Should I just trim this? (pic)

Should I trim

  • Yes, trim now

    Votes: 135 57.0%
  • No, do not trim under any circumstances

    Votes: 27 11.4%
  • Wait see if your shorter hair catches up then decide (tell me how long to wait)

    Votes: 75 31.6%

  • Total voters
I say go on and trim it. Blunt ends are a beautiful sight.

This is what I say... I say trim now and keep it bunned for a while. I read in somewhere that the shorter hair will never catch up to the larger hair so it will always be uneven until you even it yourself with a trim or dust. If you don't like looking at it then it's totally up to you. Although I really didn't want to do it, I have been trimming/dusting my ends for the last two weeks to even my ends out and they are looking so much better. My ends were thinning and had become see-thru, at first I was like ok what am I going to do, then I thought WTH, so I started trimming a little at a time.. I have been keeping my hair in a bun with the ends baggied and I feel so much better about my ends... HTH

Trim it. You shouldn't have to feel like u need to hide your hair because of something so small. It will grow babk. Cut it and enjoy having a full even head of hair. I had the same problem and i played catch up FOREVER! I hated my hair during that time. It wasn't worth it.

OK, I spoke too soon. Thanks for your responses.
Hmm, that's what my hair looks like! lol

I think that since you wear it up mostly, just let the shorter part catch up or get to a length where you wouldn't mind trimming the surrounding hair.

I wear mine up or braided all the time, so I'm not trimming until the middles reaches a little past BSL.

Yes, before I was thinking that I would wear it up until it reached BSL but I wanted some second opinions. I would wear my hair in PS most of the time anyway whether it was even or not...

Still deciding :ohwell:

And congrats on the weight loss!
If you don't wear your hair down often, I say leave it. Rollerset it, do up do's and leave it alone. No one sees it up. I wouldn't worry about it now.
I think you should wait till you meet your next goal to cut. If the hair is healthy and there isnt breakage due to it being uneven there really isnt any reason to cut unless you wear it down alot. If you wear it down often and the unevenness bothers you the I say chop now...
I am usually anti-scissors but if you're going to wear your hair down
I say yes... cut it...
that or wear it curly so it's not as noticeable.
I think you will eventually have to trim it for it to be even...
you jut have to decide now or later.

I agree. but you may or may not have to cut it eventually. I know my hair just grows wvwnly even recently I had an issue similar to yours where I cut a chunk of in the middle of my crown due to bad breakage and it is growing faster than the rest of my hair which is growing normally. It happens ALL the time when a piece gets cut or I cut it that area seems to speed up in growth I do not kno why or how but it does. But if you're gonna wear your hair down I would even it out.
If your hair is long enough and you wear it up all the time, then you won't really miss the length when it's up and it will grow back. The other positive is when you do wear it down, it will be nice and even.
I'm not anti-scissors, but I am anti-cutting-off-perfectly-healthy-hair. :lachen:

Since you say that you rarely wear it down, I wouldn't cut it, and just be sure to wear it down curly/rollerset when you do wear it down, so that the difference (which isn't that bad) isn't noticeable.

If you get to a point where you really want to wear your hair down and straight more often, and it's really starting to bother you - then go ahead and trim it. :yep:

But based on what you've said so far - I wouldn't. I'm impatient, and I think that the pursuit of constantly blunt ends makes the getting to long hair process so much slower.
No, not until you reach full BSL. Just keep dusting. Your hair looks good. I don't know if you rollerset but a few curls on the end will deceive any inspectors.
If you plan on wearing it down, I would go ahead and trim it. Noting prettier than beautiful ends. It just make your hair look healthy.
I voted for Don't trim. I kind had the same issue. I wan't moisturizing properly. It happens. Since you wear your hair up most of the time, just baby your ends, moisturize like crazy and wait till your next relaxer and see if the other side catches up. Really analyze your regimen and see what your doing wrong...for me...I wan't moisturizing right.

Hope that helps
you don't wear your hair down so it doesn't really matter about the gap. I think you should really baby that area. Apply growth aids to just that area so it will catch up. Then you can trim a little in about 4 months, and the gap won't be as bad
I voted for Don't trim. I kind had the same issue. I wan't moisturizing properly. It happens. Since you wear your hair up most of the time, just baby your ends, moisturize like crazy and wait till your next relaxer and see if the other side catches up. Really analyze your regimen and see what your doing wrong...for me...I wan't moisturizing right.

Hope that helps

I wore a low bun most of the time. I was always outside in the cold last winter and my scarf and jacket always rubbed on that area.

I don't really know what I should do instead this winter. I was thinking of getting a sew in or using a half wig this winter since I prefer PS (protective styles). Any other suggestions on how to protect the area?
I voted that you should trim now. Why hold on to hair hoping that one day it will pretty enough to wear down. Even though you wear your hair up most of the time, you should not have to worry about how it looks on those occasions that you want to wear it down. It doesn't look like you would have to cut much and once you've done it you can just move on without having to worry if that section will ever catch up.
I say don't trim unless you decide to start wearing your hair down. I have the same issue with my center b/c of the way my hair was layered (I think) and I'm deciding to wait it out as long as i can before I trim.

At first I was trimming every couple of weeks, but then I realized that I'll have to trim again when I reach my goal anyway, so what's really the point. I plan on waiting until I get to MBL then cut to BSL. If I have an uncontrollable desire to wear my hair down then I will trim.

ETA: I voted to wait until it catches up b/c that was an intermediate option. However, I don't think that area of your hair will naturally catch up that much to the other area in a timely manner, so I do think that you'll eventually have to cut it anyway. It's just a matter of when you want to.
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I'd cut it. Just cut it so you can feel confident when you do wear it down. Since you don't wear it down very often you wont even realize that that piece is gone and your hair will continue to grow evenly.
I actually just got a trim as well, My stylist puts a piece of paper behind my hair and any part that she can see the paper through, needs to go. My hair looks healthy a MUCH fuller.
don't get discouraged, it will catch up. since you don't wear it down often anyway. I'm having a similar dilemma, my uneven ends look a hot mess. yours doesn't look no where near as bad as mine. I have literally a patch of hair left that's approaching waist, the rest I'm so tempted to cut to shoulder because of breakage/setbacks.:nono: so I plan on keeping it pinned up or in a bun. nursing it back. keep up what your doing, don't get discouraged.

all in all, it's still your decision, but, you have plenty of support here:grin:
If the trim will not prevent you from doing any styles or anything, I say go ahead and trim now and just get it out of the way. I was relieved after my last shape up that my hair could now grow out in the shape I wanted. Since you wear your hair up, the missing length won't be that apparent and if it looks like the shape hasn't changed on its own in the last several months, it probably won't do so without your intervention anyway. Might as well get it over with.
I say trim, why may have to trim more later.

I sucked it up and did a huge BC to even up - and now I am sooo glad I did
I voted Yes to trimming it now. Unless your hair grows unevenly with the middle growing more than the sides, it won't catch up anyway. Blunt ends have always looked better (in my opinion) than uneven ones. Plus, if you even them out, you might feel less self conscious about the uneven ends and won't be as restricted with the styles you can wear. Cutting it is a win-win-win situation.

That being said, I've cut my hair twice in the last 3 months and I'm loving my even, healthy ends. but thats just me...:spinning:
I had a similar problem...see my under "During my stretch" can see the gap at the nape.

What I did, I waited as long as I could until I thought the back looked just horrible and had a stylist I trust...OK actually I threatened and also promised him a $20.00 tip if he did what I said and I didn't leave crying....ANYWAY, he trimmed off ONLY the see-thru wispy part.

On your hair, that seems to be the left pointed part that is curled in a little and there are some wispy part on the right. If you could blow dry your hair to get it at its straightest and longest, and then ONLY trim away the wispys, I think you would feel 100% better.

AFter I did this, my back is now even and growing strong.

Just my experience and .02cents.

I am GREAT at dusting ...if you were in my area, (suburban NY) I'd do it for you. I wouldn't try and do it yourself.
I wore a low bun most of the time. I was always outside in the cold last winter and my scarf and jacket always rubbed on that area.

I don't really know what I should do instead this winter. I was thinking of getting a sew in or using a half wig this winter since I prefer PS (protective styles). Any other suggestions on how to protect the area?
I think the low bun is causing it. I think it puts too much tension on one area if you wear the same hairstyle all the time. Hope you don't mind my suggestions...a loose french twist maybe?