My mother's concept on why we have our hair texture.


Well-Known Member
Let me preface this first. My mother is 71 from the south, I have been helping her with her hair. She was letting her relaxer grow out because she had a bad experience with a hairdresser; her hair fell out along the front and sides. I made her a special oil and completely refurbished her combs, shampoos and conditioners. Her bald spots have filled in and her new growth has grown in thick.

Well recently she was hit by a car and has a torn rotator cuff and in physical therapy, it's difficult to take care of her hair when I'm not around. It's been looking kinda of rough. I work full time and sometimes I show up late to see her.

She became very frustrated and said she was tired of how unmanageable her hair is. She said that when God was passing out straight hair, the Asians showed up early, which is why their hair is the straightest, then White people arrived on time and got straight and wavy hair. But Black folks were on CP time and showed up so late when we finally showed up God was so angry with us he balled up our straight hair and threw it at us, landing on our head into an Afro.

I can't believe it. :spinning: I've got more work to do.

Sounds like something my mom would have said a year or so ago. My mom is finally embracing some of the info I share with her regarding our hair. The embrace came only after she saw the difference in her hair after implementing a regi I started her on.

Your mom is 70ish she gets a pass. She's from a different time and place. Take pictures or she'll never see the difference.
Hahaha your mom bless her. Praying for a speedy and healthy recovery!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Bless her heart. I hope she gets better fast.

I personally think god saved the best for last. Variety is the spice of life. But that's just me...

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
Your mom is hilarious. What was your response to her?

I couldn't stop laughing. But I told her that she is frustrated because she is comparing her hair to other people's hair. That we can keep working to make it healthy. I offered to scratch her scalp, which she loves.
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I couldn't stop laughing. But I told her that she is frustrated because she is comparing her hair to other people's hair. That we can keep working to make it healthy. I offered to scratch her scalp, which she loves.

Great answer i will definitely be using this on my new naturals

lmao at offering to scratch her scalp man our older folk sure do love there head scratched. i use to love "digging" (as she called it) in my gma hair

What is this special oil you speak of @CurlyMoo:look:

I made her a similar essential & natural oil mixture I made for my co-worker; she said it grew her edges back. I massaged it into her hair and scalp. I paid special attention to her bald spots. I put a plastic cap on her head and she sat under heat for 30 minutes. Was doing this twice a week. Then wash and deep condition with Jason's shampoo/conditioner.

If you want I can pm Oil ingredients.
Great answer i will definitely be using this on my new naturals

lmao at offering to scratch her scalp man our older folk sure do love there head scratched. i use to love "digging" (as she called it) in my gma hair

Why do they like this so much? Is this a form of massage or something? She has this saying when I finish, "More hair on less head." That's her special thank you.

It never fails, she's been saying that since I was a kid and watching my big sister scratch her scalp.
That used to be the thing back in the day. Waaaay before i found LHCF...i had dandruff problems and used to grease my scalp....i used to set aside time right before i washed my hair....and part and scratch the dandruff off my scalp...that used to be the BEST thing ever!!! Omg!

But i get the same therapy from co washing my hair daily...annnnd there's no dandruff....annnnd my hair is growin like a weed!
That used to be the thing back in the day. Waaaay before i found LHCF...i had dandruff problems and used to grease my scalp....i used to set aside time right before i washed my hair....and part and scratch the dandruff off my scalp...that used to be the BEST thing ever!!! Omg!

But i get the same therapy from co washing my hair daily...annnnd there's no dandruff....annnnd my hair is growin like a weed!

She has dandruff and dry hair, after her appointments. She said that her hairdresser doesn't deep condition her hair. :nono:

A good oil treatment and moisturizing helps with dandruff.
She has dandruff and dry hair, after her appointments. She said that her hairdresser doesn't deep condition her hair. :nono:

A good oil treatment and moisturizing helps with dandruff.

CurlyMoo y'all GOT to be from down South! When i was relaxed and going to salons they didn't dc my hair either....i had a stylist that snuck one in and tried to raise my charge all willie nilly...i caused a small scene and she never touched my head again...she was also scissor happy. :Nono: im so glad im diy now! Ain't nobody got time!
Wow! My mother never let her theories about the origins of hair texture be known, but she was never happy with my hair when I was relaxing it. Now that I am rocking the curls (and have inspired my sister to follow suit--she was actually braver than I was because she BC'd), she is happy as I've ever seen her. I hope your mom recovers quickly, @CurlyMoo!
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