"Natchal" needing encouragement 2 remain "Natchal"


Well-Known Member
My main reason for transitioning was b/c I honestly thought that I could never have the length that I wanted w/chemicals. That was b4 LHCF.

Also, I was afraid of the long term effects of using chemicals. So now I know that ultra long hair is definitely doable w/a relaxer & I'm really struggling w/remaining chemical free. Right about now I'm thinking I can live w/the long term effects of the chemicals if there are any.

I love my texture most days. My biggest dilemma is microknots. I thought the coconut oil had cured it but now it seems like they are back w/a vengance.

Chicoro advised that protective buns would prevent micro knots but #1 I don't have enough length 4 buns yet & #2 - I don't want 2 have 2 bun all of the time to be "knotless".

Ladies what do you think? Would a texturizer help w/the knots or am I going to have 2 go all the way straight 4 a cure?
I just hate every time I put my fingers n my hair, I'm feeling these knots - feels like grains of sand n my hair. :wallbash:

PLEASE HELP. (I think I need a hug.) LOL

No real advice. Just a hug. I have a texturizer and I still get knots.

I also had texturizers (transitioning) and got knots. The thing is, when that new growth comes in, even though it's closer to your texturized hair, there will still be a demarcation line. I've been trying not to BC, but it's getting harder and harder!
My main reason for transitioning was b/c I honestly thought that I could never have the length that I wanted w/chemicals. That was b4 LHCF.

Also, I was afraid of the long term effects of using chemicals. So now I know that ultra long hair is definitely doable w/a relaxer & I'm really struggling w/remaining chemical free. Right about now I'm thinking I can live w/the long term effects of the chemicals if there are any.

I love my texture most days. My biggest dilemma is microknots. I thought the coconut oil had cured it but now it seems like they are back w/a vengance.

Chicoro advised that protective buns would prevent micro knots but #1 I don't have enough length 4 buns yet & #2 - I don't want 2 have 2 bun all of the time to be "knotless".

Ladies what do you think? Would a texturizer help w/the knots or am I going to have 2 go all the way straight 4 a cure?
I just hate every time I put my fingers n my hair, I'm feeling these knots - feels like grains of sand n my hair. :wallbash:

PLEASE HELP. (I think I need a hug.) LOL
I'm a natchal with knots, knots, and more knots. I just try to cut them out as I go. I just don't see me never having them unless I start relaxing which I'm not willing to do. I don't know anything about texturizers but hopefully someone can lend more insight. I feel your pain. But not enough for me to go back to the creamy crack
I'm a natchal with knots, knots, and more knots. I just try to cut them out as I go. I just don't see me never having them unless I start relaxing which I'm not willing to do. I don't know anything about texturizers but hopefully someone can lend more insight. I feel your pain. But not enough for me to go back to the creamy crack

I just read ur thread about straightening & I have a question 4 u. How does having knots affect ur straightened styles & do u think if u straightened weekly u would c less knots? TIA...
I just read ur thread about straightening & I have a question 4 u. How does having knots affect ur straightened styles & do u think if u straightened weekly u would c less knots? TIA...

My hair is not as sleek as it could be unfortunately, but i flatiron on a low temp so that could be a part of it as well. I think overtime you would see less knots if you don't let your stay curled up for a long period of time. BUT, you risk losing your texture if you aren't careful, plus you risk thinning of the hair if you aren't careful as well.

What are your thoughts?? You thinking of straightening every week?
My hair is not as sleek as it could be unfortunately, but i flatiron on a low temp so that could be a part of it as well. I think overtime you would see less knots if you don't let your stay curled up for a long period of time. BUT, you risk losing your texture if you aren't careful, plus you risk thinning of the hair if you aren't careful as well.

What are your thoughts?? You thinking of straightening every week?

Honestly I don't know what 2 do. I know basically since u can't undo the knots, they're just another form of split ends & if I'm always trimming knots, I'll never c length. So it's like do I straighten my hair weekly & risk damage or do I just go back 2 relaxing? :perplexed
Honestly I don't know what 2 do. I know basically since u can't undo the knots, they're just another form of split ends & if I'm always trimming knots, I'll never c length. So it's like do I straighten my hair weekly & risk damage or do I just go back 2 relaxing? :perplexed

My dear, I wanted to go natural when I first joined this board thinking I wouldn't get the length. I'm still relaxing. Just ease back into relaxing... keep up with your moisturizing and protein and you should be fine. Good luck!
I usually do a search and destroy when it comes to my knots. When I don't flat iron they come back though:ohwell: But because I'm using more moisture now I don't get them as bad. Just a few every now and then.
I think that you will have lots of knots if you wear "out" styles. Instead, maybe you can opt for braids or twists from time to time, which will minimize knots. I also get knots but end up having to cut them only about 1% of the time. 99% of the time I saturate the knot with castor oil and delicately pull each strand involved in the knot fiasco and low and behold, it comes a loose.

I think the decision for you will ulimately be a personal one, but before you decide, try to remember what you hair was like relaxed. I, too, believe that now with LHCF knowledge, I could grow long relaxed hair, but because my texture is so fine, I'm sure that it would be really thin and limp.

Good luck
How is your hair doing in the moisture department? I find that my hair has knots when it is dry and lacking in moisture. After a good DC and moisturizing treatment, I don't have a problem with knots.
...and there you have it :sad:

I dont have the best hair in the world, but I do have a workable texture - if I went natural I could make it work and look good, but I realized (even before LHCF) that I don't have the energy for 'beautiful' natural hair.

I told a friend years ago that it takes waaay more work to maintain and keep beautiful locks, twists, dreads and natural hair in general. Folks operate under the misconception that you wake up, smooth on grease and BAM - moisturized waves appear.

I'm smarter than that :yep: I know you work hard to maintain natural hair.

Plus, one morning I may wake up and not feel locks, but I believe that's why they call it 'locks' your hair is LOCKED into that structure until you patiently and lovely unlock it.

I'm not helping..am I :nono: Natural IS beautiful :yep:

NLovesShoes...here's your hug:

Disclaimer: I'm not saying the relaxer thing is a breeze for those on the quest for waist length hair, either. :ohwell:.

My main reason for transitioning was b/c I honestly thought that I could never have the length that I wanted w/chemicals. That was b4 LHCF.

Also, I was afraid of the long term effects of using chemicals. So now I know that ultra long hair is definitely doable w/a relaxer & I'm really struggling w/remaining chemical free. Right about now I'm thinking I can live w/the long term effects of the chemicals if there are any.

I love my texture most days. My biggest dilemma is microknots. I thought the coconut oil had cured it but now it seems like they are back w/a vengance.

Chicoro advised that protective buns would prevent micro knots but #1 I don't have enough length 4 buns yet & #2 - I don't want 2 have 2 bun all of the time to be "knotless".

Ladies what do you think? Would a texturizer help w/the knots or am I going to have 2 go all the way straight 4 a cure?
I just hate every time I put my fingers n my hair, I'm feeling these knots - feels like grains of sand n my hair. :wallbash:

PLEASE HELP. (I think I need a hug.) LOL
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...and there you have it :sad:

I dont have the best hair in the world, but I do have a workable texture - if I went natural I could make it work and look good, but I realized (even before LHCF) that I don't have the energy for 'beautiful' natural hair.

I told a friend years ago that it takes waaay more work to maintain and keep beautiful locks, twists, dreads and natural hair in general. Folks operate under the misconception that you wake up, smooth on grease and BAM - moisturized waves appear.

I'm smarter than that :yep: I know you work hard to maintain natural hair.

Plus, one morning I may wake up and not feel locks, but I believe that's why they call it 'locks' your hair is LOCKED into that structure until you patiently and lovely unlock it.

I'm not helping..am I :nono: Natural IS beautiful :yep:

NLovesShoes...here's your hug:

Disclaimer: I'm not saying the relaxer thing is a breeze on the quest for waist length :ohwell:.

What a wonderful pick me up!:grin: I'm going 2o try & get my DH 2 get me those last ones u posted 4 me as a Valentine's gift. R these "Nordy's
How is your hair doing in the moisture department? I find that my hair has knots when it is dry and lacking in moisture. After a good DC and moisturizing treatment, I don't have a problem with knots.

Honestly dryness is a problem n 1 section of my hair. However, that section is the least knotty? Go figure...
I've found in my hair that the number of knots I get is inversely proportional to how moisturized my hair is - the more moisture, the fewer the knots.
The only time I've been virtually knot-free is when I was baggying tightly. I think that wearing 'out' styles allows the ends of your hair to dry out faster, and thus increases the rate of knots.
Oil would cure the knots for a while, by allowing your hair to be 'slicker' and slide past each other - but eventually the need for more moisture is going to show up....

:up: I hope you figure out something to make you happy...
It must be in the air or something... because I've been contemplating relaxing for a couple of weeks now.

I struggle more so with the knots slowing me down when I'm trying to braid it. Detangling is still an effort even with products. Definite improvements have been seen since I've been taking better care of my hair. But its still time consuming...


At the end of it all though.. I don't think I'm willing to commit to the chemical.
What kind of knots do you have? I find that most of my knots are shed hair that didn't make it all the way out and it gets all caught up at the ends of my hair. Thats a sign that I need to work on my detangling. Are you sure you're detangling thoroughly?

Here are some threads that may help you:
Best Pics of Natural Hair/Heads (Includes our Members): A Thread of Encouragement!!
Natural Support Thread

what do you like about being natural?

I wish yo all the best!


I'm familiar w/what u're talking about. I only experience those type of knots here & there. My hair isn't that hard 2 detangle - thank goodness- or I probably would've given up on this natural thing a long time ago. Thanks for the threads - LOL - I was actually mentioned in the Best Pics one & look @ me now.:sad:
Excessive detangling can cause knots - esp if you have a distinct curl/coil pattern. Separating your coils too much causes frizz and strands to catch on themselves. So low manipulation and protective styling my work for you. Also less combing and brushing. I know that might sound unreasonable but it does work for me and I was skeptical at first.
my knots unravel with effort.. so I don't know whether its shed hairs or just my bush being bushy.

either way... I don't take scissors to any tangles. I leave them..

also.. I don't wear twist or braid outs... my hair is either twisted or braided. My avatar was post washing. My siggy is from a recent trip to a stylist for a well overdue trim.
I get single strand knots all the time. I try to keep my ends from being out all the time (bunning) and just take care of the hair the best I can with moisture, heavy products, and conditioning.

I don't bother even cutting or loosening the knots though, as they don't seem to significantly alter my length retention.
All I will tell you is that my hair didn't take too much to relaxers so I really have no reason to return to them being that my hair is responding more with being natural. If I want my hair straight then I just pick a day that I will be able to take my time and press it accordingly.
I'm familiar w/what u're talking about. I only experience those type of knots here & there. My hair isn't that hard 2 detangle - thank goodness- or I probably would've given up on this natural thing a long time ago. Thanks for the threads - LOL - I was actually mentioned in the Best Pics one & look @ me now.:sad:


You have single strand knots then? I haven't figured out how to combat those yet...

I get single strand knots or the shed hair ones and I cut them out. I think with coily/kinky/curly hair these are a fact and a characteristic of the texture because the hair is curling on itself. I hope you make the right decision that will satisfy you and keep your hair healthy.:yep:
All I will tell you is that my hair didn't take too much to relaxers so I really have no reason to return to them being that my hair is responding more with being natural. If I want my hair straight then I just pick a day that I will be able to take my time and press it accordingly.

what is your everyday hairstyle? do you stick to braids and twists?
How do you straighten? hotcomb, flat iron?

I'm nervous about self straigtening.. its a long project for a short time of results.
These are Saks, but I found another pair at 6pm . com that I kinda like better and they are cheaper.

Hey, I figure I don't do drugs so what the heck :grin: :grin:
What a wonderful pick me up!:grin: I'm going 2o try & get my DH 2 get me those last ones u posted 4 me as a Valentine's gift. R these "Nordy's
In my family (moms side...thanks mom:nono:) we have over active sweat glands. Short of the under arm surgery (which I did budget for 08', but still undecided about the whole 'surgery' thang) all I have are perscription strength deo's that sting like the dickens, but nothing for the scalp.

So, even when I was natural and pressed, summer I was curly/kinky and not by choice.

Sweating lead me to relaxing :sad:

All I will tell you is that my hair didn't take too much to relaxers so I really have no reason to return to them being that my hair is responding more with being natural. If I want my hair straight then I just pick a day that I will be able to take my time and press it accordingly.
Honestly dryness is a problem n 1 section of my hair. However, that section is the least knotty? Go figure...

Aww, Nakia don't relax your hair-your texture's so pretty. I have found that rollersetting my hair helps tremendously with knots & splits. I just figured out that the week I got lazy and slap it into buns regularly is when my splits & knots reoccured. It also helps to stretch your hair in some type of style before it dries, preventing it from curling upon itself- I hope this helps :bighug::bighug:
what is your everyday hairstyle? do you stick to braids and twists?
How do you straighten? hotcomb, flat iron?

I'm nervous about self straigtening.. its a long project for a short time of results.

I mainly stick to braids but now that my hair is getting longer, I'm about to try and do more wash and go and use flexi rods on wet hair. I just took out tree braids. The last time I straighten was in September so its been 4 months. Usually, I go about once every 1-3 months. I use a flat iron.