Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so give up

Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Girl, I am over here smiling do you want to know why...

I can picture you a year or so from now with your hair, long, strong and healthy and that same Aunt looking at you like this :shocked: and you are going to have to keep from laughing so hard because she and everyone that was around when she tried to embarrass you will be either asking you what you did or green, purple and blue with envy.

Lead by example, don't say a word. The proof will be in your hair and I promise you there will be another time to show them.
Probably sooner than you imagine.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Gymfreak said:
When your hair hanging by your titties and they ask what you did, just say, I wrote it down for you 3 years ago.

LMAO :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

I had a "friend" tell me that I need more white in me to wear my hair in a curly fro. WHich was my daily hairstyle:rolleyes: Many people have this attitude even if they see the hair in front their eyes. It all boils down to subconscious self hatred.
:nono: Isnt it the saddest thing.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Perfect reason why I don't tell others about this site. Unbelievable. :nono:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

That's why I don't even bother to show people this board or any of the albums that I like. I tried to show my friend this site and she's a stylist. The first thing she said was, "Oh, she has white in her blood somewhere." I was looking at her like :rolleyes: My friend is dark skinned and she used to have waist length hair until she started messing it up so I don't know why she thinks that way.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Theres just no helping some people yall.

After all of that work, she told me that i was wasting my time, and i wasted her time, because she didnt see "not one real black woman", she said they were all lightskinned, probally mixed with something or had good hair, ( and she said i got scammed with the cathy howse book) and that there was no way to tell that these people's hair was real, and that the longest a real black persons hair could grow was shoulderlength ect. ect.

It made me so mad because she tried to embarrass me in front of other relatives, she laughed at me, got all loud & everything.

That makes me even more determined to reach my APL goal by christmas for her and everyone else to see

It just sucks that people hold on to beliefs like that

Well you know what you gotta do then and I really hope you make your hair goal. She is going to be all over you when you show your hair off. I would hide it for awhile until Christmas if you are not doing so now. I wish I could be there to see your family's faces when you unveil your hair.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Theres just no helping some people yall.

My aunt was telling my mom (her sister) about how her hair was breaking and falling out, my mom told her your neice knows alot about hair, shes always in hair books/sites/stores.

So i went over her house, looked at her products and explained to her why certain ones were no-good, and some were keepers, explained to her how her hair should be, and what she needed to do ( her hair was really really dry) Wrote her 3 regimens, one for weaves, one for wearing her out, and the other for fake ponytails/buns she likes to wear. Then she asked me how i know all of this stuff, so i went back home ( she lives right next door :ohwell: , RIGHT next door :nono:), brought her Cathy Howse book, and wrote down blackhairmedia & longhaircareforum for her to see some progress pictures

After all of that work, she told me that i was wasting my time, and i wasted her time, because she didnt see "not one real black woman", she said they were all lightskinned, probally mixed with something or had good hair, ( and she said i got scammed with the cathy howse book) and that there was no way to tell that these people's hair was real, and that the longest a real black persons hair could grow was shoulderlength ect. ect.

It made me so mad because she tried to embarrass me in front of other relatives, she laughed at me, got all loud & everything.

That makes me even more determined to reach my APL goal by christmas for her and everyone else to see

It just sucks that people hold on to beliefs like that

and this is exactly the reason not all black women will have long hair. Not that they can't but their mindset is so jaded that they don't have the faith to try. sucks for them, you know if they really want it but think it is impossible.:lachen:

if anything i would've been laughing when she said that. it is so funny to me after being on this board for so long.:grin:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Did she not see the beautiful heads of natural hair? I know plenty of dark skinned women with gorgeous hair, my sister and grandma being two of them. Girl, you reach your goal, and when you do, wear your hair down and rock it like it's goin out of style! (then come back here and tell us how she was grovelling and begging for help with her hair :-D )

Uh, uh. I can see it now, she will say, "Oh you must have some unknown white or indian blood down the line.":lachen:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Here is what you do........Don't EVER mention hair again. Trust me. Don't talk about what you are learning or what you are doing. When people start going bald around you, don't offer help. Let your progress speak for you.

I agree. some people are VERY ignorant about hair care. that's why i don't tell peopl anything about my hair. I don't need the negativity. Continue taking care fo your hair and just let the results show.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Here is what you do........Don't EVER mention hair again. Trust me. Don't talk about what you are learning or what you are doing. When people start going bald around you, don't offer help. Let your progress speak for you.

When I started here, my sisters thought I was crazy. They made jokes about it, told me it was dumb etc... Well now, they are the same ones who call and tell me to "Ask the board......". Over the past two years they have watch my hair totally transform. It looks like a whole different head of hair. I didn't start helping them until they asked me and even then if I felt that they would waste my time I wouldn't say anything. I bought one sister a year's subscription to the site and she never posted. Now, she is asking me to how to renew it:rolleyes: My father has even taken notice of my hair and he doesn't notice anything. If they make remarks about you and your hair journey just smile and act like you didn't hear them. When your hair hanging by your titties and they ask what you did, just say, I wrote it down for you 3 years ago.

:clapping: I'm going to ride on the heels of that advice myself.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

... And when your hair is long, you can flaunt it all in her face...
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Girl, I am over here smiling do you want to know why...

I can picture you a year or so from now with your hair, long, strong and healthy and that same Aunt looking at you like this :shocked: and you are going to have to keep from laughing so hard because she and everyone that was around when she tried to embarrass you will be either asking you what you did or green, purple and blue with envy.

Lead by example, don't say a word. The proof will be in your hair and I promise you there will be another time to show them.
Probably sooner than you imagine.

that is exactly how i feel. i only say to my grandmother, "It's easier on me to wear braids."

I don't care what anyone else thinks.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Put together a list of the dark skinned members here with gorgeous long hair and have her look at their albums, then see what she has to say.

If skin color were a correlation to hair type and length then I got punked with my 4b hair and Rihanna and Beyonce should have no need for weaves and relaxers.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Here is what you do........Don't EVER mention hair again. Trust me. Don't talk about what you are learning or what you are doing. When people start going bald around you, don't offer help. Let your progress speak for you.

When I started here, my sisters thought I was crazy. They made jokes about it, told me it was dumb etc... Well now, they are the same ones who call and tell me to "Ask the board......". Over the past two years they have watch my hair totally transform. It looks like a whole different head of hair. I didn't start helping them until they asked me and even then if I felt that they would waste my time I wouldn't say anything. I bought one sister a year's subscription to the site and she never posted. Now, she is asking me to how to renew it:rolleyes: My father has even taken notice of my hair and he doesn't notice anything. If they make remarks about you and your hair journey just smile and act like you didn't hear them. When your hair hanging by your titties and they ask what you did, just say, I wrote it down for you 3 years ago.

Great advice. Some people really don't want to know because they don't want the accountability. Saying that her hair doesn't grow because she's dark is easier than admitting she has had a hand in her hair breaking off.

From now on, let your hair do the talking.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Great advice. Some people really don't want to know because they don't want the accountability. Saying that her hair doesn't grow because she's dark is easier than admitting she has had a hand in her hair breaking off.

From now on, let your hair do the talking.

Great point. People do that in all aspects of life.:nono:What a shame and a waste:ohwell:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Great advice. Some people really don't want to know because they don't want the accountability. Saying that her hair doesn't grow because she's dark is easier than admitting she has had a hand in her hair breaking off.

From now on, let your hair do the talking.

ITA. I think people use that as an excuse because they don't want to admit to using bad haircare practices. It is easy to say something ignorant than to admit the truth. Alot of people think that you have to have a certain trait to have long hair rather than actually researching things for themselves on how to treat their hair right. so it can grow healthy and long.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Don't fret! Just grow & show!
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. So many blacks are brain washed by that foolishness. I just saw on TV a white cosmetologist said black women are unable to grow out our hair because its extremely course, dry and brittle. The hair breaks so we are not able to have long lengths. When I heard that I just wanted to :wallbash:. Ladies its up to us to reshape the black community and its starts here with us and by teaching the kids better. We all have an aunt like that in our midst. I've learned not to volunteer my help anymore. If you ask I will help you, but if you tear down my help then you are on your own. Girl do your thing see you at WL!
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Ok so I am not the darkest but I am no way light. In my family I am brown and besides when I was a child and my mom was doing my hair the longest my hair was about BSL. When I was taking care of it before I wore braids for 3 1/2 years preggers with my baby girl is SL. After her APL, BSL and below BSL after cuts. But healthiest it has been is from being on LHCF. So have your aunt check out my fotki.
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Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

SMDH....forgive her for she knows not what she does. LOL. I am dark and I have grown my hair hair has been barely shoulder length or shorter my whole that I've grown my hair out its b/c my mother has 3b/c hair....WTF :nono::nono::nono:. Whatever my hair is (4a mostly) it was that 3 years ago when I was lookin a hot mess so whatever. /rant

My point is ....folks who always have something to say......ALWAYS have something to say...I wouldn't bother trying to prove anything to her. Just do you.

I've tried to help so many people and they act like they are interested then never follow up, then 6 months later they want to know what I'm doing....:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Here is what you do........Don't EVER mention hair again. Trust me. Don't talk about what you are learning or what you are doing. When people start going bald around you, don't offer help. Let your progress speak for you.

When I started here, my sisters thought I was crazy. They made jokes about it, told me it was dumb etc... Well now, they are the same ones who call and tell me to "Ask the board......". Over the past two years they have watch my hair totally transform. It looks like a whole different head of hair. I didn't start helping them until they asked me and even then if I felt that they would waste my time I wouldn't say anything. I bought one sister a year's subscription to the site and she never posted. Now, she is asking me to how to renew it:rolleyes: My father has even taken notice of my hair and he doesn't notice anything. If they make remarks about you and your hair journey just smile and act like you didn't hear them. When your hair hanging by your titties and they ask what you did, just say, I wrote it down for you 3 years ago.

:eek: :rofl3:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

Here is what you do........Don't EVER mention hair again. Trust me. Don't talk about what you are learning or what you are doing. When people start going bald around you, don't offer help. Let your progress speak for you.

When I started here, my sisters thought I was crazy. They made jokes about it, told me it was dumb etc... Well now, they are the same ones who call and tell me to "Ask the board......". Over the past two years they have watch my hair totally transform. It looks like a whole different head of hair. I didn't start helping them until they asked me and even then if I felt that they would waste my time I wouldn't say anything. I bought one sister a year's subscription to the site and she never posted. Now, she is asking me to how to renew it:rolleyes: My father has even taken notice of my hair and he doesn't notice anything. If they make remarks about you and your hair journey just smile and act like you didn't hear them. When your hair hanging by your titties and they ask what you did, just say, I wrote it down for you 3 years ago.

I think I may have to try this one with my sisters.
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Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

LOL Oh my goodness. I would have corrected her. Why leave them walking around THAT ignorant?

That sounded like sheer jealousy. Mixed with a WHOLE lot of ignorance. People like that don't even make me angry anymore. I feel like, poor things, you just gotta teach them.

:lachen::lachen: She's been 'that ignorant'...why change now?
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

(Mini rant I guess...)
Ignorance and down right stupidity are the two things that make me lose my cool. But Being on this natural journey has helped me deal with them. I hate that your own family member would respond that way but it is what it is. When I decided to finally become natural the only support I had came from my boyfriend. Everyone else friends and family included tried to change my mind. My mother who has been natural her whole life, began perming her hair, then realized she didn't need to keep perming and is now growning it out, asked me continuously when are you going to perm that? Is this some phase your going through? Does this mean your going to stop showering?

But of course now she wants to know why her hair is so dry and what kind of quick fix can she use.

For another example just yesterday I was at work had my wash and go going on loving how long my hair has gotten, you know feel really good about myself. And I saw this man who looked like Ignorance Walking coming towards me and he says I like your hair what is that the nappy look or something? You bought it like that? Now 2years ago I would have gone ballastic but thanks to the Natural Journey 3000 I was able to calmly set him straight and send on his way. My co worker said I should have commented on his lack of teeth and poor clothing but why should I? Ignorance is Ignorance how you deal with it is what makes you a better person.
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

I don't even know what counts for light skin and dark skin these days, but unlvgirl's hair is looong and she's brown.

redhotlala's hair is looooooonnnnnggggg... probably the longest haired black woman i've ever seen, and she's not light.

Has there ever been a brown skin feature of the month??
If not, I'll be the first. Give me a year and ya girl will be a dark skin September 2008 feature of the month!! :)
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

i'm speechless: it would have too everyonce in my body and the lord not to slap her in her face: :hardslap:
Re: Showed my aunt this site, she said theres no darkskin women with long hair so giv

:lachen:Gym-Girl you are hilarious!

I agree with the majority of the posters though OP-just be a walking testimony and thank her silently for being an inadvertent source of motivation.

For real though, I can't wait for my hair to reach my "girls". I stopped talking about my hair a long time ago. Now when I get compliments from those same people I just smile and act like I am not doing anything differently "I just have a good grade of hair, remember" then I start laughing.....I love proving people wrong.