Natural ladies help!


Well-Known Member
As some of you may know, I am transitioning. But, I am having trouble. I cut a section of my hair off in the back so I could get to know my hair until I BC in March. But, that section is so dry. I tried deep conditioning and shea butter but nothing seems to work. It is not breaking or anything but it feels so dry and it is driving me crazy! Any words of advice?
I do a deep conditioning/oil treatment before each wash, which keeps my hair from being dry.

Try getting your hair damp.
Coat it well with olive oil. I don't heat the oil, but I bet it would help a lot for you to heat the oil and do a hot oil treatment. Then add your deep conditioner. Comb through well.
Go to sleep on this, and in the morning wash out your hair w/ a rinse-out conditioner (C/O wash) and rinse very very well. Add a good leave in mix.
It should be well moisturized.
Use only as much leave in as you need, you may not need any.
Hey Missy,

What is your current routine? I could be any number of things. Are you clarifying your hair? Are you using distilled water for a final rinse? She butter may not be the right thing for your hair. Olive Oil is a good suggestion (if your hair likes oils). Are you using a shampoo? If so, what kind?

Sorry , I've sked so many questions, but they may help you narrow down causes.
You could try CO washs everyday.....

Or a Conditioning Protein Treament like Jheri Redding Professional Prescription Super Protein PAC.

I use it and its really good..
i have 3 suggestions

1. do a pre treatment before you shampoo with olive oil (may also add honey to mix) leave for half hour with or without heat then shampoo

2. recently i purchased kemi conditioning spray and used it in conjunction with my kemi oil shea butter pomade. OMG i was shocked! i had the softest hair. i really think those two work great together. almost a whole week has passed without reapplying anything and my hair is still moist, shiny, and soft. i wish i discovered that earlier.

3. apply your oils/styling products to damp NOT dry hair to help lock in moisture
I always pre-condition before I shampoo. I think that has helped me greatly. I use a mixture of lekair cholesterol,honey,lime and coconut milk.
I don't think that it is build up. I was doing CO washes but it was too much trouble.Have been using shea butter on the rest of my hair and it loves it. It is just that one spot.But, I wet my hair yesterday, applied some Sta-So-Fro and then some shea butter. It seems to help a good deal but I could be better plus I don't want to use so much stuff on my hair. But, I am going to try the olive oil pretreatment and see if it likes that. Thanks for the advice.
Every once in a while my hair goes through a dry spell. When my hair gets dry, I use a clarifying shampoo and then I deep condition with a mixture of my favorite conditioner, olive oil, caster oil, honey, and veggie glycerin.

Sometimes clarifying can help the conditioner work a little better.
The olive oil and honey didn't work. I conditioned with the olive oil, honey and a deep conditioner for about two hours. I then I did a CO wash. My patch is still dry. I think I will clarify tonight and deep condition. Maybe that will help.
I also had a major problem with dryness and oil didn't do a thing for me. What I found works is humectress (generic brand at Sally). I rinse my hair and put this in as a leave-in. It was the ONLY thing that worked for me. HTH
I DID IT!!!!!!!!! I finally got the hair to feel soft!
I am too overjoyed. Well, I tried a couple of the things suggested but nothing seemed to work. First I deep conditioned and I cut about 1/4 off the section. It still felt dry though. So, I applied some Sta-so-fro gel and sprayed it will some water. I then put on ORS Olive oil. Now my little section is so fluffy and not greasy at all. Thanks heavens! I'm releived because I thought it was scab hair. But, I was sure that is wasn't because I think if you have scab hair you will defiantly know it. I think that I could do without the ORS, at least I hope so. Wow! I guess my hair wasn't as dependent on oils as I thought. I am glad because I want touchable hair. I am happy! Plus, Sta-So-Fro is cheap! Now, what do I do with all these other products...
Im glad you found what works for you. i would have shared my advice but since we didnt have the same hair type I wasnt sure if i could help or not. Plus my hair was dry as you described for the first couple of weeks and I forgot what I did to make it soft again. Maybe it was the scissors I used. My hair doesnt like oil that much either
Well, I guess even though we don't have the same hair type our hair agrees on one thing; no oil. I am happy that I found out what works for me too. I was going crazy. Now, hopefully my pockets can rest for a bit. BTW, have you ever been to potterville's album on I think that she would be the perfect inspiration for you. Your hair is very similar. I can send it to you if you have not seen it.
brittanynic16 said:
I DID IT!!!!!!!!! I finally got the hair to feel soft!
I am too overjoyed. Well, I tried a couple of the things suggested but nothing seemed to work. First I deep conditioned and I cut about 1/4 off the section. It still felt dry though. So, I applied some Sta-so-fro gel and sprayed it will some water. I then put on ORS Olive oil. Now my little section is so fluffy and not greasy at all. Thanks heavens! I'm releived because I thought it was scab hair. But, I was sure that is wasn't because I think if you have scab hair you will defiantly know it. I think that I could do without the ORS, at least I hope so. Wow! I guess my hair wasn't as dependent on oils as I thought. I am glad because I want touchable hair. I am happy! Plus, Sta-So-Fro is cheap! Now, what do I do with all these other products...

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other products. . .hmm, id be willing to take anything off yer hands. . .