My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hair!!!


New Member
I went to get my touchup today, after 16 weeks... My salon has two stylists - a man, who is the owner, and a woman, who is his "assistant"... well normally, he relaxes my hair, but she has done my hair on a few occasions if he is busy or whatever. I don't really mind her doing it, but for some reason, I just prefer when he does it. No real reason. That's just a little background info. Today she did my hair...

SOO, she bases my scalp and she starts putting the relaxer in my hair...I was so busy telling her about my vacation but then I finally took a look and saw that she was using "Designer Touch" relaxer in my hair, when I have been using Affirm (No Lye) for like, 4 years!!!
So I say, "Uh, that's not the relaxer I normally get..." So she says "What?? Then she looks at my sheet and goes "OMG!!! Let me hurry up and get this stuff in and wash it right out" So I go "Is this lye or no-lye?" She says "it's lye" I said, "hold on, wait a minute... is this stuff gonna mess up my hair???!!!" She says "Oh no, no... I'm just worried about your scalp -- if you have a sensitive scalp, it might irritate you." So anyway, she proceeds to put it in my hair and it's not bothering me or burning so I wasn't that concerned... Everything went well, and it really didn't feel any different than the Affirm No Lye Sensitive Scalp that they normally use.

My hair came out very straight. It seems to be more straight than when they use the Affirm, and my hair doesn't seem as full tonight as it usually does after my touchups
, (but it IS just about at brastrap!!
). (I posted a pic in my album)

I said I wasn't going to let him trim my hair (she doesn't do any of the cutting), but OF COURSE I broke down and let him do it cuz they were all giving me the lecture about how it will grow more healthy if the ends are trimmed regularly, yadda yadda yadda... But he only trimmed the teeniest, tiniest bit (truly just a dusting) so I was happy!!

I'm going to watch and see how my hair behaves over the next few months with this lye relaxer in it. I just MIGHT make the switch and continue with the lye, depending on how things go.
Does anyone here use Designer Touch?? I don't remember reading anything here about it.
Hey Lindy, Im sorry to read about that mix up, but I think your hair should be ok. Ive used lye in the past and the only thing I remember that really stood out was the burning. I dont recall anything else. And congrats at being at brastrap, it looks beautiful
It should be okay but I hope you don't want to switch back to No-lye- cause that is when you will see the problems. I really hope you got a significant discount because 1. they messed up big time with chemicals and two Designer's Touch is a way cheaper relaxer.
cutebajangirl said:
It should be okay but I hope you don't want to switch back to No-lye- cause that is when you will see the problems. I really hope you got a significant discount because 1. they messed up big time with chemicals and two Designer's Touch is a way cheaper relaxer.

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Oh please, girl!! No discount whatsoever... I paid the usual $78.50!!
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Ive used lye in the past and the only thing I remember that really stood out was the burning. I dont recall anything else. And congrats at being at brastrap, it looks beautiful

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Thanks, HLD!!!
Honestly, you should call them in the morning. You are a long term cutomer and their carelessness alone should have made them offer you something. That is just good business sense to avoid a lawsuit. She admitted culpability so it is all a wrap if you wanted/needed to sue. You shouldn't treat good clients so poorly IMO. They need to give you a free wash n set and protein treatment to prevent any possible damage. Or a discount towards your next relaxer. If you wanted carelessness you would go to a 25 dollar spot.
cutebajangirl said:
Honestly, you should call them in the morning. You are a long term cutomer and their carelessness alone should have made them offer you something. That is just good business sense to avoid a lawsuit. She admitted culpability so it is all a wrap if you wanted/needed to sue. You shouldn't treat good clients so poorly IMO. They need to give you a free wash n set and protein treatment to prevent any possible damage. Or a discount towards your next relaxer. If you wanted carelessness you would go to a 25 dollar spot.

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You're right, but I would feel bad calling them tomorrow, when I acted like everything was perfectly fine when I left there today. I wouldn't make a big deal now unless my hair starts breaking, then forget it, I'll definitely open my mouth then!!

I did make sure that I told the owner while he was styling my hair what had happened. He was shocked that she had made that mistake, but he said I should be fine. I know he probably chewed her out after I left though...
It almost makes me not want to go back there anymore, because that really was a potentially dangerous mistake!

I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on the condition of my hair for the next few weeks.
I really wish I knew how to relax my own hair, cuz I'm starting to see that these stylists really don't give a
about their clients!!
Don't feel scared, you noticed since you got home that your hair is less full, that is reason enough for me. It really is a shame the she was so careless. The two relaxers look nothing alike and the whole point of having a sheet of your hair history is to prevent stuff like this from happening.
Sorry to hear this happened also. Since you paid for the Affirm, which costed more, they need to compensate you for that somehow.
Check out those tanlines, Gal!!!
I suggest that you use the Affirm Lye version. I used Designer Touch once when I attempted to do my own perm. Gold container with purple/fushcia colored lettering, right? <or is that a white container?
In any case, I know I've used it.> It made my hair way to straight. Don't like that as I think my hair will eventually break off, especially when I get a lot of new growth and the relaxed bit is bone straight.... if you choose to use the lye, do the Affirm!

Must say the hair is still looking lovely though!!!
Wait I don't understand. I thought most of you ladies on this board were saying that Lye relaxers are better for your hair. Is this not true anymore? I know I have read a few threads where people were switching from No Lye to Lye relaxers.
That's why I don't start conversations with hairdressers. I'm too busy paying attention to what they're doing to make friendly chitchat. Your hair looks great though!
Lindy, u are getting close there! the density/thickness(hope that makes sense) and layers of your hair reminds me of mine, and it looks a lot like mine does wet...I like to see ppls long hair pics that are similar to my hair so I know what I can look forward to! whats your regimen?

Wolftrap, I was wondering the same thing. I think she is one of the ones who uses no lye though and since she has been using the same one fore years she doesnt want to switch.

I agree though, I think u may run into problems when u go back to no lye from a lye perm. I know in Shamboosies book he says once u use a lye perm to never go back to no lye, but he is really PRO LYE and I know many use no lye with success but I think either way, the main thing is to stick to one or the other.
Hey Lindy,

If your hair does well you should probably switch to Lye permanently. It is less drying to the hair than No-Lye. I can actually tell when someone has a lye versus a no-lye perm in there hair by just looking at it. You should do some research about lye versus no-lye. I use Affirm Lye and love it, some people have scalp issues so do your research!! I transitioned from No-Lye to Lye about 2 years ago, and have never gone back. I believe most women on this site use Lye relaxers.

Cathy Howse's book talks a lot about Affirm Lye, check out her website.
You paid $78 for JUST a relaxer or was color and something else in that cost? Yeah, so I thought that LYE relaxers were better for the hair than NO LYE also? My best friend used to be a stylist and she was also VERY AGAINST NO LYE relaxers,...I guess it just depends on the individual and their hair, huh? Anyhoo,...your hair looks GREAT!
The point of which is better lye or no lye is irrelevant in this case. The problem is the carelessness of the hairdresser.It could have just as easily been the other way around in which case Lindy would be picking her hair up of the floor in the next couple of weeks.
Re: My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hai

I'm sorry sbout the mistake and the scare Lindy...I agree with Blue , when I go to the salon I make sure they know which relaxer then I watch her and the clock like a hawk

However, your hair looks wonderful!!!! I love the Colorshine and your hair is extremely close to the strap....and your are right if your hair was straight I think you are there girl!!!! GREAT WORK!
Re: My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hai

Sorry about the mix-up but you should be okay. I have 4b hair and relaxed with design touch lye for a looong time with very good results until I switched to affirm lye mild. If it was applied correctly with no overlap (and sounds as if it was) then you'll be fine. Hey, you MAY decide to stick with lye -- IMO, lye relaxers are just plain healthier for my hair with greater shine and strength. Keep us posted . . .
Re: My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hai

Lindy, you are so at bra-strap! We have progressed along quite the same and my next touchup in 2 weeks should put just about where you are. I'm excited...although, I'm thinking about getting layers.

Anyway, you're hair looks great. I've used Design Essentials in the past w/no problem. My hair was quite healthy w/it. You'll be fine. Just keep up that great reg. you have!
Re: My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hai

Thanks Ladies, for all your compliments!!

Yep, this relaxer most definitely got my hair straighter than the Affirm Mild No-Lye ever did... not really sure if that's a good or bad thing... I think that it'll be fine after I wash it a couple of times! Right now it's just REALLY straight at the roots, but once I get a little new growth, I think it will be great.

It's weird though, that this happened, cuz honestly I've been thinking for a while about making the switch to Lye (only from reading the no-lye vs. lye debate here on the forum... it has just made me curious!!
) So maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
If I do decide to stay with the lye, I will definitely ask for either the Affirm Lye or Mizani at the next touchup.

I'm going to go back and do a search and read up on the lye/no-lye posts from the past.

Thanks for the support, ladies!!
Isis said:
Sorry to hear this happened also. Since you paid for the Affirm, which costed more, they need to compensate you for that somehow.

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I don't think they charge a different price for different kinds of relaxers at this salon... They don't have a price list posted...
AJamericanDiva said:
Check out those tanlines, Gal!!!
I suggest that you use the Affirm Lye version. I used Designer Touch once when I attempted to do my own perm. Gold container with purple/fushcia colored lettering, right?

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Yes, that's the one...

Yeah, about the tan lines... crazy, huh?? I think I overdid it just a bit!!
(I'm peeling now...
) I love it though!!
I'm trying to figure out a way to keep this tan all year 'round!!
Leslie_C said:
Lindy, u are getting close there! the density/thickness(hope that makes sense) and layers of your hair reminds me of mine, and it looks a lot like mine does wet...I like to see ppls long hair pics that are similar to my hair so I know what I can look forward to! whats your regimen?

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Thanks Leslie; you can find my regimen in the May 2004 feature of the month page.
I think I covered everything there...
bollyhair said:
You paid $78 for JUST a relaxer or was color and something else in that cost? Anyhoo,...your hair looks GREAT!

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Thanks bollyhair
...That was for just the relaxer...
That's what I always pay. Pretty pricey, I know, but I trust(ed) them, so I've stuck with the same salon for about 4 years so far!!
They are getting sloppy though... I just might have to start looking around...