Natural hair Nazis

Someone said that they never encountered a natural nazi in real life, but only relaxer nazis.

This is so true, I wonder what the dynamics of that is? I feel that if I had never gotten online, and gone to different hair boards, hair sites, and hair blogs. I would never even have know they existed. Do you think that these women are just trying to push back at what they feel has been pushed at them and some are just going overboard.

Really, something to think about...
There is nothing wrong with those things however people making these assumptions is not right just because you choose to wear your hair a certain way.

Exactly, my point was people making ASSUMPTIONS based on a hairstyle. I not saying there is anything wrong with anything on my list.....other than people assuming!
Um maybe where you live.

Of course where I live. I can't speak for where you live because clearly I'm not there.

It also depends on what's going on with your hair and who you attract. I'm natural so the Relaxer Retards feel it's their duty to give me "advice." If you are relaxed then you probably get comments from people with natural hair.
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Do any of these Natural Hair Nazis have acrylic nail extensions or wraps?

Do any of these NHN have tatoos?

Do any of them have body piercings?


Unless the anwer is "No", they need to keep their opinions to themselves.
Do any of these Natural Hair Nazis have acrylic nail extensions or wraps?

Do any of these NHN have tatoos?

Do any of them have body piercings?


Unless the anwer is "No", they need to keep their opinions to themselves.

Nope, don't have acrylic nails or tatoos. My ears are pierced but that wasn't my choice (I was a baby). I also have never been relaxed, I only use all natural products, and I don't use heat at all for any reason. I also eat organically and locally raised foods. Any other arguments?

My point of saying all that is not to be argumentative actually. The point is, just because one may hold a certain view about natural hair does not mean they have to be 10,000% natural in every other area of their lives.

We are humans and we are complex. Having divergent or differing opinions in two areas does not make one or the other invalid, even if the supporting arguments may be the same.
Is is really that deep. Maybe since I don't look at my hair as a proclamation of of blackness I don't see the big deal. At the end of the day, do whatever you want to your hair for whatever reason.
Thank you, just call me American! Can't be both, I'm one or the other.

Dont worry. I dont call black americans African American at all, just find it funny when those who get offended when you dont yet get all crazy when people call them Africans

and what do you mean you cant be both? What d you call an African who is a neutralized American citizen? :ohwell:

anyway that's another topic :drunk:
Nope, don't have acrylic nails or tatoos. My ears are pierced but that wasn't my choice (I was a baby). I also have never been relaxed, I only use all natural products, and I don't use heat at all for any reason. I also eat organically and locally raised foods. Any other arguments?

My point of saying all that is not to be argumentative actually. The point is, just because one may hold a certain view about natural hair does not mean they have to be 10,000% natural in every other area of their lives.

We are humans and we are complex. Having divergent or differing opinions in two areas does not make one or the other invalid, even if the supporting arguments may be the same.

Wait, Msa, you're a Napzi? :confused: :eh:Coz it looks to me like you're answering for them. Double :confused:

OK, I need to stop coming to this thread coz I haven't read it all and so I'm probably on a different wavelength from everyone else and probably missed something.

Don't you just hate it when people walk into an ongoing discussion with random comments that have nothing to do with what's being talked about? :rofl:

So let me try to join this discussion afresh. Here goes: :peek:
Wait, Msa, you're a Napzi? :confused: :eh:Coz it looks to me like you're answering for them. Double :confused:

LOL. I think some people consider me one though I'm actually not. I was just pointing out that a person could be a member of the natural hair police and still be less than 100% natural in other areas of their lives and that it doesn't make their opinion any less valid or important.
I think you're actually very helpful msa esp to newbies.

when i was a lurker, i did notice a few snide naturals that had made me hesitate in joining the board hence my posts
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I am a Natural and have been since i was 14 years old (im 20 now). Ever since i went Natural Tons of people have told me "your hair would be so pretty if you got a perm(relaxer)", "why do you want to wear your hair like that", or just the looks on their face, as if to say " Why wont she do something with that hair" :perplexed....Im a very proud Natural, BUT i would never put someone down because they choose to relax :nono:. I am natural because i dont care for chemicals and my 4b hair even when i was relaxed my hair was never straight, it was just weak and damaged. I want my hair Thick,Healthy and touching my hip, and im going to do WHATEVER i have to do to get it there.....i could care less what the next woman does with her hair!!
I think you're actually very helpful msa esp to newbies.

when i was a lurker, i did notice a few snide naturals which made me wonder whether i should join or not hence my posts

MSA, I find you to be helpful. I don't think you're a napzi (is that the right term? :grin: ). Never posted or created an account over at NP, but I think that the whole point of that forum is to create an atmosphere of natural acceptance and inclusion. A transitioner can come to this site and be tempted by all these straight haired pictures and give in easily. No offense to the relaxed hair ladies! Its true though and that's why I keep one foot in here, one foot at NC. It keeps me balanced. As balanced as a product junkie can possibly be. :spinning:
I've yet to encounter a natural Nazi in real life. However, I'm constantly being told that I should relax.
This is pretty much what I wanted to say. I love being natural, and I have tried to tell my story to people who say "I want to transition, but I'm scared" or "relaxers are all I have ever known, I don't think I can do it", but I have never said to anyone "wow, you must really hate yourself".

OT: I feel like people are attacking msa, and she has never been anything but helpful not only towards me, but also in the threads where I have seen her post information...and what was that quote I saw on here that cracked me up? If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that gets hit is gonna yelp? Something like that. LOL
Youtube and fotki is another matter, there are just people in this world who are board and either need some great sex and/or a stiff drink to loosen then the hell up, cause they are just intent on being miserable and ornery and want to put that on other people.

Personally, I've seen a little bs on a few boards, but I think that where people will be, will always be some bs. I don't think anyone should insult or put down someone because of their choices. Or tell someone what they should use, shouldn't use, how they should spend their money....

But some people are worth the waste of cyber space. So I delete comments and keep it moving. Those *****z aren't paying my bills.

ITA. How quickly we forget that LHCF has Nazis as well. I remember there was a point in time where we had a negative YouTube-posting craze here. :nono: Mind you, a lot of those women were doing some pretty bad things to their hair... but there were a flurry of rude comments posted to their vids ending with "go to LHCF." Highly counter-productive, if I hadn't been a member here I would've never wanted to come anywhere near the site for fear of being cyber-beaten at every turn.

Am I saying this excuses "Napzis" or whatever we're calling them these days? NOPE. There was a someone on Nappturality who said they cut their some young girl's relaxed hair off and didn't care about that little girl's mom being upset about it. SERIOUSLY??? Had it been me, that chick woulda got the same beatdown as someone who relaxed my daughter's hair without my permission. :yep:
ITA. How quickly we forget that LHCF has Nazis as well. I remember there was a point in time where we had a negative YouTube-posting craze here. :nono: Mind you, a lot of those women were doing some pretty bad things to their hair... but there were a flurry of rude comments posted to their vids ending with "go to LHCF." Highly counter-productive, if I hadn't been a member here I would've never wanted to come anywhere near the site for fear of being cyber-beaten at every turn.

Exactly! And people still do this but see no problem with it whatsoever. But as soon as a natural says, hey, maybe you should try using less heat or relaxers just don't seem to be working for your hair, then they're a "n***".

Double standard.
Relaxed head:

I could care less what any does to their hair. Relaxed or not. I dont undertand why would someone who chooses to be natural or relaxed would try to push the opposite head to do what they do. I mean come on is it really that serious. Mind your business.
Relaxed head:

I could care less what any does to their hair. Relaxed or not. I dont undertand why would someone who chooses to be natural or relaxed would try to push the opposite head to do what they do. I mean come on is it really that serious. Mind your business.

Let's all shave our heads bald! Problem solved!

Oh, but then we will find something else to complain about won't we?:ohwell::perplexed
guess i wasnt here for the youtube craze

is this the one with those horrible weaves that pulled out people's hair?

it was several things. like i said, usually things involving "bad" hair care practices, or one in particular that i remember (more recent) a young lady with BSL or MBL hair who made the comment that most black people can't grow long hair like her. okay, we here know that isn't true :lol: but instead of just gently correcting her and pointing her in this direction, some people said very nasty things to that young lady.

it's like that old saying, "a few bad apples spoil the bunch." i know the majority of the women here are friendly and helpful - just like on Nappturality in my opinion. and then there are a select few who seem to take delight in looking down their noses at others... :sad:
That's an interesting observation. When I visited the continent I would say 80% of the grown women there had relaxed/straightened hair. The others had braids.

And, in one of the villages we visited our guide was telling us about how they need a new water pump but can't afford it...which was funny to me because we walked past the beauty salon which advertised relaxers "from America" for 20-30$ and the place was open, packed with women, and seemed to get a lot of business. Our guide said the beauty salon is the most lucrative business they have. It's interesting what people find important.

LAWD! :nono: :lachen:

Also, were the salons using the same pump as the homeowners? Or are the businesses paying for their own pump and the homeowners have a seperate one?
I've yet to encounter a natural Nazi in real life. However, I'm constantly being told that I should relax.

That's because there prolly aren't many in your area. Most of the natural hair women I've encountered are low key and do their own thing. The rest are relaxed, weaved and wigged. And sometimes all at once.
Nope, don't have acrylic nails or tatoos. My ears are pierced but that wasn't my choice (I was a baby). I also have never been relaxed, I only use all natural products, and I don't use heat at all for any reason. I also eat organically and locally raised foods. Any other arguments?

My point of saying all that is not to be argumentative actually. The point is, just because one may hold a certain view about natural hair does not mean they have to be 10,000% natural in every other area of their lives.

We are humans and we are complex. Having divergent or differing opinions in two areas does not make one or the other invalid, even if the supporting arguments may be the same.

Sorry, whether or not to temporarily and permanently change a part of your own body for the sake of fashion is a personal decision and none of anybody else's business. To each his own.
I've been on both sides of the fence. I'm a hair schizo. Some days I feel like a militant natural and other days I feel like ordering a relaxer. I don't care what other people do with their hair. But I do feel its disingenious for black women to believe that "straight" hair is simply a style choice in light of our history in the west. I understand that western beauty standards dictate what is beautiful, and straight hair is a part of that.

while i understand the sentiment of what you are saying - this is the kind of comment you have to be very careful about making.

case in point - im a 4b who had natural hair and/or locs for 7 years and who not only LOVES but actually prefers natural hair

and yet I recently started to straighten my hair when it isnt braided because it is so extremely coily and dry it is easier to manage when it's straight.

so the idea that straight hair cant simply be a styling choice is false (i am proof of this) and assumes a lack of self awareness on the part of the person wearing straight hair that is presumptious and slightly offensive.

Also - i know Naturals who have enough self hate to sink a ship

Natural hair doesnt mean you love yourself just as heat straightened hair doesnt automatically mean you want to be white.

Both mind sets can be found across all groups of people.

I understand why after being marginalized - sistahs who are natural can get really passionate and excited about embracing their hair. I know I sure was after my big chop.

HOWEVER - u cant use being condemned as an excuse TO condemn.

The hyporcrisy is a lil too blatant to be ignored (at least by me).

Look at Barack Obama...if he EVER acted the way those who attacked him acted he wouldn't be where he is now. I know that a huge leap...but the principal is still the same.

If you've ever felt slighted or hurt, or attacked by someone for a hair choice...the magnanimous thing to do is to remember that feeling and rise above it.

Not mimick it.

Just my opinion.
Let's all shave our heads bald! Problem solved!

Oh, but then we will find something else to complain about won't we?:ohwell::perplexed


the new debate would probably be between the flat heads vs. those with perfectly round bald heads. lol :rolleyes:

some folks sip on the divide and conquer Kool-aid till they choke.
Everyone keeps commenting about chemichal/heat users on natural hair boards being ignorant. But there were a whole bunch of naturals, some of them Nazis on the BKT boards a few weeks ago 'laying down the law' on how even if "BKT is temporary as long as it's in your hair your not natural". I believe someone even said combing and brushing with implements made you not natural.