my thin strands are now thick


Well-Known Member
can this happen?
my individual strands are fine, thinner than a string of thread but after using joico's deep penetrating reconstructor i am looking at my hair(my ends) and they look thicker. i like this. it makes me feel like im using the right products and doing whats right for my hair. i also like this because i flat iron once a week and this seems like it would keep my hair from damaging.
so can i really thicken my individual strands?
is it temporary(sp?)?
have you done it?
using what product?
I have noticed this as well with my ultra fine strands. The K pak products will overly dry my hair if I don't moisturize well. I use the Joico moisture recovery line with nice results.
thanx ladies.
i regularly use the ORS replenishing paks but havent noticed thicker strands with it, only with joico. but ORS is a staple.

thanx ladies.
i regularly use the ORS replenishing paks but havent noticed thicker strands with it, only with joico. but ORS is a staple.


I too have noticed this strand-thickening when consistently using Joico K-pak reconstructor. My hair is much stronger and more split-resistant. I don't care how coarse it gets, if it will help me preserve some length, I'll take it !
Wow ladies I thought I was the only one. After using the Joico reconstructor along with the Moisture Recovery line I noticed thicker strands after 1 use! Joico is now the ONLY line I use for poo, con, and recon. I donated ALL of my other poos and cons. I have used Nexxus Emergencee and still didn't get these resutlts, not even close. There is something about Joico that gives me results EVERY time I use it and since I am experiencing thicker strands myself with this brand I will say yes it is possible. I feel like I will finally be able to retain length using Joico consistantly.
I too have noticed this strand-thickening when consistently using Joico K-pak reconstructor. My hair is much stronger and more split-resistant. I don't care how coarse it gets, if it will help me preserve some length, I'll take it !

I hear you on that one!:lachen: My exact thoughts. How often are you using the reconstructor? I've only used it once so far and have been told to use it at LEAST once a week but I hope that's not too much for me. I think I will have to experiment and see.
I think it can happen, but it might be the protein thats creating the sense of thicker strands. For me Ive noticed that my hair is way more coarse than in the past.

My strands are thicker than normal when I blowdry and airdry, but my hair doesnt have the same sleekness. My hair doesnt get as straight as in the past when I flatiron. Also, when I blowdry the ends seem to be a little puffy. I havent had any breakage though and my ends good, but it a noticable difference.
Maybe that's how your strands are supposed to be and the product is helping to maintain them????? I know once I started using protein and deep conditioning, my hair seemed to thicken up because it stopped shedding and breaking as much.
Some products coat the strands which makes them appear and feel thicker. Dye also does that. I think silicones might do it too.
Yeah, I love Joico :yep: I use the entire K-pak line (and the Moisture Recovery to alternate). It's probably the human hair keratin proteins that are all up and through every Joico product, and they're reconstructing and rebuilding your hair. It's great for fine/thin hair :up:
This is good news. :yep: I recently bought some more Kpak products for my thin hair. This past wash I used the Kpak shampoo, conditioner, and followed up with the extreme hydrator. I'm considering using this line as my staple for my fine hair.
This is good news. :yep: I recently bought some more Kpak products for my thin hair. This past wash I used the Kpak shampoo, conditioner, and followed up with the extreme hydrator. I'm considering using this line as my staple for my fine hair.

That is what I used for a couple of months to deal with some overprocessing. I just added additional moisture via kenra mc when I needed it but it saved my hair.
Yeah, I love Joico :yep: I use the entire K-pak line (and the Moisture Recovery to alternate). It's probably the human hair keratin proteins that are all up and through every Joico product, and they're reconstructing and rebuilding your hair. It's great for fine/thin hair :up:
thats what i think because for the past 2 months i have been in love with protein. and i have used everything from aphigee,aveda, ORS replenishing and joico. the aphogee two minute is really good and i was using it once a week and never got thicker strands like im getting with the joico reconstructor.

i didnt know you could use the k-pak reconstructor once a week but i guess thats good as long as you use the hydrator after wards.
can I use aphogee 2min reconstructor 1x a week and get the same results?

I use both the KPAK reconstructor and the ApHogee 2 min and I get pretty much the same results. I've been using the 2 min every week for a month now, and I believe my hair feels thicker. The ApHogee puts a lot of texture back into my hair so I'm contributing the thickness to that factor. HTH!
thats what i think because for the past 2 months i have been in love with protein. and i have used everything from aphigee,aveda, ORS replenishing and joico. the aphogee two minute is really good and i was using it once a week and never got thicker strands like im getting with the joico reconstructor.

i didnt know you could use the k-pak reconstructor once a week but i guess thats good as long as you use the hydrator after wards.

Well, really if you have damaged hair, you are to use it weekly until the hair doesn't need it anymore, because the products effects are cumulative. The quadramine complex technology is explained on the website.

But you know it all depends on how your hair responds to it. Sometimes I use k-pak without the intense hydrator (since basic creme reconstructors do leave moisturizers behind on the hair), sometimes with it. It just depends on what is going on with my hair.
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Trade Secrets has the Kpak line in a discounted gift set. That's where I got mine.

LOL! I bought 4 of those holiday gift packs! They were half off. I bought the moisture recovery ones though and just use the reconstructor that came with it. I also have the moisture recovery balm which gives me the much needed moisture after the reconstructor treatment.

My boyfriend commented on how great my hair looked and felt without asking. I feel that Joico is responsible and makes my hair look and feel plump and healthy!:grin:
This is so good to know about Jocico... I just realized that I have to add protein back to my deal, even with natural hair because it's fine. Thanks for posting, I want to use the protein that will get me good results. :up:
This is so good to know about Jocico... I just realized that I have to add protein back to my deal, even with natural hair because it's fine. Thanks for posting, I want to use the protein that will get me good results. :up:

Yeah, fine hair is so vulnerable, natural or relaxed. We have to focus more on the protein/moisture balance I think more than any other hair type. When my hair was natural, I dc'd all the time, but I never used protein :nono: After 4 yrs I never grew past SL. I'm determined to get it right now that I relax my hair again.
This is so good to know about Jocico... I just realized that I have to add protein back to my deal, even with natural hair because it's fine. Thanks for posting, I want to use the protein that will get me good results. :up:

I emailed Joico about using the reconstructor on natural hair if it's just fine and prone to breakage, no damage and they responded with some generic response that did not answer my question.

I am transitioning and I am starting to think that my natural hair just needs that extra help from a reconstructor. The only problem is finding out the frequency to use this stuff on natural hair because I don't want overload. This is what I was trying to ask them, should i do it weekly, bi-weekly, 1x/mn...I guess it will have to be trial and error:ohwell:
Yeah, fine hair is so vulnerable, natural or relaxed. We have to focus more on the protein/moisture balance I think more than any other hair type. When my hair was natural, I dc'd all the time, but I never used protein :nono: After 4 yrs I never grew past SL. I'm determined to get it right now that I relax my hair again.

I emailed Joico about using the reconstructor on natural hair if it's just fine and prone to breakage, no damage and they responded with some generic response that did not answer my question.

I am transitioning and I am starting to think that my natural hair just needs that extra help from a reconstructor. The only problem is finding out the frequency to use this stuff on natural hair because I don't want overload. This is what I was trying to ask them, should i do it weekly, bi-weekly, 1x/mn...I guess it will have to be trial and error:ohwell:

I have suspected and confirmed with a few fine haired naturals that the way to retain length is to use protein.

I have a theory and I'd like to try and confirm and I will test myself. I want to do my protein treatments as a pre-poo before co-washing and then DCing with moisture after co-washing. Has anyone tried this method?

My thoughts are that this method will help get the moisture back in there.

My hair hates, hates, HATES shampoo! When I use it, poor hair just shrinks up like no bodies business. I know its generally best to clarify before protein treatments but my hair will have no such business on a weekly basis. I'm going to have to give it a go without the shampoo, I can only do poo once per month.

Anyone else out there with experience on co-washing and protein?