My version of the BC (sorry no pics---yet!!!)


New Member
OK I've had it!!!! I can't take it any more!!!

I'm getting rid of this stupid second layer of hair!!!

I have fully recovered from a disasterous hair year (2007) I had high hopes for 2008 but I see now that this will be the year of recovery. My hair is healthy but I've been chopping away at it since Jan when I touched up my new growth. At first it was cool. Then I noticed that I had see through ends. Why? Because the hair in the middle of my hair that had broken off the worst (down to almost an inch due to a number of baad decisions) was starting to grow back just like the longer hair was growing back.

In addition to that, my nape hair grows like weeds. Its soft, wavy and doesn't really need relaxing. At this point I had
  1. hair in the middle that was significantly shorter than the rest of my hair. It was only a small section but very noticeable
  2. nape hair that had to be cut (not trimmed) every 3 weeks (really)
  1. Hair that was generally longer but thinning on the ends because of overprocessing (in 2007)
To make everything look decent I had to make most of my hair match the shorter hair. I cut a top layer and trimmed my nape hair. At first it was cute and I got a lot of compliments.

But now I hate it. I have always loved hair alll one length so that's what I will give myself, I don't care how short it is:nono:

I promise I will get before and after pics on here. By hook or crook I will have pictures!!!!!
I'll be doing the big chop in one week or less (probably Thurs. or Fri) I'll have pics hopefully a week later (but preferrably Sun).

I just can't take it any more:nono:
thanks KAT,
actually, i think it's more discouraging to keep it layered. I mean, every time my hair grows I get excited, then let down because that shorter layer is still there. I know the shorter hair that broke off so bad last year is growing, but its so hard to focus on that when I've got all this longer hair.

I'm serious about the pics, too:yep: