My pet peeve


New Member
Hi guys lately, I keep getting this annoying question. "Is that all your hair"? I find it very heartbreaking because that question always comes after they tell me my hair looks nice. Well even though I have been growing my hair out from a bob cut, I still find it insulting from all the hard work I put into my hair, for people to think it is a weave.

Do you guys get this too? If so, do you take it as a complement or an insult? By the way my hair is only a little past shoulder length and I still get that question.
album kking
I get it all the time. I'm used to, and I pay it no mind. As long as I know my hair is mine, I could care less what others think. Try not to let it bug you so much. Afterall, you know it's yours.
Take it as a compliment. I had an aunt to ask me that a while back and she was really lookin' in my head to see, even after I told her it was my hair. Don't sweat it! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
well, when my head isn't being inspected for tracks, /images/graemlins/laugh.gif i don't get it that bad. i think people just assume it's not mine and don't bother asking. this has never really bothered me because i actually got asked if i was wearing a wig all the time when my hair was shortest. it looked that good, yall! /images/graemlins/wink.gif

anyway, YOU know how much work you put into your hair, but other people don't. girrrl, get used to it because the longer it gets, the more it will probably happen. try to turn it into a positive... "dayum, the kid must really look good today!" /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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adrienne0914 said:
try to turn it into a positive... "dayum, the kid must really look good today!

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That's right, turn it into a positive. /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif
People asked me this whenever my hair was longer than my ears. /images/graemlins/look.gif

Even now--my hair isn't even long and there are women saying that I've had a texturizer put in my hair! When I tried to tell them what I've been doing, they give me the "Yeah..right.." look. Whatever. I dont even bother anymore.
Here's a conversation I had a couple of weeks ago:

Hater: I thought you going natural.
Me: I am
Hater: A texturizer isn't natural.
Me: /images/graemlins/huh.gif
Hater: You got a texturizer didn't you?
Me: No.
Hater: /images/graemlins/smirk.gif I guess conditioner makes your hair wave up like that.
Me: I guess so...

I can never think of any good comebacks until 30 minutes later! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif And now this woman (with hair as dry as a dog biscuit!) has her whole little clique looking at my head and whispering! /images/graemlins/mad.gif And the really sad part is that all of this foolishness is taking place at church...

Let them believe what they want and keep on keepin' on!

I forgot--
Your hair looks great! I've already told my cousins to check out your photos. They are having trouble wrapping their hair w/o brushes that get tangled in their hair, setting lotions that get crunchy and too tight scarves that cause friction against the hairline.

Isn't that a shame? /images/graemlins/nono.gif

If I were the 'hater', I would be asking you for hair care tips and hair care product recommendations.
I get that too, maybe because of the texture of my hair. I recently cut it into a bob so I bet people are thinking that I took out my weave. Don't hate on the silky locks /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
That's my pet peeve too! I remember when I was in the 8th grade (currently in 11th) and this girl who had long brastrap length hair asked me "Where does your hair stop?" I looked at her and said "You ain't the only one with hair!!" That shut her up real fast /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I get that "good hair" or "it must be a weave" comment even when my hair was just shoulder lenght. To me thats so sad that some black ppl don't believe we can grow our OWN hair to that lenght and beyond. And when I try to tell them it's all mine or how I take care of my hair, they either smirk , an assume I'm lying or they get defensive and say, well thats just cause you have "good" hair. I've got that all my life. And I still havent got used to it.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
emmy said:
I get that "good hair" or "it must be a weave" comment even when my hair was just shoulder lenght. To me thats so sad that some black ppl don't believe we can grow our OWN hair to that lenght and beyond. And when I try to tell them it's all mine or how I take care of my hair, they either smirk , an assume I'm lying or they get defensive and say, well thats just cause you have "good" hair. I've got that all my life. And I still havent got used to it.

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I hear you, it bothers me too. However Black people are not the only ones. Some people at work often ask me the same thing, or make the same ignorant comments. The really sad thing is that they think they are being nice. They'll say something like, really have nice hair for a black person, or I have never ever seen hair like yours on a black person. /images/graemlins/mad.gif or...What do you use or do to make your hair look so different?

I tell you it takes all of the Love of Jesus to stop me from telling them where to go. The worst is when they ask "can I touch it?" LIKE NO! /images/graemlins/whip.gif /images/graemlins/spank.gif Just leave me and my hair alone and YES IT IS REAL--ALL OF IT!
And now this woman (with hair as dry as a dog biscuit!) has her whole little clique looking at my head and whispering!

LOL @ sassygirl
I get this all the time whether I wear my hair up (ponytail) or down. I also find it insulting rather than flattering. I don't know why some people feel a beautiful head of hair is unattainable unless there is fake hair added to the equation.

I get comments like "She thinks she's white", "Look at that weave", "Who does she think she's fooling", "Why would you buy it that long. it looks so fake", etc. It's hurtful but you have to forgive some people.

I remember in 12th grade some "friends" of mine would, while talking to me, pat my hair and run their fingers through it "trying to find the wefts".
One even tried to trick me into touching my hair by saying "Look! The strings in your weave is unraveling!" to see if it was a weave or not.
Hey yall have to appreciate the Haters. they do help boost your self-esteem in one way or another. my pet peeve is when a girl says that Im must be mixed why I got all that good hair! Im like WTF is good hair? or they tell me that there hair use to be like mine until their mother permed it.
C'mon now, Ive been perming my hair since I was like 12, and my hair texture didnt turn from fine to "kinky." People really need to stop kidding themselves.

You have beautiful hair. I think the reason they may ask is because your hair thick and long. Some people are use to seeing women with very thick and long weaves so maybe that is the reason. I would take it as a compliment. Your hair is so flawless that people don't know if it is real or a weave. I think some women take pleasure in knowing that someone else has a weave. It makes them feel better. Girl, do the hair toss next you are around them.
my good friend from childhood ,who sees me almost everyday, accused me of wearing a weave! see i wear my hair in a bun 85% of the time so no one really sees my length until i get a relaxer. anyway, it just goes to show even the ones who are close to you can be haters sometimes.
I remember when I was at a BBQ and a GUY...yes a dude came up behind me and ran his hands from the top of my crown all the way down to my nape. I turned around and said "did somebody send you over here to see if I had a weave?" He gave me a strange look
and came up with a lame excuse and walked away. When I turned around to watch he was walking towards a group of women standing there for a report.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
kking7777 said:
Hi guys lately, I keep getting this annoying question. "Is that all your hair"? I find it very heartbreaking because that question always comes after they tell me my hair looks nice. Well even though I have been growing my hair out from a bob cut, I still find it insulting from all the hard work I put into my hair, for people to think it is a weave.

Do you guys get this too? If so, do you take it as a complement or an insult? By the way my hair is only a little past shoulder length and I still get that question.
album kking

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Oh gosh, if I hear that question one more time I think I'll scream! Not only do I hear "Is that your hair" but I also get "Is that your REAL hair color"? Ok, my hair has at least three different colors in it--It's nature,not NaturalEssence
I just wanted to say that I feel you!
Sometimes guys on their own accord will try and put their hands through your hair to make sure it's real because "they don't like weaves" I've had guys do this to me while dancing at the club. It's really rude and makes me want to go wash my do I know what's on their dirty hands!!!
eeewwww! Just READING about that makes me wanna go
my hair. I would have stomped on his foot with my stilettos.
take that!
Wooo you all are nice! I havent had anyone ask if its my real hair but I have had a couple guys run their hands in my hair at the club and when i get finished with them they kno better
! All my friends and family know and joke 'Dont dare touch Mia's hair!'