Natstar...walk us through your sig style


Well-Known Member
Natsar, I was going to send you a PM, but since someone else asked about your signature style in the other thread, I was hoping you can walk us through how you do your updo/bun in this thread. I tried to do this earlier this morning, and it was a HOT MESS!

I couldn't get the back twisted properly.

I love your sig style, and would like a step by step for dummies, please. :)
No prob. I gotta let you know that it may sound a bit much, but it's not.

Sidenote: It starts w/wash day: After I wash, I make like 15 fat twists to stretch out my hair. My side part is made when I twist so it stays. I then wait till it dries, unravel, then put it in a ponytail to stretch it out a little more.

Then in the week-

At night I baggie my hair in 3 sections. Two at the front and one in the back. My side part is still there-so it will remain flat. I use my homemade spritz (from signature)-spray each section until slightly damp, then I apply some cream and WGO to the ends. I then knot each section and cover w/ my baggie (that I have also spritzed). My night time routine makes the a.m. a lil easier since my hair is moistened and more plaible after baggying.

In the a.m. I remove the 3 bags, then I apply some of the homemade spritz to each section of hair- From root to end-not wet, just damp. I then smooth the top and sides w/my hands. I try to get out any lumps & bumps. Then I put one bobby pin on each side (like behind the ear)<This is done to get it as flat as I can after snoothing. I then gather my hair up as if I were going to make a ponytail. I grip the base w/ one hand, then w/the other hand I twist the hair about halfway and round the twist upward. I then use middle, ring and pinkie fingers from the hand that is holding the base, to hold my hair that is twisted up. The index finger will be covered by the twist and the thumb will be at the bottom (close to the nape) Then I take my clip in my free hand and clip over twisted bun.

Then I tie my scarf around my hair, and leave it for like 5-15 min while I am getting dressed etc.>VERY IMPORTANT (to combat frizzies)

When I take my scarf off, it's pretty neat looking.

I do apologize if the instructions are not as clear as they could be or there is too much info. But everything that I noted sorta helps me w/the bun. If you have any questions just let me know. This style took me a couple weeks to get because I wasn't using a scarf, frizzies, shrinkage etc etc. But w/time it got a little better as I noticed what worked.

Also, a small amt of aloe vera gel controls the top & sides along w/the scarf. And each day I do it in the week, it gets a lil easier because the hair has been stretched and the top lays flatter.
--The clip in the pic is from Ulta. I like that it doesn't have a smooth backing so that it won't slip easily. However, I do have clips from Target. (w/out the inside teeth) that work well. My clips have to be sturdy, long and w/ no teeth (just smooth metal).
I hope this helps.
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cool. this is pretty much how i do mine too, except i wet bun and i dont baggy.

i think i want to attempt on dry hair one day.

your hair is lovely btw.
lsubabiedee said:
cool. this is pretty much how i do mine too, except i wet bun and i dont baggy.

i think i want to attempt on dry hair one day.

your hair is lovely btw.

Thanks lsubabiedee-I can't wait till I can get some of your length. I may attempt wet bunning over the summer.
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Thank you Natstar. I was having a problem with the smoothing and the twisting done at the same time. My hair isn't as long as yours, but I'm going to try it this week!

Just gorgeous hair, BTW.