My New Kinky Weave (Of Course Pic HEAVY)

Really nice Edise!! Have you ever had a guy question you as to whether that was REALLY your hair or not? If so, what did you say? Or what would you say if you are asked?

I ask because I have a curly half wig and when I wear it it blends. While wearing it this guys asked me if it was mine. To save him the trouble, I just said yeah! :rolleyes: Now, why should he have had to continue perpetuating the stereotype that Black women don't have long hair....even though it wasn't all mine. Im sure some out there has hair as long as my half wig!! :grin::lachen:

A long time ago when I was in the business of wearing really fake looking weaves guys wouldn't even have to question if it was mine. They automatically knew the too blonde, silky with kinky roots weaves were fake. :lachen:I think since I've started wearing weaves that look more natural I haven't had anyone question it. Both of my exes knew my hair was longish, and knew that I was going to get a weave. I think if a guy asked me now that I'm single I would probably tell him that it wasn't mine, but that I wore it to give my hair a break.
this is what i call good hair porn. Lol.... I love pic heavy threads... this looks so beautiful. Chichelle had natural hair just like this to her waist.... Wish i can rock this style one day
That is some beautiful hair!! If I was still weaving, I'd go with kinky curly for my natural hair instead of my old standby, Spanish Wavy, from when I was texlaxed.

It really looks great on you!
Your weaves are always on point makes me reconsider (and I hate weaves with a passion); I've never had a weave and don't plan on getting one but I must say I have seen so many ones I didn't think it was possible to have well done weave.
I wish they would get a 4bcz kinky weave out. I think I would really be tempted with that one.

Your hair looks wonderful!
i was JUST in Houston this weekend, I shoulda caught up with you. I just got my sew in too!

Awww...I wish you had contacted me. We could have gone for drinks or something. Keep me in mind the next time you head down here. I saw your sew-in, and totally love it! I miss my straight sew-ins sometimes. I think I'll be straightening this hair next month.
Thats really pretty but its small loose curly not kinky. I got some kinks fo ya! LOL It looks really great and natural on you.
WOW, JUST WOW! I've never in my life even thought about wearing weave till I saw your photos. It looks so natural and healthy. It really fits you. Believe it or not these photos are inspiring.
Thanks ladies! You guys are so sweet!! :-) I think I'm addicted to weaves with kinky curly texture. I don't think I'll ever go back to straight weaves. This is just much easier for me to blend with my natural hair, and stop using heat to blend all the time. I'll be wearing this weave for a few months. I needed a break from my hair. Hopefully, I'll get to MBL this year or close to it!

ETA: I am planning on wearing this straight sometime next month. That's a good thing with this hair too. You can blow it out, and flat iron it.

How do you wash? I'm seriously considering this now, you look SO pretty!