Natural hair Nazis

I also think there are more 'relaxer nazi's' than they other way around.

I think there are Relaxer Nazis, Weave Nazis, LF Wig Nazis, and the like.... Hence why I am only on this board now.

I have seen and know people OBSESSESD with wigs and weaves... Nothing is wrong with their hair. But they think so.... And they would DIE if someone saw them at Target without a wig on. EVEN if they are wearing blonde, stick straight russian hair.:nono:

I have seen and known people OBSESSED with Straight hair. They would not be seen DEAD with a kink....

Other boards that I belonged to had ISSUES with kinks and coils....
So - again there is always extremism..........

And, I could give a Rat's A@@ what they think about my hair. It only matters what I think.
You even have naturals looking down on those who BK, calling them "fake", so give me a break

That's true. Everyone has their own definition of "natural" and some people's (mine included) is pretty narrow. The beauty of it is that we don't all have to agree.

But, there's a fundamental difference between what happens on this board and what is happening in real life. I know I can't usually tell just from looking if someone is relaxed, bkt'd, pressed/flat ironed, or just had a rollerset to get their hair straight so it's not possible for me to go up to someone and insult them based on their hair choices.

Naturals, on the other hand, stand out and because of that are ridiculed, talked about, and insulted. The hair board pro-natural attitude is definitely not representative of what happens in the real world.
Naturals, on the other hand, stand out and because of that are ridiculed, talked about, and insulted. The hair board pro-natural attitude is definitely not representative of what happens in the real world.

True but it's like people take their frustrations out on those who insult them on those of us who arent guilty of such.

Im on an African hair board and many are transitioning to natural and Im the one that tells them products to use and how to get to that step. some were using pink oil to help them along :nono: and ive discussed many natural beneficial products which they are now using. Never been natural myself, i ust help as much as I can and give them posts from this site, I dont feel the need to tell them what to do with their hair or make them feel like "self haters" like mant naturals have done to me

Instead of these condecending "fascists" attacking women for what they do to their hair, how about they discuss the fact that there's a sudden uoprise of 4a natural hair in "white media" commercials. Ive noticed this for a while now and it's not the "oh lets use the loose biracial curls" models, but those born with "kinky" hair, do we see such in black R&B or hiphop videos? Um No. Dont ever see these "facsicts" talking about that.
There are also some great hair boards and natural hair communities where naturals, transitioners, texturized, permies and the like all socialize together. I’m even in a few challenges on a couple of these sites i.e. Keep It Simple Sista’s ( Castor Oil and Hairlista’s ( No More Shampoo challenges, where there are both permed and natural hair wearers participating.


Interesting article. When I want to talk about hair (natural/transitioning/relaxed) without the drama, I go to K.I.S.S.
True but it's like people take their frustrations out on those who insult them on those of us who arent guilty of such.

Im on an African hair board and many are transitioning to natural and Im the one that tells them products to use and how to get to that step. some were using pink oil to help them along :nono: and ive discussed many natural beneficial products which they are now using. Never been natural myself, i ust help as much as I can and give them posts from this site, I dont feel the need to tell them what to do with their hair or make them feel like "self haters" like mant naturals have done to me

Instead of these condecending "fascists" attacking women for what they do to their hair, how about they discuss the fact that there's a sudden uoprise of 4a natural hair in "white media" commercials. Ive noticed this for a while now and it's not the "oh lets use the loose biracial curls" models, but those born with "kinky" hair, do we see such in black R&B or hiphop videos? Um No. Dont ever see these "facsicts" talking about that.

I'd just like to say that using language loaded with extremely negative connotations is never going to get us anywhere.

This conversation is very interesting to me because 1)I've never been relaxed and 2)I'm only a member here and NP and I rarely visit fotki/youtube/other hairboards. I just am not seeing all this negativity coming from naturals here.

But I have found that when I say things people automatically try to turn it into something it's not. I know there are many people who consider me "militant" when the fact is I fiercely love natural hair. Someone has to. But my love for it does not translate into insulting others or telling them they hate themselves or that they are somehow less "black" because they choose to relax. Maybe I just haven't had a run-in with a "true" natural militant yet.

And, we have discussed the increase of naturals in mainstream media elsewhere on this board, though I'm sure there has been a thread here in this forum. While it's great to see more kinky/coily heads, a few naturals in commercials does not undo or make up for the assault against natural hair that can be seen in magazines, movies, music videos, books, and within our own families and communities.
I swear, I just don't see how people can be so involved in someone else's life. Why do you have time to care what I do with MY HAIR? It is more than enough for me to take care of my own. If you want to yours to be nappy, FINE. If you wanna chemically alter yours, FINE.

I guess, "live and let live" should be my tagline because that is what these hair Nazi folks seem to be forgetting.
Ok...I am a long time lurker who decided to reply today. Yaaay for my first post! Anywho, I will say as a relaxed head...I actually have just as many natural friends and family as I do relaxed. And I will tell you this from my OWN personal experiences that there are natural folks who imply that relaxed heads don't love themselves or want to be white etc. I can tell you now that I LOVE being black and that have I never gotten a relaxer with the intention of looking white. I think anyone could look at me and plainly see that I am not white. I think these types of comments is where the line is crossed between helpful and malicious. I mean honestly, I am a STRONG 4B head and I just don't like fighting with my hair. The underlying self-hate going on. So, to sum everything up, I feel everyone is entitled to their opinions...just try to be a little more respectful with it.
a few naturals in commercials does not undo or make up for the assault against natural hair that can be seen in magazines, movies, music videos, books, and within our own families and communities.

once again agreed, doesnt mean they should place their frustrations about it on others. My problem is NOT with those who love their hair or give helpful suggestions towards natural;s or those interested in being natural. Mine is with those who are condescending and feel the need to look down on those who do their hair in what they deem as "wrong"

I am aware that relaxed heads go thru the same and its just as ridiculous but of course Im discussing what I go thru. Im straight from Africa, naturals dont get made fun of there like they are here. The men there in fact like their women in natural African styles for the most part
I know there are many people who consider me "militant" when the fact is I fiercely love natural hair.

Why can't you fiercely love *your own* hair, and let other people do them.

That would solve a lot of problems around here... :spinning:
once again agreed, doesnt mean they should place their frustrations about it on others. My problem is NOT with those who love their hair or give helpful suggestions towards natural;s or those interested in being natural. Mine is with those who are condescending and feel the need to look down on those who do their hair in what they deem as "wrong"

I am aware that relaxed heads go thru the same and its just as ridiculous but of course Im discussing what I go thru. Im straight from Africa, naturals dont get made fun of there like they are here. The men there in fact like their women in natural African styles for the most part

That's an interesting observation. When I visited the continent I would say 80% of the grown women there had relaxed/straightened hair. The others had braids.

And, in one of the villages we visited our guide was telling us about how they need a new water pump but can't afford it...which was funny to me because we walked past the beauty salon which advertised relaxers "from America" for 20-30$ and the place was open, packed with women, and seemed to get a lot of business. Our guide said the beauty salon is the most lucrative business they have. It's interesting what people find important.
I've been on both sides of the fence. I'm a hair schizo. Some days I feel like a militant natural and other days I feel like ordering a relaxer. I don't care what other people do with their hair. But I do feel its disingenious for black women to believe that "straight" hair is simply a style choice in light of our history in the west. I understand that western beauty standards dictate what is beautiful, and straight hair is a part of that.
Why can't you fiercely love *your own* hair, and let other people do them.

That would solve a lot of problems around here... :spinning:

That's exactly what I do.

In fact, even though I'm natural you can often find me in a relaxed newbie's thread trying to help them out when other (relaxed) people don't. You'll also find me reading relaxed threads just as much as natural ones, just because I like to be informed.

I haven't told anyone that they are trying to be white, or hate themselves, or called anyone a derogatory name just because they relax their hair. I don't go into a relaxed head's thread and insult them just because they are relaxed.

I do my best not to create "problems" or perpetuate them so I don't know how me changing my actions would "solve a lot of problems around here".
Thank goodness this isn't as bad as it was about a year ago. I remember I was getting it hard from some people and sites because of my relaxed hair. I remember I was on one board that wasn't catered to natural hair at all (though most people on that site didn't use relaxers) and I mentioned the fact that I relaxed. And then a person felt the need to direct me away from that site by saying "this site caters mostly to naturals, you might want to try out LHCF" I was like :perplexed:. And then I kept reading things people were writing about people with relaxed hair and how we are ignorant or need to be enlightened and we hate our hair and I felt so hurt. Now our intelligence is being insulted over something as trivial as hair straightening? People choose to color their hair, heat style their hair, and do whatever else to their hair. Why? Because it's their choice. It doesn't mean that they hate their hair, and even if they did hate their hair it doesn't mean they hate anybody elses hair. But, like I said before, I think this problem isn't as bad as it was.
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That's an interesting observation. When I visited the continent I would say 80% of the grown women there had relaxed/straightened hair. The others had braids.

And, in one of the villages we visited our guide was telling us about how they need a new water pump but can't afford it...which was funny to me because we walked past the beauty salon which advertised relaxers "from America" for 20-30$ and the place was open, packed with women, and seemed to get a lot of business. Our guide said the beauty salon is the most lucrative business they have. It's interesting what people find important.

oh relaxing is pretty big in most places, but you wont really find anyone looking down on you for not being a relaxed head. Ghana weaving, Sengelese twist, etc get more love than relaxed styles esp from the men.

where did you visit?
oh relaxing is pretty big in most places, but you wont really find anyone looking down on you for not being a relaxed head. Ghana weaving, Sengelese twist, etc get more love than relaxed styles esp from the men.

where did you visit?

Then I wonder why so many people are relaxed?

I visited Namibia, Zambia, and Botswana.
Then I wonder why so many people are relaxed?

I visited Namibia, Zambia, and Botswana.

Im west african. those countries you visited are mostly influenced by SA and well you know the history of SA. That aside, I guess MTV influences, also in some places it cost more to get a great braider than it is to slap on some cheap relaxer sadly.

For some it's about seeming mordernized while others its about having various options, lol hardly caring about what the guy wants.
Originally Posted by Bachelorette
once again agreed, doesnt mean they should place their frustrations about it on others. My problem is NOT with those who love their hair or give helpful suggestions towards natural;s or those interested in being natural. Mine is with those who are condescending and feel the need to look down on those who do their hair in what they deem as "wrong"

I am aware that relaxed heads go thru the same and its just as ridiculous but of course Im discussing what I go thru. Im straight from Africa, naturals dont get made fun of there like they are here. The men there in fact like their women in natural African styles for the most part

That's an interesting observation. When I visited the continent I would say 80% of the grown women there had relaxed/straightened hair. The others had braids.

And, in one of the villages we visited our guide was telling us about how they need a new water pump but can't afford it...which was funny to me because we walked past the beauty salon which advertised relaxers "from America" for 20-30$ and the place was open, packed with women, and seemed to get a lot of business. Our guide said the beauty salon is the most lucrative business they have. It's interesting what people find important.

I lived in Haiti for many years and although a lot of women relax their hair, the other part of the population who keep their natural hair dont get made fun of. It is only a personal choice. Some women like their relaxers like some babies instinctively like sugar, and some just dont feel the need and dont do it. No social pressure. I dont have any statistics but I think it was split evenly between both groups...All of my aunts on my father's side never relaxed their hair their entire life, they have thick and beautiful 4a/b hair. The first time I've heard about natural hair women being looked down for their choice was when I started my journey on the board last year and I was :blush:. I live Montreal and I may be wrong, but honestly I dont think natural hair women here get made fun of either. People just dont care... errrybody knows it is a personal choice and just dont care about what you do to your hair from the moment it is clean:lachen:

BTW MSA, although I dont agree with everything you say on this board, I do think you are very helpful, very informative. Keep up the good work, Honey :grin:
Heil ::hammer:

I think there are actually natural and relaxed heads who take it too far. . . BUT many times folks are just giving their suggestions or debating and people take it too personally. As I stated in one of those heated BKT threads, we can talk about avoiding chemicals in our food by eating organic, avoid pharmaceutical drugs by having a natural childbirth or using homeopathic remedies, but as soon as someone talks about avoiding chemicals in our hair, the manure hits the fan. No one can make you feel inferior unless you give them permission. I only had natural childbirth because we waited too long to go to the hospital. But I researched my decision and I don't get up in arms when folks say delivering at home *** up in a pool is the best way. We are just real sensitive about hair. We can't help it. Black folks got hair issues. That is what makes some folks natural nazis, relaxed nazis or weave fanatics.
Haven't read the whole thread but know exactly what OP is talking about. Hey, am I the only one that still uses the term Napzi for these busybodies?

ETA (after seeing some posts), unless I am just lucky to miss those threads, I honestly haven't noticed any Napzis on this forum--not in the way I understand the term. I think most people really just share their own stand on stuff. I have never got the feeling of anyone putting another down or looking down on another for making choices that differ from what they themselves deem better. Which is another reason I don't understand why people get up in arms when something you choose to do is not given the thumbs up by all. I say if you're making your own bed and plan to lie on it, WTH do you care what others think of the fact that you didn't make your "hospital corners" properly?
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TRUE...but what about those that make assumptions just because you are NATURAL like:
:wallbash: you are African (meaning just arrived from the continent)
:wallbash: you are super PRO-BLACK (angela davis fist in the air)
:wallbash: you are a lesbian (especially those that have twa)
:wallbash: you are a vegetarian
:wallbash: you are lower class (or not sophisticated)
:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: you must hate (or envy) relaxed heads
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TRUE...but what about those that make assumptions just because you are NATURAL like:
:wallbash: you are African (meaning just arrived from the continent)
:wallbash: you are super PRO-BLACK (angela davis fist in the air)
:wallbash: you are a lesbian (especially those that have twa)
:wallbash: you are a vegetarian
:wallbash: you are lower class (or not sophisticated)
:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: you must hate (or envy) relaxed heads

There is nothing wrong with being considered as an African:ohwell:

Pro-black, vegetarian etc... either:ohwell:

Just a thought...
yea never understood black people esp black americans being offended by being called African...

what's the point of the "African American" title again?

There is nothing wrong with being considered as an African:ohwell:

Pro-black, vegetarian etc... either:ohwell:

Just a thought...

There is nothing wrong with those things however people making these assumptions is not right just because you choose to wear your hair a certain way.