Natural Hair & Hair Color


Well-Known Member
I have a question for you guys...a friend of mine who has natural 4a hair has tried twice over the last 6 months to dye her hair using permanent color (loreal & dark & lovely, I think). Each time the color didn't take. I guess you can see a teeeeeny difference, but not what you would expect from permanent color. A few years ago when she used these same colors on her relaxed hair, she got good results. Is natural hair just more resistant to hair color? If so, is there anything she can do about this? Thanks.
It probably is. I think relaxed hair is more porous which is why it absorbes water quicker. What color is she trying to get? If it's a darker color check out the henna thread. There is a post from Hennajoy and Mahailiee(?) on using 'indigo' to darken the hair(it involves using henna) or you can PM them. Since henna and indigo are natural products, she may have better luck.
Ya know, she has also tried henna and said that she didn't get good results with that either! Maybe she is just doing something wrong. I've been telling her to check out this messsage board, but she is too hard headed to listen