My Neice Gets A Relaxer Every Month-Crazy



I visited with my neice and family, while I was in the states. I found out that her mother relaxes her hair every month, at least thatæs what my neice said. My neice is only 13 years old. Her hair looked freshly relaxed to me, and she was saying that she was due for another touch-up now

My mother and neice asked how I got my hair so long, so I started giving them some tips. My mother wants me to e-mail then with some tips and my regimen or one that my neice could use. I'd like to get a hold of her hair. It has the potential to be healthy and long, but if my sister continues to relax it every month ...

My mother asked why I always wear my hair up. I started talking about protective styles and protecting the ends. I think it went through one ear and out the other. Then she asked why I don't wear my hair down more. Uhhhhhh, all she has to do is look at her hair and my sister hair, and there's one of the reasons.

I wonder if I send them some tips and a regimen, if they'll even help my neice follow it. Or, I wonder if they'll blow it off and my neices hair will end up like theirs.

<font color="pink"> Ballet Bun ... </font> ... JUST VENTING
ooh. I don't want to steal your shine, ballet bun, but I want to vent to. ok. two of my friends complimented me on how much my hair has grown over the past year. They have tried many thing, but their hair hasn't had too much progress. They ask me... THEY ASK ME... what I do to get mine to grow so I told them many things that I swear by. For example, I achieve some unbelievable growth with daily conditioner washes. I tell them that and they respond "your not supposed to do that! Your hair is going to fall out!"

Ok next thing I tell them is that I spray my hair with water or glycerin/water before I apply any oils. they tell me "your not supposed to put water on your hair that much. Just put the oil on"

Then I tell them that I only trim like 2 or 3 times a year. they tell me "you're supposed to get trims every 6 weeks. they make your hair grow faster"

So at this point i just give up. Why would you ask me what i do to get my hair long and then tell me all the things that you do. Don't ask my opinion then! I told some of my friends about this site and I don't think they bothered to look at it because they are still doing the same things. oh well. it ain't my hair...
ok you can have your spotlight back, ballet bun!!! sister does the same thing pretty much. She's had three relaxers and two permanant hair color treatments since the beginning of June. She does both of these things herself. I don't relax and haven't in a very long time, but I was starting to believe that that was the norm since I know a few others who relax just as often. On the relaxer instructions it says every 4-6 weeks
KhaLesSta said: sister does the same thing pretty much. She's had three relaxers and two permanant hair color treatments since the beginning of June. She does both of these things herself. I don't relax and haven't in a very long time, but I was starting to believe that that was the norm since I know a few others who relax just as often. On the relaxer instructions it says every 4-6 weeks

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Really, I thought it was every 6-8 weeks. 4 weeks ...that's crazy!
Wow, every month, that's bad. Maybe you should teach your niece how to do and take care of her own hair that way her mother doesn't have to touch it.
ballet_bun said:
KhaLesSta said: sister does the same thing pretty much. She's had three relaxers and two permanant hair color treatments since the beginning of June. She does both of these things herself. I don't relax and haven't in a very long time, but I was starting to believe that that was the norm since I know a few others who relax just as often. On the relaxer instructions it says every 4-6 weeks

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Really, I thought it was every 6-8 weeks. 4 weeks ...that's crazy!

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I thought so (crazy). Her hair is so overprocessed, hard and dry, it's not even funny. But, that's how she likes it, so I don't provide my unsolicited advice anymore. Actually, I do bug her about conditioning because half the time she doesn't even do that.
Evey four weeks does seem a bit too much. I do have a friend tho who says her hair grows in soooo fast, she has to get a relaxer every month, esp. in the summer. But I don't think everybody's hair can/should withstand all those chemicals.
geez, does she apply it to her whole head too?? In her defense I will say that its possible she just doesnt know better? My mom used to perm my whole head every time and so did everyone else I knew who didnt go to a salon. Even now I have a hard time convincing my older sister once your hair is processed u arent supposed to perm it again. her response is "what am I supposed to do about it getting nappy?".

HELLO, its not nappy its overprocessed. She thinks u are supposed to perm your entire head and that a touch up is for between relaxers!!!

Funny thing is she compliments me on how healthy and long my hair has been getting so Ive been helping her set up a regimen. I had to write it down for her bc she was getting confused...she was like "hold up, I cant get my cosmetology licence in 10 minutes!!!!"
That's bad every month she get her hair relaxed every month. I stretch mine out to two months i'm trying to go longer than that
. BTW, bellydancer your hair is beautiful and look very healthy
She probably does not know any better, my sister always pressures me to give her a relaxer after 4 weeks or so. I tell her it is not healthy for her hair but she does not care.
Bellydancer, your post was funny. You have proof that what you are doing is helping your hair grow how they going to say co washes will make your hair fall out. If that was the case you should be bald-headed. And if they are getting 6 wk trims that are supposed to make your hair grow faster, why are they asking you about what you do for your hair since they found the secret. People are so funny. Thats why I try not to talk about my regimen to anyone because so many black women (as I once was) have been fed the same bad info our entire lives and that's all we know. We can only offer advice and let our hair speak for itself. And ballet_bun I don't know what's up with the monthly relaxers that is the craziest thing. Please help them girl. And fast.
My sister should know better, because she went to school for cosmetology. But, as we all know here at LHCF, just because you went to school for cosmetology, doesn't mean you know what you are doing.

I would teach my neices how to take care of her hair, but I'm back in Norway now. I was only there visiting. My mom wants me to e-mail them what I do to my hair, so my neice can duplicate it or ...