Natural Ladies: Do People Stop and Ask You Questions?

Yes. It's great. Sometimes, it is hard to tell the ones who truly want to know versus ones who want a magic potion. It's a blessing to run into like-minded people, hair or not.
Yes, especially when I wear various natural styles that produce big hair.

I went to a wedding once and wore a massive pony puff. I ended up in the bathroom discussing natural hair with a lady and her young daughter. She said she wanted to know how to go natural for her daughter. I thought it was sweet.
I usually get asked what products I use when I wear my WnGs. Also when I straighten out my hair and people see that its grown since the last time they want to know what I've done. I usually dont direct them here because I feel like LHCF is for advanced hair growers. :lol: and can be kind of overwhelming. I try to right down a few products I use, but also tell them that not everything work for everybody.
All the time. People wonder how I create the curls that come from twist outs and braid outs. I'm more than happy to stop and discuss natural hair. long have I been natural seems to be the popular question...

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Yes strangers and people I know. Natural hair is really popular now. I do answer every one who asks me about my hair although when it's looking a mess I do wonder how genuine the question is.
Absolutely. I don't mind dropping knowledge... However, I did find it awkward a couple of weeks ago while at church. The lights had been dimmed, no music, no music/noise/nothing, in preparation for communion and a girl seated next me to said, "Do you mind if I ask what products you use on your hair?"
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