Natural Hair Growth Remedies On Youtube

My fiance has Alopecia and quite a few things that Ive learned on YouTube has helped when several doctor's could not. We were told the the hair follicles were comepletely dead and would never grow hair. The condition is actually genetic Alopecia so no matter how healthy a person is or how much sleep they get a night or even the work outs and great diet would help with hair growth.
So for some ppl these videos are miracles. And since Ive been doing some of this with my fiance I went from SL to 1inch shy of WL in right at a year and a half. There are 2 videos in particular that we have been using that works for US. Ive been a licensed Cosmologists for 21yrs now and never learned any of this in all my years.
Also my fiance has a full afro now. Not completely grown back or as thick as we would like yet but an afro with no visible bald areas. This coming from a completely bald scalp. Ijs If it works for some thats great if it doesnt, sorry. Everything isnt for everyone.

Like I said in my previous post, unless you have a medical condition (so this would mean that I am not speaking about special cases like your fiance) which most people don't, going to these lengths to grow hair, for the average person, is not necessary. But I get that Youtube gurus have to monetize their channels so if they were using plain ole ingredients that you could get at your local grocery store, it wouldn't generate as many page views as someone who is using exotical and mystical ingredients that can only be sourced from the jungles of the Amazon.:p

And going from SL to almost WL in 18 months sounds attainable for the average person. If I recall, it took me that much time to grow it to WL a few years ago and all I did was just once a week deep conditioning, evoo/castor oil and all around healthy living.

So in a nutshell, my posts in this thread don't pertain to you and yours.:yep: