Nappista's how long does it take to straighten?

Blowdrying takes 1 hour usually. Flat ironing with the maxiglide takes about 1 hour, if I do small sections it takes about 1.5-2 and my hair is pretty thick.
My hair is really thick, APL & it doesn't straighten easy. It takes me about 2-3 hours to flatiron.

I have to take breaks though b/c my arms get tired.
I have fine hair but a lot of it, and I'm ful APL. I dont blow dry I rollerset and flat iron (If I straigthen it) the flat ironing takes me 45 minutes. I usually have my stylist straight my hair and start to finish (wash, DC,blow dry, flar iron) 45 minutes. I know, fast right? If only i had the skills.
It took me about two hours the last time I flat ironed.. I have to be extra careful I have a tendency to flat iron my wrists
Sooooo outta practice I think it was somewhere around 4 hours the last time I tried that.

Not gonna do that anytime soon. :nono:
From the time I start applying pre-poo until the time I finish flat ironing it's about 3 hours, provided I'm not getting distracted and leaving stuff in my hair for way longer than I need to (like when I get distracted on this board :lol:).
With my personal "requirements", it's about 3 hours for pre-poo, shampoo & condition, glaze treatment, blow dry, and flat iron.
I think 3 hours is average considering we usually blowdry in sections and then flat iron even smaller sections while applying product. I only do this every 6-8 weeks to length check, clip and re-twist.
2.5 hours for someone else to do it with high heat (pressing comb, blow dryer or flat-iron).

I get to the 3rd hour doing it myself...find I'm only 3/4 of the way done at best...and give up.

My hair is only 3.5" (natural)!

Straightening as it gets longer isn't going to happen, unless it comes courtesy of Phyto.