My possible MegaTek mixture

Miss AJ

New Member
Alright I am staring my bottle of MegaTek in the face and I have a question about my mix. How does this sound:

4 oz. MT
2 oz. homemade sulfur oil (soybean oil and flowers of sulfur)
2 oz. extra virgin coconut oil
I remember the cayenne pepper spread like wildfire over here and at BHM lol. I was using it for a while in '07 but I got lazy. I did use the mix in my original post, the only difference is I added 2 capsules of omega 3-6-9 flax, fish, and borage oil. I used it today after I co-washed and I like it. My hair doesn't smell like demon remains and I don't have oil running down my neck, and I got the growth itchies quick so I know it's working.