My Own Mother Just Weave Checked Me!!!


New Member
:blush: I went to have lunch with my mom's been a while since she has seen my hair down and flat ironed (ive been protective styling since my journey begain in March). So today I decided to leave my hair down with a flexi rod set, since Im in northern cali the fog made the curls drop a little by lunch soon as I walked in her house she puts all five fingers to my scalp and says "you got tracks in your hair?" while she runs her fingers from the crown of my head to my nape lookin for tracks!!!!! :blush: My own momma yalll and I'm still not considered "long" yet :nono: (Im a little over an inch from APL). Should I be flatterd or should I be a little dissapointed in my mom for thinkin my hair could only be longer (than the last time she saw it down) and thicker wit a little swang to it if I had tracks in it?? :ohwell:
I say take it as a compliment. That means your hair must look good and your swag must be on! HHG :D
p.s. your dd is beautiful and her braidout in your siggy is gorgeous.
Since you really don't know her motivation for saying it, and I'm sure she didn't really mean to hurt your feelings, just take it in a positive way. The best way to achieve your hair goals (and any goal) smoothly is to keep an optimistic frame of mind, don't let negative comments deter or affect you, and learn from your mistakes. Either way, it's obvious that your mother thought your hair looked good, so be happy about that and know you are doing the right thing and keep doing it. Don't dwell on the negative or you'll get discouraged. Happy growing ;).
If your own momma weave checks you it sends a message that your doing something great!:lachen: Keep up the good work.
:blush:Ya OWN moms!!! I'm mad!:lachen::lol::rofl::lachen:

Alot of women are surprised to see the lengths we can reach though with good techniques not because we have "good hair"

Feel proud tho OP you got ppl guessin!!:yep:
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My mom weave checks me all the darn time. Even when I stayed with her for a couple weeks during the summer and I co-washed my hair daily. She would run her crusty fingers through my wet hair talking about "is this all yours?" What kills me is when I have braid outs and tries to run her fingers through the waves, whilst snagging and pulling out hairs. I know she's my mom and all but geesh if it was anyone else, they'd be drawing back a nub.
I am looking forward to getting weave checked again.. grow TWA grow!!!!!
Thank you ladies my mom can be a bit much...I usually try to let things she says roll off me but I just didn't expect that!!!

@ Keepithealthy - my daughters braidouts are my inspiration...thank you for the compliment...she's my little
Its mom...sigh. Sometimes it sucks to kinda of have to roll with it simply BECAUSE she is mom, but ultimately her reaction IS a clear indication that what you are doing is working. Had a stranger had that reaction, you could easily pass it off as something else, but once again...its POSSIBILY, it was genuine shock and awe. I say keep on doing what you do and be prepared for more of those checks in the future from

Be flattered, my mom and grandmom weave check me all the time. My hair isn't long, but I guess it looks healthy enough to have that "good fake" look, lol
My mom relaxes my hair for me every 3 months and is still amazed at my length. Before you know it your mom will be bragging to folks abt how long her baby's hair is. Whenever someone compliments my hair and my mom is within earshot, she makes sure she lets them know its not a weave. lol.

Gotta love moms.
Your little girl & her Hair is beautiful,(Weave checked by your mom,means your doing a good job with your hair)

Happy Hair Growing!
You must be doing something right lol.. My mom sent her BF a pic of me and he asked her if that was my hair and she was like yes and he goes how u know lol.. It wasn't mine but a sewin the same length of mine lol
My mom relaxes my hair for me every 3 months and is still amazed at my length. Before you know it your mom will be bragging to folks abt how long her baby's hair is. Whenever someone compliments my hair and my mom is within earshot, she makes sure she lets them know its not a weave. lol.

Gotta love moms.

So true. My mom used to make fun of me in the beginning of my hair care journey and exclaim that my hair eats better than she does :lachen:...:nono:. That used to irritate me. But now that my hair has grown long, gotten thicker, and I guess looks good to her she's always telling me how nice my hair looks and even asks me for advice. Give it some time, Mila, and your mother will soon get used to seeing you with long, healthy hair :yep:.
Thank you soooo much for all of the support ladies...when I tell my mom the types of things I do to my hair to get it healthy and to grow she thinks i'm nuts!!! lol

Lita...thank you...she loves her hair but hates gettin it combed!!!
Lol, my mom does the same thing, but I don't take offense.

When she hasn't seen me in a long time she'll ask me if my hair is all mine. I find it funny since I've never worn weaves in the past. Once I tell her it's mine she tells me I have beautiful hair and it's growing. :)
When I come home to visit for the weekends my mom is always in awe and remarking about how long and beautiful it is.....but yet she has things to say when I do unusual things or use high end organic foods in my hair:rolleyes:

I've started her on her HHJ from last spring and I've doubled her growth, now whenever she gets compliments she goes "my daughter did my hair!":infatuated: all excited its really cute.

And don't let someone ask me if its all me around her, she'll be like its all hers did you know she's natural? She takes care of her hair! You know she has a website!!! I'll be like mooomm:rolleyes: lmao