My PHyto arrived!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I got it I got it now all I have to do is take down these braids (on Sunday) wait a week then I get to experience my first Phyto. BUT I did know it was that small. It only looks like one application. I ordered it from
(no freebies for me) Just my beloved PHYTOrelaxer I am so excited and can't waait to post my results. I can't wait to take pics of the mass I call hair when I take these micros out.
Cool! My order is expected to arrive tomorrow(I've been tracking the shipment). :grin:
So you didn't get any freebies? Darn! I was hoping for some myself(ordered from same place). Ah well!
Can't wait to hear your results!
You go girl. You've received all types of goodies this week. :yep: Please give us a review after you've tried it out.
@ Dtachi Yeah no freebies.
@ UmSummyah If your getting your perm sunday we won't be perming on the same day I have to wait a week so I will be looking a mess for a week (remember I am 18 weeks post as of yesterday)

@ Allandra I will surely give a review. I will be letting my hairdresser put it in for me. I will also be using my Lacio Lacio so my hair will be sho nuff be shining (so they say the Phyto already makes your hair shiny so with that Lacio Lacio I will be a bling bling diva)
I should be receiving mine by Friday :) and relaxing on Saturday or Sunday!!!!! I will be taking my phyto to my salon also....
It seems like you just can't wait to use it! :grin: Once you get to finally use it, I hope you like the results like most other ladies do on this board. ;)
lkg4healthyhair said:
I should be receiving mine by Friday :) and relaxing on Saturday or Sunday!!!!! I will be taking my phyto to my salon also....

Looks like all of us will be having the "phytorelax experience" around the same time!
Where is Kaddy to help up us break open the bottle of champagne in honor of our official introduction into Phyto world. :lol:

Anyway, I'll have my mom do my re-touch as she usually does(haven't had one done at a salon in a couple years). I'll probably do it this weekend even though its before my usual 3 month stretch time but I can't wait! :grin:
Umsummyah I will be trying to hold out until Saturday but I might have to get mine before then 19 weeks and I feel every bit of it!!!!!!!!
Well guess what? I got mine too. I ordered it either Saturday night or Sunday morning (can't remember which) and it was sitting on my doorstep when I got home today. I've got 2 weeks to go to make it to 12-weeks which is the first time I've EVER gone that long (longest was 8-weeks last time).

Now I've got to find somebody to put it in for me. I've had really bad experiences doing my own relaxer - major hair breakage in back so I'm pretty scared to even go there.

I've been getting Affirm at the salon for YEARS. I hope I'll like phyto as much as some of the other people have ...
My Index 2 arrived last night. I can't wait! I'll be relaxing on Sunday, too.

Sounds like we may need a Phyto check-in on Sunday. :D
We wanna hear all about it. I did a hot oil, shampoo, emergencee, porosity control treatment on Saturday. I was going to wash again today but after Saturday's marathon session I don't feel like handling this stuff unless its to relax it.
sweetpeadst said:
Ok I can't take the nappiness any longer I will be relaxing in the morning!!!!!!:grin:

  1. If you have braided hair, undo braids then shampoo and condition hair 1 week prior to using relaxer.
This is straight from the PhytoRelaxer instructions. *Cough*

I got love for you sweetpeadst....but if I see a post...Phyto made my hair dry up and fall off...I'm bumping this.

*flying out of thread now.*