My stylist & I's conversation when I got my hair done yesterday!!!!!


New Member
Okay, part of this is a rant.

But let me first say that I went to get a press yesterday for the first time since this January. My stylist did an EXCELLENT job getting it straight. I usually only go to see her like twice a year for a press b/c I've been trying to grow my hair out, I'm afraid of heat, plus the cost is outrageous (to me).

Anyways, she did a good job. And I always ~*L~O~V~E~*~ how my hair looks after she has pressed it. However, why did it HURT SO BAD this time???!!!! I mean, I was almost CRYING when she blowdryed me. Not only that, but the entire process this time took 5 HOURS!!! (As compared to a usual 2 hours!) I did get a black rinse in my hair, which added a little to the time, but still. I think the reason why it hurt so bad is because after washing me, I sat for like 20 minutes before she started blow drying me. In other words, my hair had already started to dry/shrink. Plus, she doesn't use the type of dryer with teeth on it. She uses a regular blow dryer and combs through it with a detangling brush.

Now, here's the thing---that freakin brush is HARD. I know it's for detangling but what added to the pain was it seemed she started closer to the top/middle of my hair and combed down....rather than from the bottom, detangling the ends first, then working her way up (which is how I do it).

My brain turned to LHCF mode and I told her TWICE how it never hurts when I detangle my own hair. She told me it hurt cause I waited too long to get a press....??????? Huh? That doesn't make sense to me. I thought it hurt cause my hair was starting to dry/tangle and it basically had no product on it, as compared to when I detangle my hair, I told her how I twist it up, soak it down with conditioner and detangle in the shower under running water, section by section. I told her how the comb just glides through.

Anyways, she was not hearin it. She's good at stylin but it's her way or no way. I could tell she thought I was ignorant and miseducated about hair because she asked me why did I wear my hair in a bun so long and I told about reading stuff on this site about minimal manipulation and keeping the ends tucked under, etc. You know what she said?? She said that that was STUPID and why would I read/do things that other people who probably know NOTHING ABOUT HAIR would do???! She said if I want to RETAIN length I need to start COMBING MY HAIR EVERY DAY. And on top of that she said I should be combing it dry! She said my hair was nappier this time because I hadn't been combing it enough. I told her I detangle once a week and she said it was NOT ENOUGH.

(And get this-I asked her, how was I supposed to find time to comb my hair every day considering that would take so long. She suggested I "blow it out a little" to make it easier to comb through. Remind you-she had just said a few moments earlier if I want to retain length, I should avoid alot of she suggests blowing it every week so I can comb it every day????)

Basically I know her major concern is that I come to see her more often. Which I told her from the beginning that that was the plan b/c I want to get presses a little more often. But from our conversation she made me not want to come. She just kept going on and on about how I shouldn't pay attention to the things I"m reading and if I want to know how to get more length I need to talk to a stylist that grows natural hair (HER!). I told her that I know alot of women that go to salons every month and their hair stays right at the same length. (I didn't say this in a mean way).

She stated that I was hurting my hair by not combing every day. She said I should be avoiding water as much as possible, too. She also made it a point to say that how can I believe the things I am reading cause if those things really did grow hair, then WHY IS MY HAIR AT THE SAME EXACT LENGTH AS 10 MONTHS AGO, THE LAST TIME SHE PRESSED IT????

Now when she said that, ya'll, my feelings were really hurt. I know my hair is not at the same length as last time and next week I will post pics to prove it. I cannot believe she said that. She could tell she hurt my feelings cause afterwards she was quiet and then she was like "Jade, I take it back that you can't heed everything you are reading. I really can't say what will work for everyone. I just want you to start doing more with your hair, start wearing more styles and not neglect your hair just cause you're so busy with 2 jobs. I just want to help you grow your hair to your goal, which I know we can do together."

I felt a little better but I had already begun to question her skills after the painful detangling experience. I kept wondering why she didn't detangle it while wet with some type of detangler on it...?

Anyways, she thought I was talking about nappturality when I mentioned this site and I corrected her. I offered to show her the site but she really didn't have time. I told her about the beautiful long haired women on LHCF :) Maybe I'll send her an email with the link....
Wow:eek: , I'm sorry that you experienced this from your stylist. I really can't say anything except that she was wrong. I understand she apologized at the end, but my thing is, if a client knows something that's been helping their hair, why couldn't she just listen to you and see how she can better assist you instead of taring you down like that.:confused: See, I wouldn't just question her skills, I'll question her as a person. Does she snap at everyone only to apologize and think it will be all better, in your case, I hope not. :(
You definitely can't teach a dog new tricks...and this is just another proof than some black stylists are to stuck in their ways to hear anything else. Sorry about the experience, girl! Do you!
It just really tripped me out how everything I was doing or NOT DOING to my hair, according to her, was ridiculous and not going to do anything to attribute to hair growth.

But if that was the case, then why...

#1-if I was doing such a bad job with my hair, did she only have to trim 3/4ths of an inch off? She pointed to my ends and was like--you need to come in more often to get trims. I told her I knew how to trim my hair and had done it twice this year. If I didn't know what I was doing I would need a CUT, not a trim, right?....


#2-if my hair was the exact same length as in January, why THIS TIME did she say at the end of the appointment "Okay, Jade, I cannot charge you the regular $60 for a press ever again. Your hair is now too long and thick. I have to bump you up to $70 now...."...?!
Girl I was getting heated just reading this! I mean here you are doing what you think is best for your hair and obviously doing what works for you and at the same time noticing growth, then you go in just to get a press and she tries to tear you down like that????

You know for yourself that some of the things you are doing are contributing to your growth, so I would continue to do them if I were you. (and also find someone else to do your presses in the meantime:( ).....It was really mean and insensitive for her to speak to you like that (do you have a personal relationship w/her besides her being your stylist?) and then go back and apologize b/c she knows she wronged you. Seems like a lot of things she was doing to your hair (detangling method, advice on use of heat, etc.) would be counterproductive to the growth and health of your hair if you continued to go to her so I would definitely stay away.
You keep doing what you think is right for your hair...obviously you touched a nerve with her.

As for sending her a link to this forum...I don't think you should. Not only would she shoot down all the ideas and knowledge others on here have discovered, I can see her rolling up on YOUR post and reading it for herself. I'd be afraid to go back to her after that!
girl, dont even bother sending her the link to this site. she sounds kind of ignorant, and she wasnt willing to listen to you about YOUR hair, thats on YOUR head, that YOU deal with everyday. you have beautiful hair by the way, I went to a stylist for 3 years once, we started out fine, she even let me bring some of my own products, i liked aveda, which she didnt use, i did this alot when my hair started breaking.she didnt offer me a solutions, give me any protein treatments, just asked ME why my hair was so hard and starting to break. I am like arent you the hairdresser? you supposed to be giving me advice.. long story short, i left her, found somebody who will listen to me, and that is what you should do. You know your own hair better than anyone.
This is one of the reasons why I have stopped going to stylist. I never hurt myself when I style my hair. I know that I have my best interest in mind when I do my hair, my stylist...who knows what her motives are.

I would really suggest that you find ways to become more self-reliant. In any event, I wish you the best of luck, and your hair is absolutely Beautiful!!!! It makes me want to go natural:look:

You and your hair are beautiful!!!! My hair wants to be your hair when it grows up! :lol: Reading your posts made me mad! The points below just further prove that your stylist is a walking contradiction!!! Come on! YOU know your hair is longer, thicker and most importantly healthier!!! You wash it and take care of it everyday!

Please heed some advice-- your stylist sounds uneducated about growing long healthy hair and most of all, unwilling to learn. Like a previous poster said, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. I didn't say she can't wield a pressing comb--but she obviously does not know what it takes to grow and maintain long healthy hair. Speaking from prior experience, find a stylist you TRUST that is concerned with the health of your hair before this lady starts chopping. :ohwell:

zzirvingj said:
It just really tripped me out how everything I was doing or NOT DOING to my hair, according to her, was ridiculous and not going to do anything to attribute to hair growth.

But if that was the case, then why...

#1-if I was doing such a bad job with my hair, did she only have to trim 3/4ths of an inch off? She pointed to my ends and was like--you need to come in more often to get trims. I told her I knew how to trim my hair and had done it twice this year. If I didn't know what I was doing I would need a CUT, not a trim, right?....


#2-if my hair was the exact same length as in January, why THIS TIME did she say at the end of the appointment "Okay, Jade, I cannot charge you the regular $60 for a press ever again. Your hair is now too long and thick. I have to bump you up to $70 now...."...?!
I'm sorry this happened to you. But this is why I keep my mouth shut, unless someone asks details and I still never mention LHCF (only to strangers) :D . I've learned that LHCF advice is not well respected or well received by many, especially stylists. But I'm amazed at the number of ladies who go to stylists and then come back and rant because they shared LHCF hair methods and they weren't well received. Sad, but it's the norm for many. :ohwell:

Quick question, Why do you want to share more info, send links, etc. to someone that's not interested. No need to convince someone that doesn't even respect your views and tries to make you feel bad. BTW, I'm glad your hair came out great, because this could have been a lot worse. :D Your hair is very pretty.
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kitchen_tician said:
I'm sorry this happened to you. But this is why I keep my mouth shut, unless someone asks details and I still never mention LHCF (only to strangers) :D . I've learned that LHCF advice is not well respected or well received by many, especially stylists. But I'm amazed at the number of ladies who go to stylists and then come back and rant because they shared LHCF hair methods and they weren't well received. Sad, but it's the norm for many. :ohwell:

Quick question, Why do you want to share more info, send links and etc. to someone that's not interested. No need to convince someone that doesn't even respect your views and tries to make you feel bad. BTW, I'm glad your hair came out great, because this could have been a lot worse. :D Your hair is very pretty.

After that experience I do feel the need to learn how to do my own presses. I think she showed the "resentment" she had inside for me for only feeling the need to come to her for a press twice a year cause I know how to take care of it myself for everything else and obvisously don't need her for anything else other than a press.

But I do know I can learn how to do that too, I just haven't had the time to try it...but I will be making the time in the near future, though. I feel like she may have only come around and "half apologized" at the end of our convo cause she could read by my body language I was NOT happy and may "never" come back.

Anywho, I don't know why I wanted to send the link-ya'll are right, it would be purposeless, I guess. I just wanted to show her by the pics that the methods "do" work.

I am glad the press looked good, too. I agree it could've turned out to be a mess. It's just that she prides herself so much on "growing people's hair out" that she thinks she's some type of "hair growing God" and if you choose not to go her, your hair won't grow. But mine has grown longer than it's been since I was a child and I haven't been going to stylists regularly since I went natural in 01. Coincidence??

And the funniest part is, I know she may not care about growing her own hair out, but I noticed it's "her" hair that's been the same length since I met her 2 years ago.
zzirvingj said:
Anyways, she was not hearin it. She's good at stylin but it's her way or no way. ....

See, this is my MAJOR problem with most of the stylist I have encountered. I continue to be stunned as to how common this attitude actually is. Great post BTW. At least now you're armed with the knowledge on good haircare information, and you know what is right for your hair; your success has proven that. Keep doing your thing.
I'm sorry you had to go through that. But kudos to you for sticking up for yourself with dignity and class!

It might be her way or no way, but it's your head and your money - so she's the one that needs to get with the program.
Sweetie I've been able to press my hair with great success. It's just time consuming that's all. I'd love to know what you do to your hair. What is YOUR regimen? Is it in your album? I'm going to go check it out now. Your current natural length is where I want to be. *checking out album now*
I'm glad it worked out for you though. Pretty hair. I'd be mad as heck if it hurt during my blow out and press. It's why I'm super reluctant to get my hair straightened by a stylist. If I do get a flat iron, I'll probably go to my styist with my hair already washed, detangled, and twisted into sections.

ITA with Kitchen_tician's take on this, BTW.
FeelinIt said:
Sweetie I've been able to press my hair with great success. It's just time consuming that's all. I'd love to know what you do to your hair. What is YOUR regimen? Is it in your album? I'm going to go check it out now. Your current natural length is where I want to be. *checking out album now*

In a nutshell my current regime is:

Wear a bun daily.
1-2 times a week wash.

My wash day goes like this:

I rinse hair thoroughly and section into about 8 big twists. Then I clarify with Aveda Detoxifier (still while in twists). Then I rinse, then deep condition with Aveda Deep Penetrating. I just let it sit for like 20 minutes with a cap on.

Then I rinse and add Aveda Brilliant conditioner. Then I undo each twist, one at a time. I finger comb through the section while wet with conditoner. Then I further detangle with a wide tooth detangling comb under the running water. I do this to all the twists until they are all detangled.

Then I rinse all the twists under the head of the shower 1 last time. I add on my leave in Aveda Elixir conditioner and some olive or jojoba oila. I undo all the twists and use a soft bristled brush to brush my wet, detangled hair back into a bun. I tie the bun with a knee high. And I had been using a bobby pin to secure it, but now I use the other hair pins that don't hold the hair too tight. I have to use more of them but I like them because they don't pull on the hair.

That is it...boring but it's been working, it's easy/careless, and I like my bun. I've been wearing it all year and have been wanting to change up styles which is why I got is pressed (plus I wanted to see the length).

I have nothing to add I just wanted to comment on your beautiful hair. Too beautiful to trust to just anyone!;)
Your hair looks wonderful! Please, trust yourself. Even my doctor listens to what I have to say and he's been practicing medicine for 20 years:eek: You know I'm not taking crap off anybody else!!!

Learn to press and leave this lady alone. She does not have the knowledge nor the willingness to support your hair goals.
Your hair looks wonderful! Please, trust yourself. Even my doctor listens to what I have to say and he's been practicing medicine for 20 years:eek: You know I'm not taking crap off anybody else!!!

Learn to press and leave this lady alone. She does not have the knowledge nor the willingness to support your hair goals.
kitchen_tician said:
I'm sorry this happened to you. But this is why I keep my mouth shut, unless someone asks details and I still never mention LHCF (only to strangers) :D . I've learned that LHCF advice is not well respected or well received by many, especially stylists. But I'm amazed at the number of ladies who go to stylists and then come back and rant because they shared LHCF hair methods and they weren't well received. Sad, but it's the norm for many. :ohwell:

Quick question, Why do you want to share more info, send links, etc. to someone that's not interested. No need to convince someone that doesn't even respect your views and tries to make you feel bad. BTW, I'm glad your hair came out great, because this could have been a lot worse. :D Your hair is very pretty.

Ditto, I would have kept my mouth shut! I never ever offer what I learned here unless someone asks me and even then depending on the person I won't even get into details, I give the basics of the basics,

Part of me thinks she KNOWS you were right but she couldn't handle you knowing the "secret." She knew that would = no $ for her.:cool:
:D Your hair is very pretty...sorry to hear this. I feel a hair appointment shouldnt be looked as a horrible chore. And since you only go 2x year it should be looked as a treat. Something to get excited about.

We have some licensed stylists on the board that could do your hair in ATL or check out other memebers fotki for referrals ;)

But if you decide to return to her do the following:
Ask to keep a plastic cap on until she is ready to blow dry
Ask her to use your detangler or detangle yourself
I am sorry you went through that with her. I wont type a long detailed message because you know what you are doing is good for your hair. It's working. Keep growing! (I wouldn't send her the link either.)
Letitia said:
I am sorry you went through that with her. I wont type a long detailed message because you know what you are doing is good for your hair. It's working. Keep growing! (I wouldn't send her the link either.)

Especially now. :look: Unless, you want your hair to be sho' nuff toe' down next visit. :lol:
Her behavior and comments are inexcusable. Even though she may have been missing your business, she should have done everything in her power to keep you as her customer, if only twice a year. But it also sounds as though her hair philosophies are way off base and she is obviously not receptive to anything new and "different."
to me its just a waste of time to tell people about LHCF or about my regiman because people just dont understand and it turns into an argument and their negativity sometimes makes you start doubting your regimen.

its nice that she apologized at the end. i dont agree with combing your hair more makes it grow. i love you hair by the way.
You have got to do the bulk of the work at home if you dont want to lose hair during her detangling process. If I go for a blow out, I wash and detangle at home, same thing for a press. If i go for a weave, I am already washed, moisturized and ready. If she is good with the pressing, then go only for that.
zailless said:
You have got to do the bulk of the work at home if you dont want to lose hair during her detangling process. If I go for a blow out, I wash and detangle at home, same thing for a press. If i go for a weave, I am already washed, moisturized and ready. If she is good with the pressing, then go only for that.

ditto! I show up detangled, with conditioner on. :) Then they just have to rinse well. Balisi did my hair and didn't have a problem with it at all. But your problem is that she let you sit too long with wet hair, which could still be a problem.