My New growth is HARD


New Member
I wanted to know are there any products out there to soften my new growth. I feel like i have to peel the new growth off of my scalp. I feels sooooo dry. But its only on the crown of my head.

Any suggestions
oils, creams, lotions, butters ,moisterizers, detanglers.
I am open to any suggestions and willing to try anything.
Try using jojoba or meadowfoam oil. I know that jojoba oil has done wonders for my new growth, so much that I am now able to extend my relaxers from every 6 weeks to every 10 to 12 weeks.
Condition wash and spray your new growth with a leave in. The comb will slide right on through.
Also check your diet, has there been any medcation changes? Outside of that all the above suggestions are good.
CO Washes
Shea Butter

The last two work wonders on my new growth. This is the longest I've gone w/o a relaxer and my hair is still strong...thank God.
debyjay said:
Castor oil softens my new growth.

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I second this.....