My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hair!!!

Re: My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hai

Neroli said:
Sorry about the mix-up but you should be okay. I have 4b hair and relaxed with design touch lye for a looong time with very good results until I switched to affirm lye mild. If it was applied correctly with no overlap (and sounds as if it was) then you'll be fine. Hey, you MAY decide to stick with lye -- IMO, lye relaxers are just plain healthier for my hair with greater shine and strength. Keep us posted . . .

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Thanks Neroli, that's good to hear!!
Yes, she did apply it very well, with no overlap that i could see. That's one good thing about that salon. They are very careful about only relaxing the new growth; especially since my hair is color-treated, that is soooo important!!

I will definitely keep you all posted on the condition of my hair in the coming weeks/months.
Re: My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hai

Tammy said:
Lindy, you are so at bra-strap! We have progressed along quite the same and my next touchup in 2 weeks should put just about where you are. I'm excited...although, I'm thinking about getting layers.

Anyway, you're hair looks great. I've used Design Essentials in the past w/no problem. My hair was quite healthy w/it. You'll be fine. Just keep up that great reg. you have!

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Thanks Tammy!!
I know that we've been running "neck & neck" with our hair length & growth for a long time!!

Unfortunately, she used Designer Touch on my hair, not Design Essentials...
I did a search and I think there are a few members here who use the Designer Touch, but not that many...
Re: My Touchup -- She used a LYE relaxer on my hai

Hi Lindy,

I've used Designer's Touch Lye in the past and have not had any problems with it. It gets your hair very straight. In fact, my hair looks exactly like your retouch pictures if I get a body wrap from a fresh retouch. Don't worry, your hair is going to be fine.