natural 4A/4B

Nothing works for me either i take every vitamin you can name and i notice not one difference. Im like F' It
boy please, I am the one with tha worst hair, your hair is longer than mines, so stop tha hatred, my hair grows very slow, and it's thick, and all of that.
Have you considered locs ever? I know people with locs are able to retain alot of length.
Yung, there's no contest between but if you want it that way, okay my hair is so thick, that when I perm my hair it is still thick, and the next day it puffs out.
You have got to learn to love and accept your hair texture because your hair is always going to be that way. Curls will never grow from your scalp and there is nothing wrong with that. You could take 2,000,000 mg of MSM a day and your hair texture will not change! MSM & other supplements may make your hair softer and thicker but they do not change the natural shape of your hair follicle. Nappy 4a, 4b, 5q, whatever type hair is just as beautiful as Andre's 1,2 & 3's.

This nappy hair hatred has got to stop. Thick coarse hair is not a disease it's a blessing. Be happy that you have hair. You could have bald spots from your severe dermatitis.

[/ QUOTE ]
Girl preach!!! HALLELUJAH AMEN!!! I have 3c/4a/b hair (mostly 4 tho) and I love every bit of it. Whether I press it straight or jus fro it. I love what God gave me.
i want Braids. braids is my thang. I dont care about nothing else. I have thin hair on the sides you think thats a blessing? All you people can do atleast something with your hair and telling me to be thankful i can do nothing with mines? okie dokie
YuNg said:
i want Braids. braids is my thang. I dont care about nothing else. I have thin hair on the sides you think thats a blessing? All you people can do atleast something with your hair and telling me to be thankful i can do nothing with mines? okie dokie

[/ QUOTE ]

What a sarcastic statement!

You have only been a member of this board for a month. CHILL OUT!
The average person’s hair only grows 1/2" a month. Some people only get 1/8" - 1/4" a month.
What kind of progress did you expect to have in 30 days?

You keep saying that your hair doesn't respond to anything; nothing works for your hair, I like braids I don't care about anything else, bla, bla, bla. The truth is that you don't know what your hair will respond to yet...IT'S ONLY BEEN A MONTH!!! There are thousands of products that you have not tried yet. I know that you are a teenager and you don't have a job but there are plenty of good inexpensive products out there for you to try. You and I both live in the same city and I have already offered to give you all of my old products. I will even mail my old products to you, but I haven't heard a peep from you. We have given you options & ideas but instead of trying new things you continue to post negative things about yourself.

To be honest with you, I am tired of hearing you beat up on yourself. You know that hair care is trial and error. You gotta keep trying!

Many of us have been in your shoes before. I have had bald spots, broken off hair, relaxer burns and scabs, an oozing scalp, & quarter size seborrhea flakes.

Listening to you whine makes me wish that I had taken pictures of my hair when it was in bad shape. I would have posted the pics so you can see that you are not the only person in the world who has had problems with their hair.

When Nappturality comes back up I want you to check out the albums of SweetAfrica, Rashunda & Tran68. All three of those sisters suffer from or have suffered from Alopecia. All three of them have had or have bald spots. All three of these ladies also have beautiful hair.

Hey, your reply kinda helped me a bit. I've been experimenting, as usual, with my hair, trying to moisturize it in different ways. The last idea I had was to wash/condition my hair, and use only oil and a leave-in spray as a product in my hair. My hair wasn't bad but when it dried it had no sheen, and it would dry stiff.

Next, I bought a hair dress. Although it has cocoa nut oil in it, it is composed of Petrolium. It softened my hair, but I know Petrolium isn't good for the hair.

Now (today), I'm going to try ORS Leave-in Elastic Tea AND their Olive oil cream (which I forgot I had, your post reminded me!)
AND I'll stay away from the oils this time around... and see what happens

... and nice reply to YUNG.
Very well said, AFashionSlave. If yung would rather make negative comments than work with what he has, then whatever. You've done all you can do.

To yung, if all you want to do is braid, then get extensions and call it a day. It's not that deep.
No one said it was that deep. What the heck do i look like wearing weave? It's been 3 and half years not one month since i've been taking vitamins No perms. Just trying to be patient with this crap. I'm dejuan42 i've been on this board way longer than a month and been taking care of my hair for over three years using stuff from Vitamin E oil, ORS temple balm, Profectiv anti thinning, Nioxin follicle booster, Doo gro. Etc etc. Every Product just aggrivates my seborrhea and i get a head full of flakes.
YuNg said:
No one said it was that deep. What the heck do i look like wearing weave?

[/ QUOTE ]

The same way you look taking all those vitamins and using all those hair products.

There is nothing wrong with wearing extensions while growing out hair. If anything, cornrowed extensions done properly would probably give your hair and scalp a break. Who knows? It may even look nice enough for you to stop self-loathing.

I have a question....

If you aren't willing to try anything anyone suggests, why ask the board for advice?

You seem convinced your hair and scalp are hopeless. I think everyone here is willing to help, and I think we seem to believe in the fact that your hair will respond to diligent care if you find what works for you - but you seem convinced that this isn't true?

So what exactly is it that you are seeking when you ask questions on the board?
YuNg said:
and get clowned in school? come on now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sean Paul, and AJ from (106 & Park) have worn extensions in their cornrows.
AFashionSlave said:
YuNg said:
and get clowned in school? come on now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sean Paul, and AJ from (106 & Park) have worn extensions in their cornrows.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto. I wasn't talking about micros, I was talking about enough braid hair to puff up cornrows, which a lot of men do even though many won't admit it. In fact, every time I go into an African hair shop, at least one man gets 'rows with added hair.
Well its this boy in my school and he wears extensions and he gets talked about everyday i dont want to go through that. Its not about me caring what other people think or not its just the fact i dont want to hear it. Like i already dont want to hear the fact that my hair has been the same length since the 9th grade. This white girl on friday came up to me and said "Hey are you growing your hair out because its the same exact length it was last year" How do you think that makes me feel? I ask alot of questions on here. I rarely ask for suggestions dont take it the wrong way im just saying. Like i might ask something like what does this vitamin do for hair something like that. You rarely see me ask what should i do to my hair. When i do ask something about my hair its usually something like how can i prevent breakage.
But, love, asking what you can do to prevent breakage is going to render advice from people about how to achieve that....

Most of the time when I see posts from you, you want to know what products you can use to achieve one thing or another - growing your hair long isn't always about what you put on it - it's a whole system. And it's a system that you have to be willing to develop for yourself because you care enough about your hair to do that....

You have to believe, just a smidgen, that you can accomplish what you are setting out to accomplish. I'm not getting that from you. You seem to me, to be asking for a miracle product suggestion that will end all of your hair woes. That isn't going to happen. It hasn't happened for anyone here either - 4b or 5q - or not.

Your latent goal then seems to be to prove to us and yourself that your hair won't respond to anything. That's pointless.
no not asking for a miracle product. I really just ask people suggestion for if my hair does decide to grow back.
I have thick 4a/b hair. I discovered that water is crucial to softening it. How often do you wash your hair? I may've missed it, but why is your hair different lengths? What made your sides thin out? Do you sleep on a silk/satin pillowcase or cotton?
I wash my hair once a week. I just recently got back on my cream of nature shampoo because nizoral is too harsh to me. Over use of perms made them thin out. but it never recovered. Then a couple of months later i got seborrhea. When i got my follicles check they said nothing was wrong with them.

boy you have so many problems about hair, but if it's not workin you gotta do more regimens get used to it, or somethang.
Have you gotten rid of your damaged ends? I think you have to do that before you'll see any significant improvement no matter which regime you follow.

When I was in high school I had a damaged patch of hair in the back of my head. It was thick everywhere else. I tried all kinds of things to get it to grow. But finally I ended up cutting my hair short! Unfortunately I didn't go short enough and had to do it again 2 years later. But I finally got the healthy growing hair I wanted.
i trim my hair everyday. Im not worried about length right now just trying to keep it neat and get my sides to grow back so i can get my cornrows.
Yung, the next time that white girl asks you about growing your hair and points out that it's the same length it's been for years, don't let her know the fact that you hope to grow it long some day to yourself. Mention that you trim it daily and that you're happy with that style. Sometimes it's better to let your actions speak instead of your words. (Sheesh, I'm sorry but why do people make other people's business their own?)

Hey Yung, I'm so hearing you speak with a positive attitude is so commendable. Saying you are not worried about length right now tells me you KNOW it'll come.
Keep that spirit hun. A positive mental attitude goes a long way.