My Mommy Reminded Me to Keep My Hair Moisturized


Well-Known Member
I just have a nice story to share that made my Easter sunday special.

Currently, I'm studying abroad in South Africa. Been here since January and do not go home until mid-June. I haven't spoken to my mom in a month or so because of her work schedule and the time difference but I finally got to talk to her on Easter sunday. (I was SO happy! :grin:) I was telling her that I got my braids redone and she gave me slew of things to remember to do!

I usually give her hair advise because she's seen how much my hair has changed over my journey and now it's the other way around. She told me that she hopes the braids on my edges aren't too tight, to make sure to use something moisturizing on my hair so it doesn't dry out and not to use too much oil because oil doesn't moisturize, it seals, and to wash and deep condition every week. No slipping because I have braids in. :blush:

She told me.

Oh the joy of spreading the good news. *ahem* Haircare that is. :look:
If you have any similar stories, feel free to share. :)
I can't get my mother on board with hair care. She wants to get in and out and done.
You did a good job and a cute turn around. Thank you for sharing!