Natural Ladies: Do People Stop and Ask You Questions?


Well-Known Member
It feels so great to help other natural ladies along their journeys. Every time I wear my natural hair out I get stopped by women who ask me about products to use, styles they could do and other general natural hair advice. I probably made the creators of Ecostyler gel and Oyin handmade products a lot of money, lol. I even met a new friend that way, she saw me on the metro, had natural hair questions and I found out we had friends in common.

Helping other women with natural hair is such a beautiful part of the journey:yep:
Yes, I've been stopped a few times now and although they may not ask me a lot it just seems to spill out of me! I wish LHCF had business cards we could hand out! I'm in a community where there just doesn't seem to be a lot of online social activity. I'm currently trying to put together a meet up, but their aren't a lot of us, and the few ladies who have commented on my hair I've tried to entice to the site, so they could be in the know.

It's not easy when you're coming and going to get to a point where you're comfortable enough to swap numbers to share more info. But a LHCF business card with your member name would be great!!!

(I don't have a lot of Niko's cousins in my area :( )
Yeah....sometimes. I got lots of questions when i first went natural. I'd have other naturals stop me and ask me what i use on my hair....but lately not so much....either i'm having a bad hair day...or my hair just looks like a big curly wig:lol:

I have more relaxed ladies asking me what i put on my hair since it's grown out...they are usually considering going natural. It's funny bc relaxed women IRL think all of us naturals spend big dough on things like Carol's Daughter or Miss Jessie's ALL the time....they are shocked when i say i mostly use things like Suave, V05, EcoStyler gel....but i do tell them i like to order things from Oyin...esp the hair Dew for my leave-in/moisturizer. I have never even used a CD or a MJ product before.
Yes and I love it! It seems like more women approach me wanting to know about products and how long I've been natural. I like talking hair so I'm more than willing to help in any way.
I love when friends, family members and strangers ask me for natural hair advice. More often than not it happens when I am shopping for hair products so I get to point out what I use.
Yup. And since hair is my favorite topic of discussion, I happily oblige.

And if I see a particularly impressive head of natural hair, I'll stop THEM. :yep:
I get stopped with questions and I always direct them here before the end of the conversation. I don't mind helping and sometimes I even get some help in the process.
back home, not much (except when I was a redhead). but out here, i get stopped by other american women with natural and relaxed hair asking how I've managed to keep my hair healthy. as @blcbuty@ said, i just refer them to LHCF--cus people start looking at you weird when you start talking hair in the middle of the street, or in a restaurant.
I usually get asked my regimen/if my hair is real. I answer both questions happily, LOL. It is nice for someone to notice my hair and I am more than happy to answer any questions.
Yes. Mainly wanting to know about products.

I like talking about hair, so I'm always game.
Yes, since I starting debuting (hehe) my natural hair at work, people have been curious. I don't get many questions from people like me (black) however, there is a distinct lack of diversity where I live that sucks.
I get questions from family and friends and I am always happy to answer them. I sent my sister a looooong email with different underlined headings when she asked me a product-related question. She replied with one line: 'just tell me what product to buy.'

If it is a stranger, I get tongue-tied. I often don't know where to start so I just blab stuff about conditioning and, if possible, walk away quickly.
thats funny because i met a lil girl (maybe she was 20) in Sallys today who had questions about shampoo she didnt really come out and ask me she just kept following me saying "they dont make any shampoo for people with natural hair" she needed help bad yall she had tiny lil ponies that were gelled up with thick black gel and she made a comment about having short hair cause shampoo was to expensive for long hair:perplexed i didnt even no where to start so i just wrote down the site for her and a few youtubers hopefully she finds the help she desperatley needs
Ogoma said:
I get questions from family and friends and I am always happy to answer them. I sent my sister a looooong email with different underlined headings when she asked me a product-related question. She replied with one line: 'just tell me what product to buy.'

If it is a stranger, I get tongue-tied.I often don't know where to start so I just blab stuff about conditioning and, if possible, walk away quickly.

@ Bolded that was me today. I was rambling, I don't think I gave the poor girl any type of real direction! Before I knew it I was writing down the site URL and my member name and hoped she would come online!
yup. I work in a hospital and these 2 nurses in particular always stop me in the NICU and ask me about my hair lol Women all over the hospital really...makes work so much more bearable.
Yes, but mostly when I experiment with new styles. I even had a couple of people ask me to do their hair but I'm not a professional of course so I don't know about doing random people's hair lol.
Yes, I always get compliments on my signature hairstyle: bantu knot-outs. I have women stop me on the street in mid-walk. It's nice to be able to talk about it. I once gave a tutorial in a bathroom. :giggle:
I am not natural but damn sure look like it. I have 3c/4a hair. People will sometimes stop me and and compliment me on my hair, and ask how did I get it like the way it is (when it's curly in a wash n go). I just tell them that I wet it and it curls up, but I will let people know they can get a similar look with a twistout.
Yup, I typically get asked when I'm wearing an "out" style, and it normally starts out, "Excuse me, but how did you get your hair like that!?" And I'm always more than happy to try and give them the quick and dirty on the style and products I use. I actually had a woman stop me yesterday because I was wearing a bantu knot-out.

Also, people seem very intrigued by my mini-twists. I enjoy the attention and try to be as gracious and helpful as possible, because I know I was once there wondering how these styles were achieved. Just paying it forward...
I've been stopped a few times, more recently at the gym and I don't mind sharing my tips as long as people are attentive and actually want to learn. I'm usually asked what shampoo, conditioner and every day products I use.
I've been stopped and questioned by family at outings, while clothes shopping, in airports, at parties - all of these times my hair has been out in a braid and curl. One woman was staring at me from the far end of the baggage claim and finally worked up the nerve to come talk to me! LOL!

I love to talk hair, so I'm happy to help. For strangers - I explain the general process for doing my hair, how long I've been natural, my favorite over the counter products and if they're really interested I'll write down the names of my favorite sites, you tubers or bloggers.

For family / friends, I have a standard email that I can forward to them with my full regimen, products, my favorite sites, you tubers or bloggers. I got tired of retyping the same message over again - so it's saved as a draft and I can tailor it to the person quickly or just send out the basic message.
Yes...mostly it's either... How do you get your hair curly like that. Or..what kind of hair is that? :perplexed

I usually tell them how to do braid outs since I do wash-n-go's.