MY NEW PROTECTIVE STYLE.....and a rant!!!!!!

@Mandy4610 you're welcome :yep: I was born and raised in Nigeria (i'm from Lagos on the South Western shore). back in high school, we were required to have our hair cornrowed or braided in some fashion without extensions. patewo was one of many popular styles. another one that has a name that still cracks me up is called "shut up"

it's basically the style you have right now, except flipped to the side 90 degrees so that when the sections meet in the middle, it would look like lips that were shut :lachen:, Thats too funny. I am from Zambia and the names of some of the hair styles crack me up too. :lachen:, Thats too funny. I am from Zambia and the names of some of the hair styles crack me up too. :lachen:

Mandy4610 for real? that's amazing!!! i have good friends from Congo, Mozambique, and Botswana but i don't think i've met anyone from Zambia before. just out of curiosity, have you ever gone on one of those trips the start from South Africa and end up in the horn (i think they stop in Ethiopia)?

i've been mulling it over and talking my friends into coming along but it would be nice to hear from someone that's from that general vicinity :yep:
I am already tenderheaded. A few years back while living in Alaska I had a woman there braid my hair into a bob, but she didn't know how to do it so it wasn't too long or the braids to thin. She ended up doing her own variety, plus she just complained about my hair being too thick. It was in such a way that I thought she was trying to make it be known I don't want to do your hair again. She was gonna charge me $80' but then charged me $100 because of my thickness. I am from Florida and we don't even charge half this for hair, at least not people you know. I mean really? I just never went back. I think $100 is too much to pay for bad service.
Your hair is beautiful!!!!

I don't know about how you feel about using heat but I do blow-outs before I get my hair braided.
That style is great! Its PERFECT for summer! Im still trying to find my summer PS so you go.

Im glad u spoke up for yourself. This is why I stopped letting strangers braid my hair two years ago. Until I can master cornrowing, no one touches this head but my mammy! She is gentle and she listens. She never used a thin-tooth comb on our hair anyway, that's crazy! Yeah stylists are horrible to go to for natural hair. Unless their schedule is clear for the day and you're their only head, they are absolutely horrible people to go to because natural hair takes time and they don't understand that.
Mandy4610 for real? that's amazing!!! i have good friends from Congo, Mozambique, and Botswana but i don't think i've met anyone from Zambia before. just out of curiosity, have you ever gone on one of those trips the start from South Africa and end up in the horn (i think they stop in Ethiopia)?

i've been mulling it over and talking my friends into coming along but it would be nice to hear from someone that's from that general vicinity :yep:
alive. I haven't done that before, but it sounds interesting. Like a tour of Africa, I think it would be fun.

I am already tenderheaded. A few years back while living in Alaska I had a woman there braid my hair into a bob, but she didn't know how to do it so it wasn't too long or the braids to thin. She ended up doing her own variety, plus she just complained about my hair being too thick. It was in such a way that I thought she was trying to make it be known I don't want to do your hair again. She was gonna charge me $80' but then charged me $100 because of my thickness. I am from Florida and we don't even charge half this for hair, at least not people you know. I mean really? I just never went back. I think $100 is too much to pay for bad service.
MrJohnsonsRib. WOW, thats way too expensive in my opinion. Heck, I wasn't even happy paying $60. Would have been better paying $50.

Your hair is beautiful!!!!

I don't know about how you feel about using heat but I do blow-outs before I get my hair braided.
nappystorm, I am a heat user every now and then and I did blow out my hair before I went. Thats why I was so surprised that she seemed to be having a hard time combing through it and it seemed to be getting tangled while she was doing it, but of course, if she is not handling it well and using a fine tooth comb, thats gonna happen.