural hair.