My son just peed all over my freshly flat-ironed hair!

I'm a new mother and my 2 month old son is forcing me to learn the art of Pee Dodging. I feel ur pain ...and joy!
I took my computer to my hubby and read your story to him. I woke him up. He actually laughed and woke up all the way...and then asked me to read it again. We are still chuckling...


Great story!!

that must be that motherly love i hear about. man i don't know what i would do if somebody peed on me! it'd be lights OUT!!! :lol:
That is funny. My son is 2 1/2 years old and while he is not potty trained I sit him on the pot and he sits there and pushes his pee pee downard..and I can only imagine.

He has peed on my leg while I sat and he stood there while the bath water was running. Gotta love it. Our babies.
I'm a new mother and my 2 month old son is forcing me to learn the art of Pee Dodging. I feel ur pain ...and joy!

You have to laugh at children they are so cute.

He was so cute after that saying "did you like that?" "want me to do it again?" That's what I get for laughing. I can't get mad at a kid God gave me after 18 years of infertility.

Actually the blow-dry/flat iron came out better than the other one. The other one I flat-ironed from an air-dry. My hair always looks healthier after a blow-dry/flat-iron, but because of healthy hair practices I rarely do it anymore...I'm too afraid my ends will thin out.
:lachen:thanks for the laugh this morning! The joys of motherhood... guess that's what I have to look forward to one day.... and I welcome it pee-pee and all :giggle:
Had to hold in the laughter at work and now I had a stomach ache too cute. My grandson got me twice last week and he thought it was the funniest thing in the world. :look: Kids are the greatest.
:lol: man, thats funny. Inconvenient and messy, but funny. I hope your hair turns out nicely tomorrow :yep:
Just had to LOL at this! :lachen: I don't have any children, but I have been targeted by my bro and cousins back in the day :look: Thanks for the chuckle!

:rofl: :rofl: Sorry OP but the story made me chuckle