My Plea To Natural Hair Gangsters


Embracing the Light
I read this, and just Knew I had to share it. Read...discuss... :yep:

When did we get here? What is the purpose of black women today pitting themselves one against another over hair choices??? The very notion that we have created a reason (over hair) to pit ourselves one against another is totally insane and at this point, heart breaking in my opinion. And this practice reached a fever pitch in the advent of Gymnast and Gold Medal winner Gabby Douglass hitting the world stage. The focus on her hair, its texture and styling was to me, a sad commentary on the mind-set of some women. One sister even ‘admitted’ that Gabby’s hair was the first thing she noticed when seeing her. Oh really? This highly accomplished young gymnast who has sparkling eyes, a mega-watt smile, flawless skin and sculpted body and an energy so positive and assured and the first thing you noticed was her hair? I think that says nothing about Gabby and everything about her perspective. When did we become so shallow? Even Solange Knowles had had enough of people tweeting about how her hair wasn’t coiffed enough and good for her, she pushed back on that commentary.

But Gabby aside, this idea that we should judge our sisters, make assumptions about them, their values and consciousness based on whether their hair is natural or not, styled to the tee, has really got to stop. It’s a practice that only further divides us (and the Lord knows we don’t need yet another reason to be divided) down a slippery slope of isolation from the ones we need the most, our sisters.

In the first place, even if how we are wearing our hair is believed by some to be better because it’s natural, healthier, etc, who are we to say that that is what every other black woman in the world should want and aspire to? And if it is true all those good things about natural hair, do you really think we’re going to win sisters over to the natural side of the street by being arrogant, self- righteousness and demeaning??? I think not. In many instances, I think just the opposite is true. Instead, I think we are offending others, pushing them away from the very notion of considering to be natural because we are turning them off with negativity and an arrogant approach. In fact, some women may become so turned off that they may dig their heels in just to say, ‘who do you think you are insulting me in this way, bad mouthing, and badgering me about my choices around my hair’. They may think that if they become natural, they may become like ‘a natural hair gangster’ too.

This is no way to proceed and all this attitude about, “I know best what you should do with your permed hair” really needs to stop! I say ‘CEASE AND DESIST’. Please leave sisters alone about their hair choices unless you can think of an positive route, an appeal that is filled with loving kindness, then you should consider spending your energy in other ways. I’ll admit that while I have grown in this respect over my 35+ years in the natural hair industry. I did have a double standard for some with permed hair, my nieces. Though I never bad mouthed other sisters (my focus was always on what is most healthy for hair) I would some times volunteer advice. I no longer do that. I let them approach me about other options. I have seen the light with my nieces and quite some time ago with anyone else who wishes to wear their hair chemically processed. That’s their choice.

At this point as a pioneer in the natural hair industry, I am ready to defend sisters with chemically processed hair who are being taunted just because in the scheme of things, it’s not about how someone wears their hair; honestly and truly, it’s about what’s in their heads and what’s in their hearts. Think about it, if you or a loved one were lying on an operating table and the doctor that would be operating happened to be a sister with a perm, would you insist that you had to have a doctor with natural hair or have the latest fly style? I think not!

Listen, we’ve come ‘A Long Way Baby’! We have sisters doing everything you can imagine to be very proud of. They are heading large corporations, they are industry leaders, sitting of Boards of Directors, they are doctors, lawyers very fine educators, and mothers of successful children and there is even a sister who is the First Lady of this country! Have Mercy!!! We have big fish to fry and quite frankly it’s embarrassing to see my sisters focused negatively on something as superficial as how another woman is wearing her hair when she is on the world stage, breaking world records, or she could be just another sister sitting on the subway headed to work. It matters not, leave her alone about her hair. Find something more meaningful to put into cyberspace would you please.

Your hair is natural, it’s beautiful and healthy, you love it, and it works for you? Then good, GREAT, keep on rocking that thang and be a shinning example of an intelligent, caring, loving sister to our sisters who have not chosen our hair road. She’s on her own road. Meet her there and find out what you can learn from her. You could learn a lot. She then may be interested to know what she can learn from you. She may even like your hair and what to know about it or she may not. So be it. Let her be, and continue to LIVE AND LET LIVE.
I agree that we need to stop judging people for the way they wear their hair but it goes both ways.

When I was natural plenty of relaxed women asked me why I cut my hair off and had plenty of comments and now that I'm relaxed, people who are natural are upset I went back. In both instances it was my choice.

I do find it sad that people are making such a fuss about Gabby's hair but I doubt its just natural folks. Its just ignorant people in general.
I wasn't going to comment on this, as I think such long emotional appeals are usually pretty pointless and little baiting, but the author made her point in the very last sentence: Live and let live. That goes for everything...not just hair.

Who cares what others are doing with their hair, makeup, clothing, etc. I wish the people who have so much time to spend worrying about what others are doing were as bored with themselves as I am.

And as for Gabby Douglas, I could not give a single fig what her hair looks like, I was too busy cheering for our little champion and wishing that I had her upper body strength to even notice it - and on top of that - her hair looked fine.
I'm not natural but I don't understand why everyone is making a big deal about this. Yes I watched the olympics and yes when I first saw her I was like her hair looks off. But 1) I said it in my head and 2) I was like well she's flipping and whatnot all over the place and winning gold medals I can't say that I'd be worried about my hair either.

How many times have you walked down the street and seen someone that had something that caught you off guard. Either broken damaged hair or an outfit that just looked absurd to you. I'm sure there has been a time where you thought in your head "dang i wish I could trim her ends and slap a good DC on her hair" or "ooo why is she wearing that?" Honestly its not absurd to primp and pamper yourself for the olympics. When you watch certain sports you see that some girls go all out in terms of glitz and others could care less. It just sucks for Gabby that she is in the public eye and people's opinions are being blasted on the internet.

I think that people are entitled to think what they want. However regardless of their opinion they should realize that this is the olympics and not a fashion show and they should appreciate her for her amazing gymnastics skill regardless or not they don't like her hair.
If we could focus 1/1,000,000th of the energy we do on other people's hair on other more important things, we could really move some mountains in our respective communities.
But the Gabby drama goes both ways. I am very proud of Gabby and I think she did amazingly. I think it's beautiful. I'm all for black youth doing big things!

But her hair was jacked though:look:.... I mean we are proud of Bey, Jennifer Hudson etc and their achievements but we still have an ET thread where we comment on their appearances too.

I think it's weird for a hair forum to be deemed the inappropriate place to comment...about hair:lol:
Didn't read, way to long

But I wish this hair business wasn't such an issue in and outside of our community

^^ The highlighted part. :)

People who keep beating the dead hoss are obviously very bored. Maybe I can start a side hustle business where I direct people to hobbies so they can stop having the same e-convo and debates over and over year in year out, blah, blah.
When I first went natural I don't remember too many relaxed ladies (in real life, not on this board) saying "live and let live"

It's funny how things have changed so much in the past few years now that more women are going natural. I can't really muster up any emotion or for this "plea".....At the end of the day it's all just ridiculous.
It's mostly in the internet hair world, where I see naturals bashing relaxed heads. However, irl it is more of the relaxed heads bashing naturals and transitioners.

People judge others by their looks, hair, clothes, whatever and it's never going to change. Just do what works for you.
agree with the article. Some women on hair boards feel entitiled to talk about people who they feel are not hair board members based on what a person's hair look's like :look:

Prior to 2002 (LHCF) and the yahoo group, most members had very damaged hair due to chemicals, heat and lack of moisture (based on photo's and stories). Since they found LHCF and their is no longer lack luster, over processed and heat trained some have become brand new.:look:

For those who have 2ish-3ish hair, their texture gave them a different look than Gabby's, so they may have felt it didnt apply to them anyway. :look:

This article could apply to a lot of threads on LHCF. Why bashing black women/men is ok and what is expected on LHCF is amazing to me. Why some have LHCF apps on their phones, facebooks, twitters, and emails so they can be the first to see every thread posted 24/7 and then judge the person's hair, clothes, looks, weight, sex life, relationships, kids, house, car, dog, cat, sister, brother, aunt and uncle is :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Its as though some feel they dont have a choice :nono: They are on LHCF to talk bad about black's period. Yes, they'll say it's all in good fun and no one is taking it seriously and anyone that has worked hard to become famous and/or rich deserves this is :drunk::spinning::drunk: to me.

If you didnt know, now you know, you cant have fun unless your talking badly about people:yep:

The people that are being judged are making history, accomplishing more than most and living a real life.
^^^ what was so messed up about her hair? pointing up because of the pic in the siggy. Her hair looks fine. It is a bun or a pony in the back. It wasn't a fancy chignon or anything of the sort. I don't get it!

Her hair looks fine!
Why does the article point to the natural hair community as the origin of the controversy? I'm sure they had their say but as others have stated comments were people made by alot of people that should have sat down and shut their mouths.

What they have done to this vulnerable 16 year old child's self-esteem is a shame, shame, shame. Khamit Kinks is just stirring the pot more by putting out this article and IMHO the repost was unnecessary.

Yes, this is a hair board but I'm just tired of talking about Gabby's hair. I am proud of you Gabby, your hair, the way your represented the USA and the African American community and I would have still taken the same stance if you lost.

Let's be a role model and uplift our young people.

So D-O-N-E with this . . . I will promptly exit the thread now . . .
Pure foolishness. Who cares? This subject has been dragged out too long. People have opinions. So what. Moving on
Yeah, Khamit kinks just wanted to bring attention to her business.
I mean natural hair gangstas? Really?:yawn:

And she used the opposite as an example: people criticizing new growth...that should be in a relaxer Nazi article. (though I get her critique she should stick with Strange as her prime example .
I am not understand how this author is tying the comments made about Gabby's hair, to naturals thinking their hair is in some way superior to others. I see two unrelated topics being tied together unnecessarily.

Help me out with this one ladies. Did I miss something?
^^^ what was so messed up about her hair? pointing up because of the pic in the siggy. Her hair looks fine. It is a bun or a pony in the back. It wasn't a fancy chignon or anything of the sort. I don't get it!

Her hair looks fine!

I mean even if her hair looked crazy, and it doesn't, it should be totally understandable! If you're doing hard physical activity, your hair is gonna look a lil wild! I wrap my hair down like its a wild animal before I get to working out, or I'd look like who did it and ran! She's doin 5 million flips in the air, and her hair looks a little tousled....she should have gotten another gold medal just for that alone!
I don't get it. It makes some black women look so petty and divisive to look at that young, black girl literally flying through the air and all they can think is "bad hair."

This has just become another way to say "I'm better than you" or "I'm more real/authentic than you" or "I'm more polished and professional than you" and to outsiders it makes us look small, foolish and ignorant. I ignore the petty "us" and "them" talk on LHCF, but to let it go out of the forum into public chats and comments was embarrassing.

I was just floored at how people could look at Gabby, see her hard work, see her amazing performance and then comment on her hair, which looked fine to me. Ridiculous. Instead of being a moment of lifting black women into yet another area, it highlighted how low we can get.
I am not understand how this author is tying the comments made about Gabby's hair, to naturals thinking their hair is in some way superior to others. I see two unrelated topics being tied together unnecessarily.

Help me out with this one ladies. Did I miss something?

Not sure, but I think she is just using the Gabby situation as the latest example of the petty divisiveness between black women about hair, as part of a larger discussion of why we have to debate which kind of hair (natural v relaxed) is better.
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Khamit Kinks posted some crap about light skin dark skin, or kinky hair and looser hair awhile ago, right??

Just something to stir the pot. I've passed their business a million times and haven't seen anything to make me want to go inside.
i'm natural and i'm still perplexed as to all the fuss about her hair....anybody with an ounce of sense knows that intense wind or physical activity will make for hair being a bit out of place. i'm tired of folk acting like black female athletes should look runway ready when playing their respective sport.
I don't get the point of that long drawn out rant. What does the Gabby thing have to do with being relaxed or natural? Does anyone even KNOW whether she is relaxed or not? The whole post was random.
For people asking how her hair was messed up, I'm sorry but there was a conehead thing going on from a bad sew in. Her leave in didn't blend which is understandable with all that sweating but for me, the main problem was the wack sew-in and not that we could see she had new growth. The up close photos of her you can see more clearly.
I thought about Gabby's hair. I thought it was probably weave because of the weird ends. I also thought her hair was styled exactly like the other American gymnasts' hair. No big deal.

Just like it was no big deal that a couple of random nobodies on twitter made some tweet. Twitter is free and has no prerequisites or requirements.

What I don't get is why what a bunch of doofuses said on twitter gets in the national media. On any topic, somebody stupid is saying something stupid. It'd be different if Vidal Sassoon or Oprah's stylist had been the tweeters in question.

I don't get it. Somewhere someone is tweeting right now that Romney is an alien. About 100 other people are concurring. How come that doesn't make the national news?
I'll say it. Im guilty of a quick thought about her hair as well. I said to my husband she picked a bad time to have a terrible weave. I just knew people were going to pick her apart.

My hair looks a hot mess most days so I totally understood.