Nappista's how long does it take to straighten?

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
Oh em gee :( it took me over three hours to flatiron my hair yesterday. I didn't go to bed until one am this morning. I had washed and blowdried on wednesday night to cut my time in half and iluckily I did or I wouldn't have gone to bed until three.

On the bright side I am now brastrap! On the downside it is taking waaaay to long for this process. Specifically for my beautiful 4a-4b ladies how long is your hair and how lond does it take you to straighten? I am 33 weeks post with maybe 3-4 inches of new growth. I am transitioning and thankfully only straighten once every 4-6 weeks. Its getting rough in this hair lol.
It takes me between an hour and a half to two hours. That's not counting the time it takes to wash, dc, detangle and blowdry. I am 19 months post with atleast 9 inches of new growth and my hair is hovering around bsl.
Congrats on being brastrap!!:grin:
i haven't flat-ironed in a while, but a blowout (which gets my hair pretty straight) can take as little as a half hour, if I'm not interrupted. :yep:
woohoo congrats on bsl! i don't have a proper technique at all and i do it far too infrequently so i'll say about 3-4 hours atm
I'm not natural but my hair is nape length and it takes like 40 mins to blow dry and probably another 40 to flat iron. I think I need to improve my technique. Blowdrying and flat ironing on the same day would leave me tired.

Bre, you have some thick hair so it would take you a while. Congrats on reaching bra strap! You got pics:grin:
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I'm transitioning - 6 months post. I straightened for the first time since I started transitioning on Monday and it took me about 3 hours. I stretched me hair in braids the night before and blow dried and flat ironed the next morning. Even when I was relaxed, I was always horrible at straightening. I was a bit more attentive and thorough this time, but it still didn't have the swang (that's sort of hard to acheive anyways bc there's a huge discrepancy in thickeness bw my new growth and bonelaxed hair) and it started reverting very quickly (I did a silk wrap, which "initiated" and sped up the reversion, IMO:ohwell:).

I look forward to improving my technique but I don't plan on straightening often, so I guess it'll be a while before "practice makes perfect".
About an hour and a half. I'm just touching shoulder length. I wash and condition, detangle and section, sit under the dryer for about 45 minutes and spend about 30 flat ironing. :yep:
What!?!?!? How the hayle is this possible? I'm sucking my teeth and giving u the side eye right now. Yeah I'm hatin!

:lol: My hair straightens pretty easy. Shoot my stylist can do it in like 35 mins. I'm trying to get on his level. My arms are tired by the time I hit the half hour mark.
Congrats on BSL!!! :grin:

It takes me, from wash to finished product, about 4 hours. :wallbash:

Just the blowdrying and flat ironing is about 2.5 to 3 hours. :wallbash:
I just use my hot air brush and I'm done in 35 minutes. I can curl and blow dry at the same time. No need for a flat iron after.:yep: I'm 5 1/2 months post relaxer.
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Um I'm with you in the flat ironing challenged club. I get bored easily. I'd say it takes from 30 mins to an hour to blow dry and about an hour to flat iron. My hair isn't thick though it is past BSL.
The flat ironing process takes me 45 minutes to an hour. I'm 4a, apl.

However, I air dry my hair overnight because blow dryers suck all the life out of my hair, making it feel like straw.
i'm almost 13 weeks post and i blow dryed and flatironed my hair for the first time in about 7 months and i roughly took me about 2 and a half hours. And i'm only shoulder length. But i was doing other things too
Congrats on BSL! Thats my ultimate goal.

I've never used a flat iron and I rarely use heat, but when I do, I go to the Dominican salon. I sit under the dryer for 30 minutes and then the blow dry takes about another 15-20 so I'd say 45 mins to an hour.

You ladies really have my considering purchasing a flat iron.
Congrats on BSL!

The whole process takes me about 2.5 hours (including 1 hr under the dryer for the rollerset). After the rollerset, I blow the roots and then flatiron them.
I'm relaxed and it takes me 2 to 3 hours. Not including the wash the dc and the airdry, but that does include frequent breaks, watching tv and eating. If I just stay focused I can get in a hour and a half, but the back always gets the short end of the stick because by the time I make it back there I am tired and I start using giant sections to flat iron, lol.
Its all about how thick your hair is and how coarse/thick your strands are.

I have both thick hair & coarse thick strands, I'm a 4a natural and my hair is MBL to top it off. It takes me about 3 hours to straighten. I recently got a new flat iron and I'm hoping that it can cut down on the straightening time:yep:
I'm APL, transitioning(16wks) and texlaxed. It takes me 2hrs to flatiron my hair, when a year ago I could do it in a hr. I can't imagine how long it will take next year!
I usually air dry in plaits so it takes about 45 min to get a good flatiron done on completely dry hair.

If I were to blow dry I would add another 30 mins
Wash/twist into sections: 20 mins
DC: 20 mins
Rinse/detangle:25 mins
Blow dry: 45-60 mins
Flat iron: 45-60 mins

Really, it's roughly 3 hours for me once you include the "in between" time...